< イザヤ書 38 >

1 そのころヒゼキヤやみて死んとせしにアモツの子預言者イザヤきたりて彼にいふ ヱホバ如此いひたまはく なんぢ家に遺言をとどめよ 汝しにて活ることあたはざればなり
In those days Hezekiah was ill and near death. And Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, came to him, and said to him, The Lord says, Put your house in order; for your death is near.
2 爰にヒゼキヤ面を壁にむけてヱホバに祈りいひけるは
And Hezekiah, turning his face to the wall, made his prayer to the Lord, saying,
3 ああヱホバよ 願くはわがなんぢの前に眞實をもて一心をもてあゆみ なんぢの目によきことを行ひたるをおもひいでたまへ 斯てヒゼキヤ甚くなきぬ
O Lord, keep in mind how I have been true to you with all my heart, and have done what is good in your eyes. And Hezekiah gave way to bitter weeping.
4 ヱホバの言イザヤにのぞみて曰く
Then the word of the Lord came to Isaiah, saying,
5 なんぢ往てヒゼキヤにいへ なんぢの祖ダビデの神ヱホバかくいひ給はく 我なんぢの禱告をききなんぢの涙をみたり 我なんぢの齢を十五年ましくはへ
Go to Hezekiah, and say, The Lord, the God of David, your father, says, Your prayer has come to my ears, and I have seen your weeping: see, I will give you fifteen more years of life.
6 且なんぢとこの城とを救ひてアツスリヤわうの手をのがれしめん又われこの城をまもるべし
And I will keep you and this town safe from the hands of the king of Assyria: and I will keep watch over this town.
7 ヱホバ語りたまひたる此事を成たまふ證にこの徴をなんぢに賜ふ
And Isaiah said, This is the sign the Lord will give you, that he will do what he has said:
8 視よわれアハズの日晷にすすみたる日影を十度しりぞかしめんといひければ乃ちひばかりにすすみたる日影十度しりぞきぬ
See, I will make the shade which has gone down on the steps of Ahaz with the sun, go back ten steps. So the shade went back the ten steps by which it had gone down.
9 ユダの王ヒゼキヤ病にかかりてその病のいえしのち記しし書は左のごとし
The writing of Hezekiah, king of Judah, after he had been ill, and had got better from his disease.
10 我いへり わが齢ひの全盛のとき陰府の門にいりわが餘年をうしなはんと (Sheol h7585)
I said, In the quiet of my days I am going down into the underworld: the rest of my years are being taken away from me. (Sheol h7585)
11 我いへり われ再びヱホバを見奉ることあらじ再びいけるものの地にてヱホバを見奉ることあらじ われは無ものの中にいりてふたたび人を見ることあらじ
I said, I will not see the Lord, even the Lord in the land of the living: I will not see man again or those living in the world.
12 わが住所はうつされて牧人の幕屋をとりさるごとくに我をはなる わがいのちは織工の布をまきをはりて機より翦はなすごとくならん なんぢ朝夕のあひだに我をたえしめたまはん
My resting-place is pulled up and taken away from me like a herdsman's tent: my life is rolled up like a linen-worker's thread; I am cut off from the cloth on the frame: from day even to night you give me up to pain.
13 われは天明におよぶまで己をおさへてしづめたり 主は獅のごとくに我もろもろの骨を碎きたまふ なんぢ朝夕の間にわれを絶しめたまはん
I am crying out with pain till the morning; it is as if a lion was crushing all my bones.
14 われは燕のごとく鶴のごとくに哀みなき鳩のごとくにうめき わが眼はうへを視ておとろふ ヱホバよわれは迫りくるしめらる 願くはわが中保となりたまへ
I make cries like a bird; I give out sounds of grief like a dove: my eyes are looking up with desire; O Lord, I am crushed, take up my cause.
15 主はわれとものいひ且そのごとくみづから成たまへり われ何をいふべきか わが世にある間わが靈魂の苦しめる故によりて愼みてゆかん
What am I to say? seeing that it is he who has done it: all my time of sleeping I am turning from side to side without rest.
16 主よこれらの事によりて人は活るなり わが靈魂のいのちも全くこれらの事によるなり 願くはわれを醫しわれを活したまへ
O Lord, for this cause I am waiting for you, give rest to my spirit: make me well again, and let me come back to life.
17 視よわれに甚しき艱苦をあたへたまへるは我に平安をえしめんがためなり 汝わがたましひを愛して滅亡の穴をまぬかれしめ給へり そはわが罪をことごとく背後にすてたまへり
See, in place of peace my soul had bitter sorrow. but you have kept back my soul from the underworld; for you have put all my sins out of your memory.
18 陰府はなんぢに感謝せず 死はなんぢを讃美せず 墓にくだる者はなんぢの誠實をのぞまず (Sheol h7585)
For the underworld is not able to give you praise, death gives you no honour: for those who go down into the underworld there is no hope in your mercy. (Sheol h7585)
19 唯いけるもののみ活るものこそ汝にかんしやするなれ わが今日かんしやするが如し 父はなんぢの誠實をその子にしらしめん
The living, the living man, he will give you praise, as I do this day: the father will give the story of your mercy to his children.
20 ヱホバ我を救ひたまはん われら世にあらんかぎりヱホバのいへにて琴をひきわが歌をうたはん
O Lord, quickly be my saviour; so we will make my songs to corded instruments all the days of our lives in the house of the Lord.
21 イザヤいへらく無花果の一團をとりきたりて腫物のうへにつけよ 王かならずいえん
And Isaiah said, Let them take a cake of figs, and put it on the diseased place, and he will get well.
22 ヒゼキヤも亦いへらく わがヱホバの家にのぼることにつきては何の兆あらんか
And Hezekiah said, What is the sign that I will go up to the house of the Lord?

< イザヤ書 38 >