< Nekkemiya 11 >

1 Abakulembeze b’abantu ne babeeranga mu Yerusaalemi, abantu abalala ne bakuba akalulu okulonda omuntu omu ku buli bantu kkumi okugenda okubeera mu Yerusaalemi, ekibuga ekitukuvu; omwenda bo ne basigala mu byalo byabwe.
And the princes of the people lived in Jerusalem. And the rest of the people also cast lots, to bring one of ten to dwell in Jerusalem the holy city, and nine parts in the other cities.
2 Abantu ne beebaza abo bonna abeewaayo okubeera mu Yerusaalemi.
The people blessed all the men who willingly offered themselves to dwell in Jerusalem.
3 Bano be bakungu b’amasaza abaasenga mu Yerusaalemi: Abayisirayiri abamu, nga mwe muli bakabona n’Abaleevi, n’abaweereza ab’omu yeekaalu, ne bazzukulu ba baddu ba Sulemaani; buli omu yabeeranga ku ttaka lye mu kibanja kye.
Now these are the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah everyone lived in his possession in their cities: Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinim, and the descendants of Solomon's servants.
4 Mu Yerusaalemi mwabeerangamu abamu ku bazzukulu ba Yuda, n’abamu ku bantu abaava mu Benyamini. Bazzukulu ba Yuda abaasenga eyo be bano: Ataya mutabani wa Uzziya, muzzukulu wa Zekkaliya, muzzukulu wa Amaliya, muzzukulu wa Sefatiya, muzzukulu wa Makalaleri, ow’omu lulyo lwa Pereezi;
In Jerusalem lived certain of the people of Judah, and of the people of Benjamin. Of the people of Judah: Athaiah the son of Uzziah, the son of Zechariah, the son of Amariah, the son of Shephatiah, the son of Mahalalel, of the descendants of Perez;
5 ne Maaseya mutabani wa Baluki, muzzukulu wa Kolukoze, muzzukulu wa Kazaya, muzzukulu wa Adaya, muzzukulu wa Yoyalibu, muzzukulu wa Zekkaliya, ow’omu lulyo lwa Siiro.
and Maaseiah the son of Baruch, the son of Colhozeh, the son of Hazaiah, the son of Adaiah, the son of Joiarib, the son of Zechariah, the son of a Shelanite.
6 Bazzukulu ba Pereezi abaasenga mu Yerusaalemi baawerera ddala abasajja ebikumi bina mu nkaaga mu munaana, abaali abalwanyi abazira.
All the sons of Perez who lived in Jerusalem were four hundred sixty-eight valiant men.
7 Bazzukulu ba Benyamini abaasenga eyo be bano: Sallu mutabani wa Mesullamu, muzzukulu wa Yowedi, muzzukulu wa Pedaya, muzzukulu wa Kolaya, muzzukulu wa Maaseya, muzzukulu wa Isiyeri, muzzukulu wa Yesaya;
These are the sons of Benjamin: Sallu the son of Meshullam, the son of Joed, the son of Pedaiah, the son of Kolaiah, the son of Maaseiah, the son of Ithiel, the son of Jeshaiah.
8 n’abagoberezi be Gabbayi ne Sallayi, bonna ne bawera abasajja lwenda mu abiri mu munaana.
After him Gabbai, Sallai, nine hundred twenty-eight.
9 Yoweeri mutabani wa Zikuli ye yali omulabirizi waabwe, ne Yuda mutabani wa Kassenuwa nga ye mukulu w’Ekitundu Ekyokubiri eky’ekibuga.
Joel the son of Zikri was their overseer; and Judah the son of Hassenuah was second over the city.
10 Bakabona baali: Yedaya mutabani wa Yoyalibu, ne Yakini,
Of the priests: Jedaiah the son of Joiarib, Jakin,
11 ne Seraya mutabani wa Kirukiya, muzzukulu wa Mesullamu, muzzukulu wa Zadooki, muzzukulu wa Merayoosi, muzzukulu wa Akitubu, alabirira ennyumba ya Katonda,
Azariah the son of Hilkiah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Zadok, the son of Meraioth, the son of Ahitub, the ruler of God's house,
12 ne baganda baabwe abaakolanga emirimu mu yeekaalu, be basajja lunaana mu abiri mu babiri; Adaya mutabani wa Yerokamu, muzzukulu wa Peraliya, muzzukulu wa Amuzi, muzzukulu wa Zekkaliya, muzzukulu wa Pasukuli, muzzukulu wa Malukiya,
and their brothers who did the work of the house, eight hundred twenty-two; and Adaiah the son of Jeroham, the son of Pelaliah, the son of Amzi, the son of Zechariah, the son of Pashhur, the son of Malchijah,
13 ne baganda be, abaali abakulu b’ennyumba; abasajja ebikumi bibiri mu ana mu babiri; Amasusaayi mutabani wa Azaleri, muzzukulu wa Azayi, muzzukulu wa Mesiremoosi, muzzukulu wa Immeri,
and his brothers, chiefs of ancestral houses, two hundred forty-two; and Amashsai the son of Azarel, the son of Ahzai, the son of Meshillemoth, the son of Immer,
14 ne baganda be, abaali abalwanyi abazira; abasajja kikumi mu abiri mu munaana. Omukulu waabwe ye yali Zabudyeri mutabani wa Kaggedolimu.
and his brothers, mighty men of valor, one hundred twenty-eight; and their overseer was Zabdiel, the son of Haggedolim.
15 Abaleevi baali: Semaaya mutabani wa Kassubu, muzzukulu wa Azulikamu, muzzukulu wa Kasabiya, muzzukulu wa Bunni;
Of the Levites: Shemaiah the son of Hasshub, the son of Azrikam, the son of Hashabiah, the son of Bunni;
16 Sabbesayi ne Yozabadi, abakulu b’Abaleevi, abaavunaanyizibwanga emirimu egy’ebweru egy’ennyumba ya Katonda;
and Shabbethai and Jozabad, of the chiefs of the Levites, who had the oversight of the outward business of God's house;
17 Mattaniya mutabani wa Mikka, muzzukulu wa Zabudi muzzukulu wa Asafu, eyakulemberanga okwebaza mu kiseera eky’okusaba; Bakubukiya omumyuka we mu baganda be; ne Abuda mutabani wa Sammuwa, muzzukulu wa Galali, ate muzzukulu wa Yedusuni.
and Mattaniah the son of Micah, the son of Zikri, the son of Asaph, the praise leader who led in thanksgiving and prayer, and Bakbukiah, the second among his brothers; and Abda the son of Shammua, the son of Galal, the son of Jeduthun.
18 Abaleevi abaabeeranga mu kibuga ekitukuvu bonna awamu, baali ebikumi bibiri mu kinaana mu bana.
All the Levites in the holy city were two hundred eighty-four.
19 Abakuumi b’emiryango baali: Akkubu, ne Talumoni ne baganda baabwe; abaakuumanga emiryango nga bawera abasajja kikumi mu nsanvu mu babiri.
Moreover the gatekeepers, Akkub, Talmon, and their brothers, who kept watch at the gates, were one hundred seventy-two.
20 Abayisirayiri abalala bonna, awamu ne bakabona, n’Abaleevi, baabeeranga mu byalo byonna ebya Yuda, buli muntu ng’ali ku butaka bwe.
The residue of Israel, of the priests, the Levites, were in all the cities of Judah, everyone in his inheritance.
21 Naye abaweereza ba yeekaalu baabeeranga ku lusozi Oferi, era Zika ne Gisupa be baali abakulu baabwe.
But the temple servants lived on Ophel, and Ziha and Gishpa were in charge of the temple servants.
22 Omukulu w’Abaleevi mu Yerusaalemi yali Uzzi mutabani wa Baani, muzzukulu wa Kasabiya, muzzukulu wa Mattaniya, era muzzukulu wa Mikka. Ate era Uzzi yali omu ku bazzukulu ba Asafu, abaakulemberanga okuyimba mu nnyumba ya Katonda.
The overseer also of the Levites at Jerusalem was Uzzi the son of Bani, the son of Hashabiah, the son of Mattaniah, the son of Mica, of the sons of Asaph, the singers, over the business of God's house.
23 Abayimbi baakoleranga ku biragiro bya kabaka, nga buli lunaku bwe lwetaaganga.
For there was a commandment from the king concerning them, and a settled provision for the singers, as every day required.
24 Pesakiya mutabani wa Mesezaberi, omu ku bazzukulu ba Zeera mutabani wa Yuda, ye yali omusigire wa Kabaka, ku nsonga zonna ez’abantu.
Pethahiah the son of Meshezabel, of the descendants of Zerah the son of Judah, was at the king's hand in all matters concerning the people.
25 Abantu abamu aba Yuda baabeeranga mu Kirasualuba n’ebyalo ebikyetoolodde, n’abalala mu Diboni n’ebyalo ebikyetoolodde, n’abalala mu Yekabuzeeri n’ebyalo ebikyetoolodde,
As for the villages, with their fields, some of the people of Judah lived in Kiriath Arba and its towns, and in Dibon and its towns, and in Jekabzeel and its villages,
26 n’abalala mu Yesuwa, n’abalala mu Molada n’abalala mu Besupereti,
and in Jeshua, and in Moladah, and Beth Pelet,
27 n’abalala mu Kazalusuwali, n’abalala mu Beeruseba n’ebyalo ebikyetoolodde,
and in Hazar Shual, and in Beersheba and its towns,
28 n’abalala mu Zikulagi, n’abalala mu Mekona n’ebyalo ebikyetoolodde
and in Ziklag, and in Meconah and in its towns,
29 n’abalala mu Enulimmoni, n’abalala mu Zola, n’abalala mu Yalamusi,
and in En Rimmon, and in Zorah, and in Jarmuth,
30 n’abalala mu Zonowa, n’abalala mu Adulamu n’ebyalo ebikyetoolodde, n’abalala mu Lakisi n’ennimiro ezikyetoolodde, n’abalala mu Azeka n’ebyalo ebikyetoolodde. Ne basiisira okuva e Beeruseba okutuuka ku kiwonvu kya Kinomu.
Zanoah, Adullam, and their villages, Lachish and its fields, Azekah and its towns. So they camped from Beersheba to the Valley of Hinnom.
31 Bazzukulu ba Benyamini abaava e Geba baabeeranga mu Mikumasi, ne mu Ayiya, ne mu Beseri n’ebyalo ebikyetoolodde,
And some of the people of Benjamin also lived from Geba onward, at Michmash and Aiah, and at Bethel and its towns,
32 ne mu Anasosi, ne mu Nobu, ne mu Ananiya,
at Anathoth, Nob, Ananiah,
33 ne mu Kazoli, ne mu Laama, ne mu Gittayimu,
Hazor, Ramah, Gittaim,
34 ne mu Kadidi, ne mu Zeboyimu, ne mu Neballati,
Hadid, Zeboim, Neballat,
35 ne mu Loodi ne mu Ono, ne mu kiwonvu kya babumbi.
Lod, and Ono, Ge-harashim.
36 Abamu ku b’omu bibinja by’Abaleevi aba Yuda, ne beegatta ku b’omu Benyamini.
Of the Levites, certain divisions in Judah settled in Benjamin's territory.

< Nekkemiya 11 >