< Sie Samuel 20 >

1 David el kaingla liki acn Naioth in Ramah ac som nu yorol Jonathan. El siyuk sel Jonathan, “Ku mea nga oru? Ma koluk fuka nga orala? Ya oasr ma nga oru in lain papa tomom pwanang el suk elan uniyuwi?”
And David flees from Naioth in Ramah, and comes, and says before Jonathan, “What have I done? What [is] my iniquity? And what [is] my sin before your father, that he is seeking my life?”
2 Jonathan el topuk ac fahk, “Ac tia ouinge! Kom fah tia misa! Ma nukewa papa tumuk el oru el muta fahk nu sik, ma srisrik nu ke ma yohk, na pa el tia ku in okanla ma se inge likiyu. Tiana ku in ouinge!”
And he says to him, “Far be it! You do not die; behold, my father does not do anything great or small and does not uncover my ear; and why does my father hide this thing from me? This [thing] is not.”
3 Ac David el fahk, “Papa tomom el etu na lupan lungse lom nu sik, na pa el sulela elan tia fahk nu sum ma el akoo in oru inge, mweyen el etu lah kom ac arulana toasr kac. Nga fulahk nu sum ke Inen LEUM GOD moul lah kutu srisrik na ngan misa!”
And David swears again and says, “Your father has certainly known that I have found grace in your eyes, and he says, Do not let Jonathan know this, lest he is grieved; and yet, YHWH lives, and your soul lives, but—as a step between me and death.”
4 Jonathan el fahk, “Kutena ma kom lungse nga in oru, nga ac oru.”
And Jonathan says to David, “What does your soul [desire]? Command and I do it for you.”
5 Na David el fahk, “Kufwen Malem Sasu pa ac orek lutu, na ac fal nga in muta yurin tokosra ke pacl in mongo. Tusruktu fin wo sum, nga ac som wikla inimae nwe ke eku in ulela.
And David says to Jonathan, “Behold, the new moon [is] tomorrow; and I certainly sit with the king to eat; and you have sent me away, and I have been hidden in a field until the third evening;
6 Papa tomom el fin akilen lah nga wangin ke tepu lal an, kom fah fahk nu sel mu nga tuh kwafe sum nga in sulaklak som nu acn sik uh Bethlehem, mweyen pa inge pacl se sou luk nufon elos orek kisa ke yac se inge.
if your father looks after me at all, then you have said, David earnestly asked of me to run to his city of Beth-Lehem, for there [is] a sacrifice of the days for all the family.
7 Na el fin fahk mu ‘Wona,’ na wangin ma nga ac fosrnga kac. A el fin kasrkusrak, na kom fah etu na lah oasr ma upa el akoo in oru nu sik.
If thus he says: Good; [there is] peace for your servant; and if it is very displeasing to him—know that the evil has been determined by him;
8 Nga siyuk kom in nunak munas ac sruokyana wulela mutal kom tuh oru inmasrlok kom. Tusruktu fin oasr mwetik, na kom sifacna uniyuwi. Mwe mea kom in usyula nu yurin papa tomom in tuh anwuki nga?”
and you have done kindness to your servant, for you have brought your servant into a covenant of YHWH with you—and if there is iniquity in me, put me to death yourself; for why [is] this [that] you bring me to your father?”
9 Jonathan el fahk, “Nimet kom nunak ouingan! Nga funu etu na pwaye lah papa tumuk el akoo in oru ma upa nu sum, ya nga ku in tia fahk nu sum?”
And Jonathan says, “Far be it from you! For I certainly do not know that the evil has been determined by my father to come on you, and I do not declare it to you.”
10 Na David el siyuk, “Papa tomom el fin kasrkusrak topuk kom, na su ac fahkma nu sik?”
And David says to Jonathan, “Who declares [it] to me? Or what [if] your father answers you sharply?”
11 Na Jonathan el fahk, “Fahsru kut som nu inimae.” Na eltal som,
And Jonathan says to David, “Come, and we go out into the field”; and both of them go out into the field.
12 ac Jonathan el fahk nu sel David, “Lela tuh LEUM GOD lun Israel Elan orek lou inmasrlosr. Ke pacl se inge lutu, oayapa ulela, nga fah kusen siyuk sin papa tumuk. Nunak lal fin wo keim, na nga a akkalemye nu sum.
And Jonathan says to David, “YHWH, God of Israel, [is my witness]—when I search out my father about [this] time tomorrow [or] the third [day], and behold, [there is] good toward David, and I do not then send to you, and have uncovered your ear—
13 Tuh el fin nunku in akkolukye kom, lela tuh LEUM GOD Elan uniyuwi nga fin tia akkalemye nu sum tuh kom in ku in kaingla. Lela LEUM GOD Elan wi kom oana ke El tuh welul papa tumuk ah.
thus YHWH does to Jonathan, and thus He adds; when the evil concerning you is good to my father, then I have uncovered your ear, and sent you away, and you have gone in peace, and YHWH is with you, as he was with my father;
14 Ac nga fin moul na, kom fah nunak munas sruokya wulela mutal lom nu sik, ac kom in pwayena nu sik. A nga fin misa,
and not only while I am alive do you do the kindness of YHWH with me, and I do not die,
15 na kom in akkalemye kulang lom nu sin sou luk nwe tok. Ac LEUM GOD El fin kunausla mwet lokoalok lom nukewa,
but you do not cut off your kindness from my house for all time, nor in YHWH’s cutting off the enemies of David, each one from off the face of the ground.”
16 lela tuh wulela se inmasrloktal in tiana musalla. Fin musalla, LEUM GOD El ac fah kai kom.”
So Jonathan cuts [a covenant] with the house of David, and YHWH has sought [it] from the hand of the enemies of David;
17 Na Jonathan el sifilpa sap David elan wulela mu el ac lungse na el, mweyen Jonathan el lungse na pwaye David oana ke el lungse el sifacna.
and Jonathan adds to cause David to swear, because he loves him, for he has loved him [as] the love [for] his own soul.
18 Ac Jonathan el fahk nu sel David, “Kalem lah kom fin wangin liki tepu in mongo lutu, ac fah akilenyuk, mweyen Kufwen Malem Sasu lutu.
And Jonathan says to him, “Tomorrow [is] the new moon, and you have been looked after, for your seat is looked after;
19 Ac ulela kom fin wangin pac, ac arulana akilenyuk lah kom wangin. Ke ma inge, wona kom in sifil som wikla acn se na ma kom tuh wikla we meet ah, tukun yol in eot sac.
and on the third day you certainly come down, and have come to the place where you were hidden in the day of the work, and have remained near the stone of Ezel.
20 Na nga fah pusrkaot sukan pisr tolkwe nu ke yol in eot sac, in mu nga pisr in akoalel.
And I shoot three of the arrows at the side, sending out at a mark for myself;
21 Na nga ac supwaot sie mwet kulansap luk in fahsrot suk. Nga fin fahk nu sel, ‘Liye, sukan pisr uh oan layenu liki kom. Fahla use,’ kalmac pa ma nukewa wo, ac kom ku in ilme. Nga fulahk ke LEUM GOD moul lah wangin mwe fosrnga nu sum.
and behold, I send the youth, [saying], Go, find the arrows. If I say to the youth at all, Behold, the arrows [are] on this side of you—take them and come, for [there is] peace for you, and there is no [adverse] word—[as] YHWH lives.
22 A nga fin fahk nu sin mwet kulansap luk mu, ‘Sukan pisr uh oan layeno liki kom,’ na kom fah kaing, mweyen LEUM GOD pa supwekom inge.
And if thus I say to the young man, Behold, the arrows [are] beyond you—go, for YHWH has sent you away;
23 Ac nu ke wulela se kital orala inmasrloktal uh, LEUM GOD El ac fah oru tuh in oan ma pahtpat.”
as for the thing which you and I have spoken, behold, YHWH [is] between me and you for all time.”
24 Na David el som wikla inimae. Ke pacl in Kufwen Malem Sasu, Tokosra Saul el tuku nu ke tepu uh
And David is hidden in the field, and it is the new moon, and the king sits down by the food to eat,
25 ac el muta ke nien muta lal sisken pesinka uh. Abner el muta siskal, ac Jonathan el muta ke la tepu uh ngetang nu yoroltal. Acn in muta lal David uh oalalla.
and the king sits on his seat, as time by time, on a seat by the wall, and Jonathan rises, and Abner sits at the side of Saul, and David’s place is looked after.
26 Wangin ma Saul el fahk kac ke len sac, mweyen el nunku mu sahp oasr sripa se sikyak ac David el tia nasnas fal nu ke alu lalos.
And Saul has not spoken anything on that day, for he said, “It [is] an accident; he is not clean—surely not clean.”
27 Ke len se akluo ah, len se tukun Kufwen Malem Sasu, nien muta lal David ke tepu uh srakna oalal, ac Saul el siyuk sel Jonathan, “Efu ku David el tia tuku nu ke tepu uh ekea, sifilpa misenge?”
And it comes to pass on the second day of the new moon, that David’s place is looked after, and Saul says to his son Jonathan, “Why has the son of Jesse not come in, either yesterday or today, to the food?”
28 Jonathan el topuk ac fahk, “El tuh kwafe sik ngan fuhlella elan som nu Bethlehem.
And Jonathan answers Saul, “David has earnestly asked [permission] from me [to go] to Beth-Lehem,
29 El fahk ouinge nu sik, ‘Nunak munas filiyula ngan som, tuh sou luk elos orek kisa ke acn sesr uh, ac tamulel luk el sap nga in som welulos. Na pa kom fin mwet kawuk luk, filiyula nga in som nu yurin sou luk.’ Pa inge sripa se sis el wangin liki nien mutal lal ke tepu lun tokosra.”
and he says, Please send me away, for we have a family sacrifice in the city, and my brother has given command to me himself, and now, if I have found grace in your eyes, please let me go away and see my brothers; therefore he has not come to the table of the king.”
30 Saul el foloyak sel Jonathan ac fahk nu sel, “Kom wen nutin sie mutan likkeke ac seakos! Inge nga etu na lah kom welul David lac, ac kom sifacna akmwekinye kom ac nina kiom ah!
And the anger of Saul burns against Jonathan, and he says to him, “Son of a perverse [woman] of rebellion! Have I not known that you are fixing on the son of Jesse to your own shame, and to the shame of the nakedness of your mother?
31 Mea, kom nikin lah ke lusenna moul lal David, kom ac tia ku in tokosra fin facl se inge? Fahla ingena ac usalu. El enenu na elan misa!”
For all the days that the son of Jesse lives on the ground you are not established, you and your kingdom; and now, send and bring him to me, for he [is] a son of death.”
32 Ac Jonathan el siyuk, “Ku efu ku elan misa? Mea el orala?”
And Jonathan answers his father Saul and says to him, “Why is he put to death? What has he done?”
33 Na Saul el kipakin osra natul ah nu kacl Jonathan in unilya, ac Jonathan el fah kalem lah Saul el nunku na pwaye elan unilya David.
And Saul casts the javelin at him to strike him, and Jonathan knows that it has been determined by his father to put David to death.
34 Ac Jonathan el kasrkusrak ac tuyak liki tepu ah, ac el tia mongo in len sac nufon — len se akluo ke Kufwen Malem Sasu. El arulana asor kacl David ke sripen Saul el fahk kas na upa kacl.
And Jonathan rises from the table in the heat of anger, and has not eaten food on the second day of the new moon, for he has been grieved for David, for his father put him to shame.
35 Lotutang in len tok ah, Jonathan el som nu inimae in sonol David, in oana ma eltal tuh aetuila kac. El us tulik mukul fusr se welul,
And it comes to pass in the morning, that Jonathan goes out into the field for the appointment with David, and a little youth [is] with him.
36 na el fahk nu sel, “Yuwot ac suk sukan pisr nga ac pusrkaot inge.” Tulik sac kasrusr yula, ac Jonathan el pusrkala pisr soko ah alukela tulik sac.
And he says to his youth, “Now run, find the arrows which I am shooting”; the youth is running, and he has shot the arrow, causing [it] to pass over him.
37 Ke tulik sac sun acn se ma sukan pisr soko ah putati we ah, Jonathan el wowo nu sin tulik sac ac fahk, “Sukan pisr soko ah pa oemeeto!
And the youth comes to the place of the arrow which Jonathan has shot, and Jonathan calls after the youth, and says, “Is the arrow not beyond you?”
38 Nimet tu na insacn! Sulaklak!” Tulik sac el srukak sukan pisr soko ah, ac el use nu yurin mwet kacto lal.
And Jonathan calls after the youth, “Speed, hurry, do not stand”; and Jonathan’s youth gathers the arrows, and comes to his lord.
39 Tulik sac tiana etu lah mea kalmen ma inge. Jonathan ac David mukena pa kalem kac uh.
And the youth has not known anything, only Jonathan and David knew the word.
40 Na Jonathan el sang kufwen mwe pisr natul nu sin tulik sac, ac sap elan us som nu in siti uh.
And Jonathan gives his weapons to the youth whom he has and says to him, “Go, carry into the city.”
41 Tukun tulik sac som, David el tuyak liki yol in eot se el wikwik we, ac el sikukmutunte ac faksufi pacl tolu. Na el Jonathan tukeni tung ac angokmwet sie sin sie, ac asor lal David tuh yohk liki asor lal Jonathan.
The youth has gone, and David has risen from Ezel, at the south, and falls on his face to the earth, and bows himself three times, and they kiss one another, and they weep with one another, until David exerted himself;
42 Ac Jonathan el fahk nu sel David, “God Elan wi kom. LEUM GOD El ac fah oru tuh kom ac fwil nutum, oayapa nga ac fwil nutik, in sruokyana wulela mutal se su nga kom orala inmasrloktal tuh in oan ma pahtpat.” Na David el som, ac Jonathan el folok nu in siti uh.
and Jonathan says to David, “Go in peace, in that we have sworn—the two of us—in the Name of YHWH, saying, YHWH is between me and you, and between my seed and your seed—for all time”; and he rises and goes; and Jonathan has gone into the city.

< Sie Samuel 20 >