< 民数記 15 >
Then Yahweh told Moses/me,
2 イスラエルの子孫に告て之に言へ我が汝等に與へて住しむる地に汝等到り
“Tell this to the Israeli people: When you arrive in the land that I am giving to you,
3 ヱホバに火祭を献る時すなはち願を還す時期又は自意の禮物を爲の時期または汝らの節期にあたりて牛あるひは羊をもて燔祭または犠牲を献げてヱホバに馨しき香を奉つる時は
you must offer to me special sacrifices which will be pleasing to me [when the priest burns them on the altar]. Some of them may be offerings that will be completely burned [on the altar]. Some of them may be to indicate that you have made a solemn promise to me. Some of them may be offerings that you yourselves have decided to make. Some of them may be offerings at one of the festivals that you celebrate each year. These offerings may be taken from your herds [of cattle] or from your flocks [of sheep and goats].
4 その禮物をヱホバに献る者もし羔羊をもて燔祭あるひは犠牲となすならば麥粉十分の一に油一ヒンの四分の一を混和たるをその素祭として供へ酒一ヒンの四分の一をその灌祭として供ふべし
When you give these offerings, you must also bring to me a grain offering of two quarts/liters of nice flour mixed with one quart/liter of [olive] oil.
5 その禮物をヱホバに献る者もし羔羊をもて燔祭あるひは犠牲となすならば麥粉十分の一に油一ヒンの四分の一を混和たるをその素祭として供へ酒一ヒンの四分の一をその灌祭として供ふべし
When you offer a lamb to be a sacrifice to be completely burned, you must also pour on the altar one quart/liter of wine.
6 若また牡羊を之に用ふるならば麥粉十分の二に油一ヒンの三分の一を混和たるをその素祭として供へ
‘When you offer a ram to be a sacrifice, you must also bring an offering of four quarts/liters of finely-ground flour mixed with (a third of a gallon/1.3 liters) of [olive] oil.
7 また酒一ヒンの三分の一をその灌祭として献げヱホバに馨しき香をたてまつるべし
And also pour on the altar (a third of a gallon/1.3 liters) of wine. While they are being burned, the smell will be very pleasing to me.
8 汝また願還あるひは酬恩祭をヱホバになすに當りて牡牛をもて燔祭あるひは犠牲となすならば
‘Sometimes you will offer a young bull to be completely burned on the altar. Sometimes you will offer a sacrifice to indicate that you have made a solemn promise to me. Sometimes you will offer a sacrifice to maintain fellowship with me.
9 麥粉十分の三に油一ヒンの半を混和たるを素祭となしてその牡牛とともに献げ
When you offer these sacrifices, you must also offer a grain offering of six quarts/liters of finely-ground flour mixed with two quarts/liters of [olive] oil.
10 また酒一ヒンの半をその灌祭として献ぐべし是すなはち火祭にしてヱホバに馨しき香をたてまつる者なり
Also pour on the altar two quarts/liters of wine to be an offering. While those special gifts are being burned, the smell will be very pleasing to me.
11 牡牛あるひは牡羊あるひは羔羊あるひは羔山羊は一匹ごとに斯爲べきなり
Each time someone offers a bull or a ram or a male lamb or a young goat to be a sacrifice, it must be done that way.
12 即ち汝らが献ぐるところの數にてらしその數にしたがひて一匹ごとに斯なすべし
You must obey these instructions for each animal that you bring to me for an offering.
13 本國に生れたる者火祭を献げてヱホバに馨しき香をたてまつる時には凡て斯のごとく是等の事を行ふべし
‘All of you people who have been Israelis all of your lives must obey these regulations when you offer sacrifices that will be pleasing to me when they are burned on the altar.
14 また汝らの中に寄寓る他國の人あるひは汝らの中に代々住ふところの人火祭をささげてヱホバに馨しき香をたてまつらんとする時は汝らの爲がごとくにその人もなすべきなり
If any foreigners visit you or live among you, if they also want to bring a sacrifice that will be pleasing to me when it is burned on the altar, they must obey these same instructions.
15 汝ら會衆および汝らの中に寄寓る他國の人は同一の例にしたがふべし是は汝らが代々永く守るべき例なり他國の人のヱホバの前に侍ることは汝等と異るところ無るべきなり
I consider that those who have always been Israelis and those who are foreigners are equal, and so they must all obey the same instructions. All of your descendants must also continue to obey these instructions.
16 汝らと汝らの中に宿寓る他國の人とは同一の法同一の禮式にしたがふべし
You Israelis and the foreigners who live among you must all obey the same instructions.”
Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
18 イスラエルの子孫に告てこれに言へ我が汝等を導き往ところの地に汝等いたらん時は
“Tell these instructions to the Israeli people: [Yahweh says this]: ‘When you arrive in the land to which I am taking you,
19 その地の食物を食ふにあたりて汝ら擧祭をヱホバにささぐべし
and you eat the crops that are growing there, you must set some of them aside to be a sacred offering to me.
20 即ち汝らはその麥粉の初をもてパンを作りてこれを擧祭にそなふべし是は禾場より擧祭をそなふるが如くに擧てそなふべきなり
[Each year] set aside some of the first grain that you gather after you have threshed it. Bake a loaf of bread from the first flour that you grind and bring it to me to be a sacred offering.
21 汝ら代々その麥粉の初をもて擧祭をヱホバにたてまつるべし
Every year, you and your descendants must continue to make and bring to me [a loaf of bread baked] [MTY] [with flour] from the first part of the grain that you harvest.’”
22 汝等もし誤りてヱホバのモーセに告たまへるこの諸の命令を行はず
“‘There may be times when you Israelis do not obey all these instructions that I have given to Moses to tell you, but not because you intended to disobey them.
23 ヱホバがモーセをもて命じたまひし事等並にその命ずることを始めたまひし日より以來汝らの代々にも命じたまはんところの事等を行はざる事有ん時
There may be times when some of your descendants do not obey all these instructions that I have given to Moses to tell to you.
24 すなはち會衆誤りて犯す所ありて之を知ざることあらん時は全會衆少き牡牛一匹を燔祭にささげてヱホバに馨しき香とならしめ之にその素祭と灌祭を禮式のごとくに加へまた牡山羊一匹を罪祭にささぐべし
If you or they sin [by forgetting to obey these instructions] and none of the Israeli people realize that they were doing that, one young bull as an offering for all the people [must be brought to the priest]. That will be pleasing to me [when it is burned on the altar]. They must also bring to me a grain offering and an offering of wine, and a male goat, to be sacrificed to enable me to forgive them for the sins they have committed.
25 而して祭司イスラエルの子孫の全會衆のために贖罪を爲べし斯せば是は赦されん是は過誤なればなり彼等はその禮物として火祭をヱホバにささげまたその過誤のために罪祭をヱホバの前にささぐべし
[By offering these sacrifices], the priest will make atonement for all of you Israeli people. Then, as a result of their bringing to me an offering to be burned [on the altar], (you will be forgiven/I will forgive you), because you sinned without realizing that you were sinning.
26 然せばイスラエルの子孫の會衆みな赦されんまた彼等の中に寄寓る他國の人も然るべし其は民みな誤り犯せるなればなり
You Israeli people and the foreigners who are living among you will all be forgiven.
27 人もし誤りて罪を犯さば當歳の牝山羊一匹を罪祭に献ぐべし
If one person commits a sin without realizing that he was sinning, that person must bring to me a female goat to be an offering to enable me to forgive that person for the sins that person has committed.
28 祭司はまたその誤りて罪を犯せる人が誤りてヱホバの前に罪を獲たるが爲に贖罪をなしてその罪を贖ふべし然せば是は赦されん
The priest will offer it to be a sacrifice to remove the guilt of that person, and that person will be forgiven.
29 イスラエルの子孫の國の者にもあれまた其中に寄寓る他國の人にもあれ凡そ誤りて罪を犯す者には汝らその法を同じからしむべし
You Israelis and all the foreigners who live among you must obey these same instructions.
30 本國の人にもあれ他國の人にもあれ凡そ擅横に罪を犯す者は是ヱホバを瀆すなればその人はその民の中より絶るべし
But those who disobey my commands (deliberately/because they want to), both Israelis and the foreigners who live among you, have sinned against me [by doing that]. So (they must be expelled/you must expel them) from your camp.
31 斯る人はヱホバの言を軽んじその誡命を破るなるが故に必ず絶れその罪を身に承ん
They have despised my commands and deliberately disobeyed them, so they must be punished for their sin by not being allowed to live among you any more.’”
32 イスラエルの子孫曠野に居る時安息日に一箇の人の柴を拾ひあつむるを見たり
One day, while the Israelis were in the desert, some of them saw a man who was gathering firewood on the Sabbath/rest day.
33 是においてその柴を拾ひあつむるを見たる者等これをモーセとアロンおよび會衆の許に曳きたりけるが
Those who saw him doing that brought him to Aaron and Moses/me and the rest of the Israeli people.
34 之を如何に爲べきか未だ示諭を蒙らざるが故に之を禁錮おけり
They guarded him carefully, because they did not know what to do [to punish] him.
35 時にヱホバ、モーセに言たまひけるはその人はかならず殺さるべきなり全會衆營の外にて石をもて之を撃べしと
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “The man must be executed. All of you must [kill him by throwing] stones at him outside the camp.”
36 全會衆すなはち之を營の外に曳いだし石をもてこれを撃ころしヱホバのモーセに命じたまへるごとくせり
So they all took the man outside the camp and killed him by throwing stones at him, as Yahweh had commanded Moses/me that they should do.
Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
38 汝イスラエルの子孫に告げ代々その衣服の裾に襚をつけその裾の襚 の上に靑き紐をほどこすべしと之に命ぜよ
“Tell this to the Israeli people: You and all your descendants must [twist threads together to] make tassels, and then attach them with blue cords to the bottom edges of your clothes.
39 此襚は汝らに之を見てヱホバの諸の誡命を記憶して其をおこなはしめ汝らをしてその放縦にする自己の心と目の欲に從がふこと無らしむるための者なり
When you look at the tassels, you will remember all the instructions that I gave to you, and you will obey them, instead of doing what you desire and as a result causing yourselves to become unacceptable to me.
40 斯して汝等吾もろもろの誡命を記憶して之を行ひ汝らの神の前に聖あるべし
Seeing those tassels will help you to remember that you must obey all my commands and that you must be (my holy people/dedicated to me).
41 我は汝らの神ヱホバにして汝らの神とならんとて汝らをエジプトの地より導きいだせし者なり我は汝らの神ヱホバなるぞかし
Do not forget that I am Yahweh, your God. I am the one who brought you out of Egypt in order that you might belong to me. I am Yahweh, your God.”