< Aịzaya 49 >

1 Geenụ m ntị, unu niile ndị bi nʼala mmiri gbara gburugburu, nụrụkwanụ nke a, unu ndị nọ na mba dị anya. Onyenwe anyị kpọrọ m tupu amụọ m. Ọ kpọrọ m aha m mgbe m ka nọ nʼime afọ nne m.
Listen, O isles, unto me; and hearken, ye peoples from afar. Jehovah hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name.
2 O mere ka okwu sị m nʼọnụ dịrị nkọ dịka mma agha. O zobere m nʼaka ya kpuchie m. O mere m ka m dịrị ka àkụ dị nkọ nke o zoro nʼime akpa àkụ ya.
And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword, he hath concealed me under the shadow of his hand, and he hath made me a polished shaft: in his quiver hath he hidden me.
3 Ọ sịrị m, “Ị bụ ohu m, Izrel. Ọ bụkwa site na gị ka m ga-eji gosi ịma mma na ike m.”
And he said unto me, Thou art my servant, Israel, in whom I will glorify myself.
4 Ma mụ onwe m sịrị, “Ọ bụ nʼefu ka m dọgburu onwe m nʼọrụ. Etufuola m ike m niile nʼihi ihe na-abụghị ihe. Ma ihe ruru m dị nʼaka Onyenwe anyị, ụgwọ ọrụ m dịkwa nʼaka Chineke m.”
— And I said, I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nought and in vain; nevertheless my judgment is with Jehovah, and my work with my God.
5 Ma ugbu a Onyenwe anyị na-asị, Onye ahụ kpụrụ m nʼafọ nne m ka m bụrụ onye na-ejere ya ozi; ka ọ kpọghachite Jekọb nye ya ka achịkọtakwa ndị Izrel nyekwa ya onwe ya, nʼihi na-abụ m onye nsọpụrụ dịrị nʼanya Onyenwe anyị, Chineke m aghọkwaarala m ike m.
And now, saith Jehovah, that formed me from the womb to be his servant, that I should bring Jacob again to him; (though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorified in the eyes of Jehovah, and my God shall be my strength; )
6 Ọ sịrị, “Ọ bụ ihe dị nta karịa, gị ị bụrụ m ohu, ịkpọghachita ebo niile nke Jekọb na ịkpọghachita ndị Izrel ndị m chebere. Aga m emekwa ka ị bụrụ ìhè nye ndị mba ọzọ, ka nzọpụta m site nʼaka gị ruo ndị bi na nsọtụ ụwa niile.”
— and he saith, It is a small thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel; I have even given thee for a light of the nations, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.
7 Nke a bụ ihe Onyenwe anyị kwuru, Onye mgbapụta na Onye nsọ Izrel na-agwa onye ahụ a na-elelị anya, onye ahụ mba kpọrọ ihe arụ, e, onye ahụ ndị na-achị achị mere ka ọ ghọọ ohu ha, “Ndị eze ga-eguzo ọtọ mgbe ị na-agafe. Ndịisi na-achị achị ga-akpọ isiala nye gị, nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị, Onye kwesiri ntụkwasị obi, Onye nsọ Izrel, ahọpụtala gị.”
Thus saith Jehovah, the Redeemer of Israel, his Holy One, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorreth, to the servant of rulers: Kings shall see and arise, princes, and they shall worship, because of Jehovah who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel, who hath chosen thee.
8 Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị na-ekwu: “Nʼoge amara m, aga m aza unu, nʼụbọchị nzọpụta aga m enyere unu aka. Aga m echebe unu, mee ka unu bụrụ ọgbụgba ndụ nye ndị mmadụ, iweghachite ala ahụ na ikegharịkwa ihe nketa ya nke tọgbọrọ nʼefu;
Thus saith Jehovah: In a time of acceptance have I answered thee, and in the day of salvation have I helped thee; and I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the land, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages;
9 na-asị ndị mkpọrọ, ‘Pụtanụ,’ na-asịkwa ndị nọ nʼọchịchịrị, ‘Pụtanụ nʼihe.’ “Ha ga-adịkwa ka atụrụ m, nọọ nʼakụkụ ụzọ, ndị na-ata ahịhịa nʼebe ịta nri nke ahịhịa ndụ, nʼakụkụ ugwu nta niile.
saying to the prisoners, Go forth; to them that are in darkness, Shew yourselves. They shall feed in the ways, and their pasture shall be on all bare hills.
10 Agụ agaghị agụ ha, akpịrị agaghị akpọkwa ha nkụ. Oke anwụ otiti nke ọzara agaghị acha ha ọzọ. Nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị ga-esite nʼobi ebere ya duo ha nʼakụkụ isi iyi jupụtara na mmiri.
They shall not hunger nor thirst, neither shall the heat nor sun smite them; for he that hath mercy on them will lead them, and by the springs of water will he guide them.
11 Aga m emekwa ka ugwu ukwu niile ghọọ okporoụzọ, meekwa ka okporoụzọ niile guzozie.
And I will make all my mountains a way, and my highways shall be raised up.
12 Lee, ndị m ga-alọghachi, ha ga-esitekwa nʼebe dị anya, ụfọdụ ga-esite nʼugwu, ụfọdụ nʼọdịda anyanwụ, ndị ọzọ ga-esite na mpaghara Aswan.”
Behold, these shall come from afar; and behold, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim.
13 Tienụ mkpu ọṅụ, eluigwe niile; ka ụwa ṅụrịa ọṅụ. Ugwu ukwu niile, bụọnụ abụ, nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị akasịela ndị ya obi. Ọ ga-enwekwa obi ebere nʼihi iru ụjụ ha.
Shout, ye heavens; and be joyful, thou earth; and break forth into singing, ye mountains: for Jehovah hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted ones.
14 Ma Zayọn sịrị, “Onyenwe anyị agbakụtala m azụ; Onyenwe m echefuola m.”
But Zion said, Jehovah hath forsaken me, and the Lord hath forgotten me.
15 “Nwanyị ọ pụrụ ichezọ nwa ya na-aṅụ ara, hapụ inwe obi ebere nʼahụ nwa si nʼafọ ya? Eleghị anya ọ pụrụ ichezọ, ma agaghị m echezọ unu.
Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Even these forget, but I will not forget thee.
16 Lee, edeela m aha gị nʼọbụaka m, nʼihu m kwa ka m debere foto mgbidi gị nke ga-adịgide.
Lo, I have graven thee upon the palms of [my] hands; thy walls are continually before me.
17 Ụmụ gị emeela ngwangwa lọghachite, ndị ahụ mere ka ị tọgbọrọ nʼefu ga-esi nʼime gị pụọ.
Thy sons shall make haste; thy destroyers and they that laid thee waste shall go forth from thee.
18 Welie anya gị abụọ lee gburugburu, legharịa anya, ụmụ gị niile na-ezukọta na-alọghachikwute gị. Dịka m na-adị ndụ,” ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri. “Ị ga-eyi ha niile dịka ọla ịchọ mma, ị ga-ekekwa ha dịka nwanyị a na-alụ ọhụrụ si eme.
Lift up thine eyes round about and behold: they all gather themselves together, they come to thee. As I live, saith Jehovah, thou shalt indeed clothe thee with them all as with an ornament, and bind them on as a bride doth.
19 “Ọ bụ ezie na e bibiri gị, mee ka ị tọgbọrọ nʼefu, ala gị abụrụ nkpọnkpọ ebe, ma ugbu a, ị gaghị ezuru ndị gị, otu a kwa, ndị ahụ ripịara gị ga-anọ gị nʼebe dị anya.
For [in] thy waste and thy desolate places, and thy destroyed land, thou shalt even now be too straitened by reason of the inhabitants, and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away.
20 Ụmụ niile a mụrụ nʼoge ọnwụ gbabara gị aka, ga-asịkwa na ntị gị, ‘Ebe a dịrị anyị oke ntakịrị, nye anyị ebe sara mbara karịa nke anyị ga-ebi nʼime ya.’
The children of thy bereavement shall yet say in thine ears, The place is too narrow for me: make room for me, that I may dwell.
21 Mgbe ahụ, ị ga-eche nʼime onwe gị sị, ‘Onye mụtaara m ọtụtụ ụmụ ndị a niile? A dịrị m ka nwanyị na-amụghị nwa maọbụ onye ụmụ ya nwụchara. Onye ajụrụ ajụ na nke e mere ka ọ gaa biri nʼala ọzọ. Mụ onwe m fọdụrụ, naanị m. Onye kwa mụụrụ m ụmụ ndị a? Onye zụlitere ha?’”
And thou shalt say in thy heart, Who hath borne me these, seeing I had lost my children and was desolate, an exile, and driven about? and who hath brought up these? behold, I was left alone; these, where were they?
22 Otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị kwuru, “Lee, aga m akpọku ndị mba ọzọ, weliere ha ọkọlọtọ m, ha ga-ekulatara gị ụmụ gị ndị ikom nʼaka ha. Ụmụ ndị inyom ka ha ga-ekukwasị nʼubu ha kulatakwa ha.
Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I will lift up my hand to the nations, and set up my banner to the peoples; and they shall bring thy sons in [their] bosom, and thy daughters shall be carried upon the shoulder.
23 Ndị eze ga-abụkwa ndị nna na-azụ ụmụ gị, ndị eze nwanyị ha ga-abụkwa ndị inyom na-enye ụmụ gị ara. Ha ga-akpọ isiala nye gị, rachakwaa aja dị nʼụkwụ gị abụọ. Mgbe ahụ, ị ga-amata na mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe anyị, matakwa na ihere agaghị eme ndị niile na-ele anya inyeaka m.”
And kings shall be thy nursing-fathers, and their princesses thy nursing-mothers: they shall bow down to thee with the face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet. And thou shalt know that I [am] Jehovah; for they shall not be ashamed who wait on me.
24 A ga-anara dike nʼagha ihe ọ lụtara nʼagha, maọbụ zọpụta ndị a dọọrọ nʼagha site nʼaka onye afọ tara mmiri?
Shall the prey be taken from the mighty? and shall he that is rightfully captive be delivered?
25 Ma otu a ka Onyenwe anyị sịrị, “Nʼezie, a ga-esi nʼaka ndị bụ dike nʼagha pụnara ha ndị ha dọtara nʼagha. A ga-esitekwa nʼaka onye na-akpa ike napụta ya ihe ọ dọtara nʼagha. Nʼihi na aga m ebuso ha agha bụ ndị niile na-ebuso gị agha. Aga m anapụtakwa ụmụ gị.
For thus saith Jehovah: Even the captive of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered; and I will strive with him that striveth with thee, and I will save thy children.
26 Aga m eme ka ndị na-akpagbu gị rie anụ ahụ onwe ha; ha ga-aṅụ ọbara onwe ha ṅụbiga ya oke, dịka mmanya. Mgbe ahụ, ihe niile bụ mmadụ nʼụwa ga-amata, na mụ onwe m Onyenwe anyị, bụ Onye na-azọpụta gị, Onye mgbapụta gị, na Onye dị ike nke Jekọb.”
And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with new wine. And all flesh shall know that I, Jehovah, [am] thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.

< Aịzaya 49 >