< Psalmorum 139 >

1 in finem David psalmus
to/for to conduct to/for David melody LORD to search me and to know
2 Domine probasti me et cognovisti me tu cognovisti sessionem meam et surrectionem meam
you(m. s.) to know to dwell I and to arise: rise I to understand to/for thought my from distant
3 intellexisti cogitationes meas de longe semitam meam et funiculum meum investigasti
to journey I and to lie down I to scatter and all way: conduct my be useful
4 et omnes vias meas praevidisti quia non est sermo in lingua mea
for nothing speech in/on/with tongue my look! LORD to know all her
5 ecce Domine tu cognovisti omnia novissima et antiqua tu formasti me et posuisti super me manum tuam
back and front: old to confine me and to set: put upon me palm your
6 mirabilis facta est scientia tua ex me confortata est non potero ad eam
(incomprehensible *Q(k)*) knowledge from me to exalt not be able to/for her
7 quo ibo ab spiritu tuo et quo a facie tua fugiam
where? to go: went from spirit your and where? from face your to flee
8 si ascendero in caelum tu illic es si descendero ad infernum ades (Sheol h7585)
if to ascend heaven there you(m. s.) and to lay hell: Sheol look! you (Sheol h7585)
9 si sumpsero pinnas meas diluculo et habitavero in extremis maris
to lift: raise wing dawn to dwell in/on/with end sea
10 etenim illuc manus tua deducet me et tenebit me dextera tua
also there hand your to lead me and to grasp me right your
11 et dixi forsitan tenebrae conculcabunt me et nox inluminatio in deliciis meis
and to say surely darkness to bruise me and night light about/through/for me
12 quia tenebrae non obscurabuntur a te et nox sicut dies inluminabitur sicut tenebrae eius ita et lumen eius
also darkness not to darken from you and night like/as day to light like/as darkness like/as light
13 quia tu possedisti renes meos suscepisti me de utero matris meae
for you(m. s.) to buy kidney my to weave me in/on/with belly: womb mother my
14 confitebor tibi quia terribiliter magnificatus es mirabilia opera tua et anima mea cognoscit nimis
to give thanks you upon for to fear: revere be distinguished to wonder deed: work your and soul my to know much
15 non est occultatum os meum a te quod fecisti in occulto et substantia mea in inferioribus terrae
not to hide strength my from you which to make in/on/with secrecy to weave in/on/with lower land: country/planet
16 inperfectum meum viderunt oculi tui et in libro tuo omnes scribentur die formabuntur et nemo in eis
embryo my to see: see eye your and upon scroll: book your all their to write day to form: formed (and to/for him *Q(K)*) one in/on/with them
17 mihi autem nimis honorificati sunt amici tui Deus nimis confirmati sunt principatus eorum
and to/for me what? be precious thought your God what? be vast head: group their
18 dinumerabo eos et super harenam multiplicabuntur exsurrexi et adhuc sum tecum
to recount them from sand to multiply [emph?] to awake and still I with you
19 si occideris Deus peccatores et viri sanguinum declinate a me
if: surely yes to slay god wicked and human blood to turn aside: depart from me
20 quia dices in cogitatione accipient in vanitate civitates tuas
which to say you to/for plot to lift: raise to/for vanity: vain enemy your
21 nonne qui oderunt te Domine oderam et super inimicos tuos tabescebam
not to hate you LORD to hate and in/on/with to confront you to loath
22 perfecto odio oderam illos inimici facti sunt mihi
limit hating to hate them to/for enemy to be to/for me
23 proba me Deus et scito cor meum interroga me et cognosce semitas meas
to search me God and to know heart my to test me and to know anxiety my
24 et vide si via iniquitatis in me est et deduc me in via aeterna
and to see: see if way: conduct pain in/on/with me and to lead me in/on/with way: conduct forever: enduring

< Psalmorum 139 >