< ヨブ 記 21 >
2 「あなたがたはとくと、わたしの言葉を聞き、これをもって、あなたがたの慰めとするがよい。
“Please listen carefully to what I say—that would be one comfort you could give me.
3 まずわたしをゆるして語らせなさい。わたしが語ったのち、あざけるのもよかろう。
Bear with me; let me speak. After I've spoken you can resume mocking me.
4 わたしのつぶやきは人に対してであろうか。わたしはどうして、いらだたないでいられようか。
Am I complaining against people? Of course not. Why shouldn't I be impatient?
5 あなたがたはわたしを見て、驚き、手を口にあてるがよい。
Just take a look at me. Aren't you appalled? Cover your mouth with your hand in shock!
6 わたしはこれを思うと恐ろしくなって、からだがしきりに震えわななく。
Every time I think of what's happened to me I am horrified and I shake all over with fear.
7 なにゆえ悪しき人が生きながらえ、老齢に達し、かつ力強くなるのか。
Why do the wicked continue to live, to grow old and increasingly powerful?
8 その子らは彼らの前に堅く立ち、その子孫もその目の前に堅く立つ。
Their children are with them; they watch their grandchildren grow up.
9 その家は安らかで、恐れがなく、神のつえは彼らの上に臨むことがない。
They live in their homes in safety—they are not afraid. God does not use his rod to beat them.
10 その雄牛は種を与えて、誤ることなく、その雌牛は子を産んで、そこなうことがない。
Their bulls always breed successfully; their cows give birth to calves and do not miscarry.
11 彼らはその小さい者どもを群れのように連れ出し、その子らは舞い踊る。
They send out their little ones like lambs to play; their children dance around.
12 彼らは手鼓と琴に合わせて歌い、笛の音によって楽しみ、
They sing accompanied by the tambourine and lyre; they celebrate with the music of the flute.
13 その日をさいわいに過ごし、安らかに陰府にくだる。 (Sheol )
They live out their lives contentedly, and go down to Sheol in peace. (Sheol )
14 彼らは神に言う、『われわれを離れよ、われわれはあなたの道を知ることを好まない。
Yet they tell God, ‘Get lost! We don't want anything to do with you.
15 全能者は何者なので、われわれはこれに仕えねばならないのか。われわれはこれに祈っても、なんの益があるか』と。
Who does the Almighty think he is for us to serve him as slaves? What benefit is there for us if we pray to him?’
16 見よ、彼らの繁栄は彼らの手にあるではないか。悪人の計りごとは、わたしの遠く及ぶ所でない。
Such people believe they make their own fortune, but I don't accept their way of thinking.
17 悪人のともしびの消されること、幾たびあるか。その災の彼らの上に臨むこと、神がその怒りをもって苦しみを与えられること、幾たびあるか。
How often is the lamp of the wicked snuffed out? How often does disaster come upon them? How often does God punish the wicked in his anger?
18 彼らが風の前のわらのようになること、あらしに吹き去られるもみがらのようになること、幾たびあるか。
Are they blown along like straw in the wind? Does a tornado come in and carry them away?
19 あなたがたは言う、『神は彼らの罪を積みたくわえて、その子らに報いられるのだ』と。どうかそれを彼ら自身に報いて、彼らにその罪を知らせられるように。
Some say, ‘God saves up people's punishment for their children.’ But I say, ‘God should punish those people themselves so that they can learn from it.’
20 すなわち彼ら自身の目にその滅びを見させ、全能者の怒りを彼らに飲ませられるように。
Let them see their destruction themselves, and drink deeply from God's anger.
21 その月の数のつきるとき、彼らはその後の家になんのかかわる所があろうか。
For they don't care what happens to their families once they're dead.
22 神は天にある者たちをさえ、さばかれるのに、だれが神に知識を教えることができようか。
Can anyone teach God anything he doesn't already know, since he is the one who judges even heavenly beings?
23 ある者は繁栄をきわめ、全く安らかに、かつおだやかに死に、
One person dies in good health, totally comfortable and secure.
24 そのからだには脂肪が満ち、その骨の髄は潤っている。
Their body is fat from eating well; their bones still strong.
25 ある者は心を苦しめて死に、なんの幸をも味わうことがない。
Another dies after a miserable life without every experiencing happiness.
26 彼らはひとしくちりに伏し、うじにおおわれる。
Yet they are both buried in the same dust; they are treated alike in death, eaten by maggots.
27 見よ、わたしはあなたがたの思いを知り、わたしを害しようとするたくらみを知る。
Look, I know what you're thinking, and your schemes to do me wrong.
28 あなたがたは言う、『王侯の家はどこにあるか、悪人の住む天幕はどこにあるか』と。
You may ask me, ‘Where is the home of the great man? Where is the place where the wicked live?’
29 あなたがたは道行く人々に問わなかったか、彼らの証言を受け入れないのか。
Haven't you asked people who travel? Don't you pay attention to what they tell you?
30 すなわち、災の日に悪人は免れ、激しい怒りの日に彼は救い出される。
Wicked people are spared in times of disaster; they are rescued from the day of judgment.
31 だれが彼に向かって、その道を告げ知らせる者があるか、だれが彼のした事を彼に報いる者があるか。
Who confronts them with their actions? Who pays them back for what they have done?
When they eventually die and are carried to the graveyard, their tomb is guarded. The earth of the grave softly covers them.
33 谷の土くれも彼には快く、すべての人はそのあとに従う。彼の前に行った者も数えきれない。
Everyone attends their funeral service; a huge procession of people comes to pay their last respects.
34 それで、あなたがたはどうしてむなしい事をもって、わたしを慰めようとするのか。あなたがたの答は偽り以外の何ものでもない」。
Why do you try to comfort me with worthless nonsense? Your answers are just a pack of lies!”