< Isaiæ 2 >

1 Verbum quod vidit Isaias, filius Amos, super Juda et Jerusalem.
The word which Isaiah, the son of Amoz, saw about Judah and Jerusalem.
2 [Et erit in novissimis diebus: præparatus mons domus Domini in vertice montium, et elevabitur super colles; et fluent ad eum omnes gentes,
And it will come about in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord will be placed on the top of the mountains, and be lifted up over the hills; and all nations will come to it.
3 et ibunt populi multi, et dicent: Venite, et ascendamus ad montem Domini, et ad domum Dei Jacob; et docebit nos vias suas, et ambulabimus in semitis ejus, quia de Sion exibit lex, et verbum Domini de Jerusalem.
And the peoples will say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob: and he will give us knowledge of his ways, and we will be guided by his word; for out of Zion the law will go out, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
4 Et judicabit gentes, et arguet populos multos; et conflabunt gladios suos in vomeres, et lanceas suas in falces. Non levabit gens contra gentem gladium, nec exercebuntur ultra ad prælium.
And he will be the judge between the nations, and the peoples will be ruled by his decisions: and their swords will be turned into plough-blades, and their spears into vine-knives: no longer will the nations be turning their swords against one another, and the knowledge of war will be gone for ever.
5 Domus Jacob, venite, et ambulemus in lumine Domini.]
O family of Jacob, come, and let us go in the light of the Lord.
6 [Projecisti enim populum tuum, domum Jacob, quia repleti sunt ut olim, et augeres habuerunt ut Philisthiim, et pueris alienis adhæserunt.
For you, O Lord, have given up your people, the family of Jacob, because they are full of the evil ways of the east, and make use of secret arts like the Philistines, and are friends with the children of strange countries.
7 Repleta est terra argento et auro, et non est finis thesaurorum ejus.
And their land is full of silver and gold, and there is no end to their stores; their land is full of horses, and there is no end to their carriages.
8 Et repleta est terra ejus equis, et innumerabiles quadrigæ ejus. Et repleta est terra ejus idolis; opus manuum suarum adoraverunt, quod fecerunt digiti eorum.
Their land is full of images; they give worship to the work of their hands, even to that which their fingers have made.
9 Et incurvavit se homo, et humiliatus est vir; ne ergo dimittas eis.
And the poor man's head is bent, and the great man goes down on his face: for this cause there will be no forgiveness for their sin.
10 Ingredere in petram, et abscondere in fossa humo a facie timoris Domini, et a gloria majestatis ejus.
Go into a hole in the rock, covering yourselves with dust, in fear of the Lord, before the glory of his power.
11 Oculi sublimes hominis humiliati sunt, et incurvabitur altitudo virorum; exaltabitur autem Dominus solus in die illa.
The high looks of man will be put to shame, and the pride of men will be made low, and only the Lord will be lifted up in that day.
12 Quia dies Domini exercituum super omnem superbum, et excelsum, et super omnem arrogantem, et humiliabitur;
For the day of the Lord of armies is coming on all the pride of men, and on all who are high and lifted up;
13 et super omnes cedros Libani sublimes et erectas, et super omnes quercus Basan,
And on all the high trees of Lebanon, and on all the strong trees of Bashan;
14 et super omnes montes excelsos, et super omnes colles elevatos,
And on all the high mountains, and on all the hills which are lifted up;
15 et super omnem turrim excelsam, et super omnem murum munitum,
And on every high tower, and on every strong wall;
16 et super omnes naves Tharsis, et super omne quod visu pulchrum est,
And on all the ships of Tarshish, and on all the fair boats.
17 et incurvabitur sublimitas hominum, et humiliabitur altitudo virorum, et elevabitur Dominus solus in die illa;
And the high looks of man will be put to shame, and the pride of men will be made low: and only the Lord will be lifted up in that day.
18 et idola penitus conterentur;
And the images will never be seen again.
19 et introibunt in speluncas petrarum, et in voragines terræ, a facie formidinis Domini et a gloria majestatis ejus, cum surrexerit percutere terram.
And men will go into cracks of the rocks, and into holes of the earth, for fear of the Lord, and before the glory of his power, when he comes out of his place, shaking the earth with his strength.
20 In die illa projiciet homo idola argenti sui, et simulacra auri sui, quæ fecerat sibi ut adoraret, talpas et vespertiliones.
In that day men will put their images of silver and of gold, which they made for worship, in the keeping of the beasts of the dark places;
21 Et ingreditur scissuras petrarum et in cavernas saxorum, a facie formidinis Domini, et a gloria majestatis ejus, cum surrexerit percutere terram.
To take cover in the cracks of the rocks, and in the holes of the hills, for fear of the Lord, and before the glory of his power, when he comes out of his place, shaking the earth with his strength.
22 Quiescite ergo ab homine, cujus spiritus in naribus ejus est, quia excelsus reputatus est ipse.]
Have no more to do with man, whose life is only a breath, for he is of no value.

< Isaiæ 2 >