< ヨシュア記 4 >

1 民ことごとくヨルダンを濟りつくしたる時ヱホバ、ヨシユアに語りて言たまはく
Once the entire nation had finished crossing the Jordan, the Lord told Joshua,
2 汝ら民の中より支派ごとに一人づつ合せて十二人を擧げ
“Choose twelve men from the people, one per tribe,
3 これに命じて言へ汝らヨルダンの中祭司等の足を踏とめしその處より石十二を取あげてこれを負ひ濟り此夜なんぢらが宿る宿場に居ゑよと
and tell them, ‘Pick up twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan, from right where the priests are standing. Then carry them and set them down at the place where you will camp tonight.’”
4 ヨシユアすなはちイスラエルの人々の中より支派ごとに預て一人づつを取て備へおきぬその十二人の者を召よせ
So Joshua sent for the twelve men he had chosen, one from each tribe,
5 而してヨシユアこれに言けるは汝らの神ヱホバの契約の櫃の前に當りて汝らヨルダンの中にすすみ入りイスラエルの人々の支派の數に循ひて各々石ひとつを取あげて肩に負きたれ
and told them, “Go back into the middle of the Jordan, right in front of the Ark of the Agreement of the Lord your God, and each of you pick up a stone and carry it on your shoulder, one for each of the tribes of Israel.
6 是は汝らの中に徴となるべし後の日にいたりて汝らの子輩是等の石は何のこころなりやと問て言ば
This will be a memorial among you so when your children one day ask, ‘What do these stones mean?’
7 之にいへ往昔ヨルダンの水ヱホバの契約の櫃の前にて裁斷りたる事を表はすなり即ちそのヨルダンを濟れる時にヨルダンの水きれ止まれりこの故にこれらの石を永くイスラエルの人々の記念となすべしと
you can tell them, ‘It's about the time the Jordan River stopped flowing when the Ark of the Lord's Agreement went across. When it crossed over the water stopped. These stones are a memorial to the people of Israel forever.’”
8 イスラエルのひとびとヨシユアの命ぜしごとく然なしヱホバのヨシユアに告げたまひし如くイスラエルの人々の支派の數にしたがひてヨルダンの中より石十二を取あげ之を負わたりてその宿る處にいたり之を其處にすゑたり
The people of Israel did as Joshua told them. The men picked up twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan as the Lord had instructed Joshua. They carried them to the place where they camped overnight and placed the stones there, one for each of the tribes of Israel.
9 ヨシユアまたヨルダンの中において契約の櫃を舁る祭司等の足を踏立し處に石十二を立たりしが今日までも尚ほ彼處にあり
Joshua also set up twelve stones in the middle of the Jordan right where the priests carrying the Ark of the Agreement had stood, and they are still there to this very day.
10 櫃を舁る祭司等はヱホバのヨシユアに命じて民に告しめたまひし事の悉く成るまでヨルダンの中に立をれり凡てモーセのヨシユアに命ぜし所に適へり民は急ぎて濟りぬ
The priests carrying the Ark remained standing in the middle of the Jordan until everything was done just as the Lord had told the people to do, all that Moses had told Joshua to do. The people crossed over quickly.
11 民の悉く濟りつくせるときヱホバの櫃および祭司等は民の觀る前にて濟りたり
Once all the people had crossed over, they watched as the Ark of the Lord was carried across by the priests.
12 ルベンの子孫ガドの子孫およびマナセの支派の半モーセの之に言たりし如く身をよろひてイスラエルの人々に先だちて濟りゆき
The armed men from the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh crossed at the head of the people of Israel, as Moses had stipulated.
13 凡そ四萬人ばかりの者軍の装に身を堅め攻戰はんとてヱホバに先だち濟りてヱリコの平野に至れり
They numbered about 40,000 men, armed and ready for battle, crossed in the presence of the Lord to the plains of Jericho.
14 ヱホバこの日イスラエルの衆人の目の前にてヨシユアを尊くしたまひければ皆モーセを畏れしごとくに彼を畏る其一生の間常に然り
On that day the Lord confirmed Joshua as great leader in the sight of all the Israelites, and they were in awe of him just as they had been in awe of Moses.
15 ヱホバ、ヨシユアに語りて言たまひけるは
The Lord had told Joshua,
16 なんぢ證詞の櫃を舁る祭司等にヨルダンを出きたれと命ぜよ
“Order the priests carrying the Ark of the Testimony to come up out of the Jordan.”
17 ヨシユアすなはち祭司等に命じヨルダンを出きたれと言ければ
So Joshua told the priests, “Come up out of the Jordan.”
18 ヱホバの契約の櫃を舁る祭司等ヨルダンの中より出きたる 祭司等足の蹠を陸地に擧ると斉くヨルダンの水故の處に流れかへりて初のごとくその岸にことごとく溢れぬ
The priests came up out of the Jordan carrying the Ark of the Agreement, and as soon as their feet touched dry ground the waters of the Jordan returned to where they had been, overflowing its banks as before.
19 正月の十日に民ヨルダンを出きたりヱリコの東の境界なるギルガルに營を張り
The people went up from the Jordan and camped at Gilgal, to the east of Jericho, on the tenth day of the first month.
20 時にヨシユアそのヨルダンより取きたらせし十二の石をギルガルにたて
Joshua set up at Gilgal the twelve stones that had been taken from the Jordan.
21 イスラエルの人々に語りて言ふ後の日にいたりて汝らの子輩その父に問て是らの石は何の意なりやと言ば
He told the Israelites, “When some day your children ask you their parents, ‘What do these stones mean?’
22 その子輩に告しらせて言へ在昔イスラエルこのヨルダンを陸地となして濟りすぎし事あり
you can explain to them, ‘This is where the Israelites crossed the Jordan on dry ground.’
23 即ち汝らの神ヱホバ、ヨルダンの水を汝らの前に乾涸して汝らを濟らせたまへり其事は汝らの神ヱホバの我らの前に紅海を乾涸して我らを渡らせたまひし状况の如くなりき
For the Lord your God made the Jordan River dry up right in front of you so you all could cross, just as the Lord your God did at the Red Sea which he dried up so we could all cross.
24 斯なしたまひしは地の諸の民をしてヱホバの手の力あるを知しめ汝らの神ヱホバを恒に畏れしめんためなり
He did this so everyone on earth would know how powerful the Lord is, and so that you might be in awe of the Lord your God forever.”

< ヨシュア記 4 >