< Sams-Zgame 135 >

1 Ra Anumzamofo eri'za vahe'motma Ra Anumzamofona agi'a ahentesga hiho. Ra Anumzamofona husga hunteho. Ra Anumzamofona agi'a ahentesga hiho.
Alleluia. Praise you the name of the Lord; praise the Lord, [you his] servants,
2 Ra Anumzamofo mono nompima omanetiza vahe'ene, tagri Anumzamofo mono nonkumapima oneti'za vahe'mota anara hiho.
who stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God.
3 Ra Anumzamofona agi'a ahentesga hiho. Na'ankure Ra Anumzamo'a Agra knare hu'ne. Ra Anumzamofona zagame huta agi'a ahentesga hiho. Na'ankure Agri agimo'a so'e zantfa hu'ne.
Praise you the Lord; for the Lord is good: sing praises to his name; for [it is] good.
4 Na'ankure Ra Anumzamo'a Jekopunkura nagri'a suzane huno huhamprinenteno, Israeli vahekura huno nagri marerisa feno zankna hu'za manigahaze huno huhampri zamante'ne.
For the Lord has chosen Jacob for himself, [and] Israel for his peculiar treasure.
5 Nagrama ke'na antahi'nama huana, Ra Anumzamo'a rankrerfa hu'ne. Ana hu'neankino maka havi anumzantamina zamagatere vagare'ne.
For I know that the Lord is great, and our Lord is above all gods;
6 Ra Anumzamo'a monafino, ama mopafino, hagerimofo agofeturo, hagerimofo agu'afinema nazano tro hunaku'ma hiazana amne nehie.
all that the Lord willed, he did in heaven, and on the earth, in the sea, and in all deeps.
7 Agra higeno mopama ome atretegatira hampomo'a eri tru huno marenerigeno, ko'ene kopasi'nanena atregeno ne-e. Ana nehuno fenoma nentea noma'afinti zahora atregeno ne-e.
Who brings up clouds from the extremity of the earth: he has made lightnings for the rain: he brings winds out of his treasures.
8 Isipi vahe'mokizmi agonesa mofavreramine, afukra zamifintira agonesa anenta'araminena maka ome zamahetre eme zmahetre hu'ne.
Who struck the firstborn of Egypt, both of man and beast.
9 Isipi vahe'mota tamagri amu'nompi, Feronte'ene, Fero eri'za vahetera kaguva zane, avamezanena eri fore huno zamazeri haviza hu'ne.
He sent signs and wonders into the midst of you, O Egypt, on Pharao, and on all his servants.
10 Kokankokama mani'naza vahera ome zmahetre eme zmahetre nehuno, hankavenentake kini vahera zamahe fri'ne.
Who struck many nations, and killed mighty kings;
11 Ana kini vahera, Amori vahe kini ne' Sihonima, Basani vahe kini ne' Ogima, maka Kenani mopafima mani'naza kini vahe'taminena zamahe hana hu'ne.
Seon king of the Amorites, and Og king of Basan, and all the kingdoms of Chanaan:
12 Ana huteno ana vahe'mokizmi mopa Agra vahe Israeli nagara eri zamige'za erisanti hare'naze.
and gave their land [for] an inheritance, an inheritance to Israel his people.
13 Ra Anumzamoka kagri kagimo'a maka kna mevava huno nevie. Maka vahe'ma forehu anante nante'ma hu'za vanaza vahe'mo'za Ra Anumzamoka Kagri kavukva zankura antahigami'za vugahaze.
O Lord, your name [endures] for ever, and your memorial to all generations.
14 Na'ankure Ra Anumzamo'a vahe'a refko huno nezamageno, eri'za vahe'a asunku huzmantegahie.
For the Lord shall judge his people, and comfort himself concerning his servants.
15 Kaza osu havi anumzantamina, silvareti'ene golireti vahe'mo'za avako hu'za zamazanteti tro hunte'naze.
The idols of the heathen are silver and gold, the works of men's hands.
16 Ana havi anumzaramina zamagira me'neanagi, keaga nosu'za, zamavua me'neanagi zamavua nonke'za,
They have a mouth, but they can’t speak; they have eyes, but they can’t see;
17 zamagesa me'neanagi keaga nontahiza, zamagona me'neanagi zamasimura nontaze.
they have ears, but they can’t hear; for there is no breath in their mouth.
18 Hagi ana kaza osu havi anumzantamima tro'ma hu'naza vahe'ene, ana zantaminte'ma zamentintima nehaza vahe'mo'zanena, ana kaza osu havi anumzankna hugahaze.
Let those who make them be made like to them; and all those who trust in them.
19 Israeli vahe'mota Ra Anumzamofo agi'a ahentesga nehinke'za, Aroni naga'nofi'ma pristi eri'zama e'neriza naga'mo'za Ra Anumzamofo agi'a ahentesga hiho.
O house of Israel, bless you the Lord: O house of Aaron, bless you the Lord:
20 Livae naga nofi'mota Ra Anumzamofo agi'a ahentesga nehinke'za, iza'zo Ra Anumzamofonku'ma koro hunente'za vahe'mo'za Agri agoragama nemanisaza vahe'mo'za Ra Anumzamofo agi'a ahentesga hiho.
O house of Levi, bless you the Lord: you that fear the Lord, bless the Lord.
21 Saioni agonare'ma mani'naza vahe'mota Ra Anumzamofona agi'a ahentesga hiho. Na'ankure Agra ama ana Jerusalemi kumapi nemanie. Ra Anumzamofo agi'a ahentesga hiho.
Blessed in Sion be the Lord, who dwells in Jerusalem.

< Sams-Zgame 135 >