< 出エジプト記 14 >

1 茲にヱホバ、モーセに告ていひ給ひけるは
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
2 イスラエルの子孫に言て轉回てミグドルと海の間なるピハヒロテの前にあたりてバアルゼポンの前に幕を張しめよ其にむかひて海の傍に幕を張るべし
Speak to the children of Israel, and let them turn and encamp before the village, between Magdol and the sea, opposite Beel-sepphon: before them shall you encamp by the sea.
3 パロ、イスラエルの子孫の事をかたりて彼等はその地に迷ひをりて曠野に閉こめられたるならんといふべければなり
And Pharao will say to his people, As for these children of Israel, they are wandering in the land, for the wilderness has shut them in.
4 我パロの心を剛愎にすべければパロ彼等の後を追はん我パロとその凡の軍勢に由て譽を得エジプト人をして吾ヱホバなるを知しめんと彼等すなはち斯なせり
And I will harden the heart of Pharao, and he shall pursue after them; and I will be glorified in Pharao, and in all his host, and all the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord. And they did so.
5 茲に民の逃さりたることエジプト王に聞えければパロとその臣下等民の事につきて心を變じて言ふ我等何て斯イスラエルを去しめて我に事ざらしむるがごとき事をなしたるやと
And it was reported to the king of the Egyptians that the people had fled: and the heart of Pharao was turned, and that of his servants against the people; and they said, What is this that we have done, to let the children of Israel go, so that they should not serve us?
6 パロすなはちその車を備へ民を將て己にしたがはしめ
So Pharao yoked his chariots, and led off all his people with himself:
7 撰抜の戰車六百兩にエジプトの諸の戰車および其の諸の軍長等を率ゐたり
having also taken six hundred chosen chariots, and all the cavalry of the Egyptians, and rulers over all.
8 ヱホバ、エジプト王パロの心を剛愎にしたまひたれば彼イスラエルの子孫の後を追ふイスラエルの子孫は高らかなる手によりて出しなり
And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharao king of Egypt, and of his servants, and he pursued after the children of Israel; and the children of Israel went forth with a high hand.
9 エジプト人等パロの馬、車およびその騎兵と軍勢彼等の後を追てそのバアルゼポンの前なるピハヒロテの邊にて海の傍に幕を張るに追つけり
And the Egyptians pursued after them, and found them encamped by the sea; and all the cavalry and the chariots of Pharao, and the horsemen, and his host [were] before the village, over against Beel-sepphon.
10 パロの近よりし時イスラエルの子孫目をあげて視しにエジプト人己の後に進み來りしかば痛く懼れたり是に於てイスラエルの子孫ヱホバに呼號り
And Pharao approached, and the children of Israel having looked up, saw, and the Egyptians encamped behind them: and they were very greatly terrified, and the children of Israel cried to the Lord;
11 且モーセに言けるはエジプトに墓のあらざるがために汝われらをたづさへいだして曠野に死しむるや何故に汝われらをエジプトより導き出して斯我らに爲や
and said to Moses, Because there were no graves in the land of Egypt, have you brought us forth to kill [us] in the wilderness? What is this that you have done to us, having brought us out of Egypt?
12 我等がエジプトにて汝に告て我儕を棄おき我らをしてエジプト人に事しめよと言し言は是ならずや其は曠野にて死るよりもエジプト人に事るは善ればなり
Is not this the word which we spoke to you in Egypt, saying, Let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians? for it is better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in this wilderness.
13 モーセ民にいひけるは汝ら懼るるなかれ立てヱホバが今日汝等のために爲たまはんところの救を見よ汝らが今日見たるエジプト人をば汝らかさねて復これを見ること絶てなかるべきなり
And Moses said to the people, Be of good courage: stand and see the salvation which is from the Lord, which he will work for us this day; for as you have seen the Egyptians today, you shall see them again no more for ever.
14 ヱホバ汝等のために戰ひたまはん汝等は靜りて居るべし
The Lord shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.
15 時にヱホバ、モーセにいひたまひけるは汝なんぞ我に呼はるやイスラエルの子孫に言て進みゆかしめよ
and the Lord said to Moses, Why cry you to me? speak to the children of Israel, and let them proceed.
16 汝杖を擧げ手を海の上に伸て之を分ちイスラエルの子孫をして海の中の乾ける所を往しめよ
And do you lift up your rod, and stretch forth your hand over the sea, and divide it, and let the children of Israel enter into the midst of the sea on the dry land.
17 我エジプト人の心を剛愎にすべければ彼等その後にしたがひて入るべし我かくしてパロとその諸の軍勢およびそ戰車と騎兵に囚て榮譽を得ん
And behold! I will harden the heart of Pharao and of all the Egyptians, and they shall go in after them; and I will be glorified upon Pharao, and on all his host, and on his chariots and his horses.
18 我がパロとその戰車と騎兵とによりて榮譽をえん時エジプト人は我のヱホバなるを知ん
And all the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I am glorified upon Pharao and upon his chariots and his horses.
19 爰にイスラエルの陣營の前に行る神の使者移りてその後に行けり即ち雲の柱その前面をはなれて後に立ち
And the angel of God that went before the camp of the children of Israel removed and went behind, and the pillar of the cloud also removed from before them and stood behind them.
20 エジプト人の陣營とイスラエル人の陣營の間に至りけるが彼がためには雲となり暗となり是がためには夜を照せり是をもて彼と是と夜の中に相近づかざりき
And it went between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel, and stood; and there was darkness and blackness; and the night passed, and they came not near to one another during the whole night.
21 モーセ手を海の上に伸ければヱホバ終夜強き東風をもて海を退かしめ海を陸地となしたまひて水遂に分れたり
And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the Lord carried back the sea with a strong south wind all the night, and made the sea dry, and the water was divided.
22 イスラエルの子孫海の中の乾ける所を行くに水は彼等の右左に墻となれり
And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea on the dry land, and the water of it was a wall on the right hand and a wall on the left.
23 エジプト人等パロの馬車、騎兵みなその後にしたがひて海の中に入る
And the Egyptians pursued them and went in after them, and every horse of Pharao, and his chariots, and his horsemen, into the midst of the sea.
24 暁にヱホバ火と雲との柱の中よりエジプト人の軍勢を望みエジプト人の軍勢を惱まし
And it came to pass in the morning watch that the Lord looked forth on the camp of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and cloud, and troubled the camp of the Egyptians,
25 其車の輪を脱して行に重くならしめたまひければエジプト人言ふ我儕イスラエルを離れて逃ん其はヱホバかれらのためにエジプト人と戰へばなりと
and bound the axle-trees of their chariots, and caused them to go with difficulty; and the Egyptians said, Let us flee from the face of Israel, for the Lord fights for them against the Egyptians.
26 時にヱホバ、モーセに言たまひける汝の手を海の上に伸て水をエジプト人とその戰車と騎兵の上に流れ反らしめよと
And the Lord said to Moses, Stretch forth tine hand over the sea, and let the water be turned back to its place, and let it cover the Egyptians [coming] both upon the chariots and the riders.
27 モーセすなはち手を海の上に伸けるに夜明におよびて海本の勢力にかへりたればエジプト人之に逆ひて逃たりしがヱホバ、エジプト人を海の中に擲ちたまへり
And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the water returned to its place toward day; and the Egyptians fled from the water, and the Lord shook off the Egyptians in the midst of the sea.
28 即ち水流反りて戰車と騎兵を覆ひイスラエルの後にしたがひて海にいりしパロの軍勢を悉く覆へり一人も遺れる者あらざりき
and the water returned and covered the chariots and the riders, and all the forces of Pharao, who entered after them into the sea: and there was not left of them even one.
29 然どイスラエルの子孫は海の中の乾ける所を歩みしが水はその右左に墻となれり
But the children of Israel went along dry land in the midst of the sea, and the water was to them a wall on the right hand, and a wall on the left.
30 斯ヱホバこの日イスラエルをエジプト人の手より救ひたまへりイスラエルはエジプト人が海邊に死をるを見たり
So the Lord delivered Israel in that day from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead by the shore of the sea.
31 イスラエルまたヱホバがエジプト人に爲たまひし大なる事を見たり是に於て民ヱホバを畏れヱホバとその僕モーセを信じたり
And Israel saw the mighty hand, the [things] which the Lord did to the Egyptians; and the people feared the Lord, and they believed God and Moses his servant.

< 出エジプト記 14 >