< 1 Samuel 19 >

1 Sọl gwara ndị ohu ya na ọkpara ya, Jonatan, ka ha gbuo Devid. Ma nʼihi na ihe banyere Devid masịrị Jonatan,
And Saul spoke to Jonathan his son, and to all his servants, that they should slay David.
2 ọ dọrọ ya aka na ntị, “Nna m Sọl na-achọ ohere igbu gị. Lezie anya chee ndụ gị nche, ụtụtụ echi, gaa nʼebe ị ga-ezo onwe gị nọdụ nʼebe ahụ.
But Jonathan Saul's son delighted much in David. And Jonathan told David, saying, Saul my father seeks to kill thee; and now, I pray thee, take heed to thyself in the morning, and abide in a secret place and hide thyself;
3 Mụ na nna m ga-eso bịa nʼakụkụ ọhịa ebe ahụ i zoro onwe gị. Aga m agwa ya okwu banyere gị. Ihe ọbụla m chọpụtara, aga m agwa gị.”
and I will go out and stand beside my father in the field where thou art, and will speak of thee with my father: and see what it is, and tell thee.
4 Jonatan kwuru okwu ọma banyere Devid nye Sọl nna ya sị ya, “Ka eze ghara ime ihe ọjọọ megide Devid bụ ohu ya. O nwebeghị ihe ọjọọ o mere gị. Nʼezie, ihe niile o mere bụ ihe baara gị uru nke ukwuu.
And Jonathan spoke good of David to Saul his father, and said to him, Let not the king sin against his servant, against David, because he has not sinned against thee; for also what he did was very advantageous to thee;
5 Ọ kpọrọ ndụ ya asị mgbe o gburu onye Filistia ahụ. Onyenwe anyị nyekwara ndị Izrel niile mmeri dị ukwuu. Obi dịkwa gị ụtọ mgbe ị hụrụ nke a. Gịnị mekwaranụ i ga-eji mejọọ nwoke aka ya dị ọcha dịka Devid, site nʼigbu ya ebe ọ bụ na ikpe amaghị ya?”
for he put his life in hand, and smote the Philistine, and Jehovah wrought a great salvation for all Israel: thou didst see [it], and didst rejoice; why then wilt thou sin against innocent blood, in slaying David without cause?
6 Sọl ṅara Jonatan ntị ṅụọkwa iyi sị, “Dịka Onyenwe anyị na-adị ndụ, agaghị egbu ya.”
And Saul hearkened to the voice of Jonathan, and Saul swore, [As] Jehovah liveth, he shall not be put to death!
7 Emesịa, Jonatan kpọrọ Devid gwa ya ihe mere. Jonatan duuru Devid gaa nʼihu Sọl. Ihe niile dizikwara dịka ọ dị na mbụ.
Then Jonathan called David, and Jonathan declared to him all those things. And Jonathan brought David to Saul, and he was in his presence as previously.
8 Agha ọzọ dakwara. Nʼoge a, Devid duuru ndị agha ya pụọ ibuso ndị Filistia agha. O gburu ọtụtụ nʼime ha, chụọkwa ndị agha Filistia ọsọ.
And there was war again; and David went forth and fought with the Philistines, and smote them with a great slaughter; and they fled before him.
9 Ma mmụọ ọjọọ Onyenwe anyị zitere bịakwasịrị Sọl dịka ọ nọ nʼime ụlọ ya, ùbe ya dịkwa ya nʼaka. Mgbe Devid na-akpọ nʼụbọ akwara,
And an evil spirit from Jehovah was upon Saul. And he sat in his house with his spear in his hand; and David played with his hand.
10 Sọl tụrụ ùbe ahụ ka ọ tugbuo Devid nʼahụ aja, ma ọ gbapụrụ site nʼihu Sọl, ma ùbe ahụ manyere nʼaja ụlọ ahụ. Devid gbapụrụ ọsọ zoo onwe ya nʼabalị ahụ.
And Saul sought to smite David and the wall with the spear; but he slipped away out of Saul's presence, and he smote the spear into the wall. And David fled, and escaped that night.
11 Sọl zipụrụ ndị agha ka ha chee ụlọ Devid nche, gbuo ya mgbe ọ pụtara nʼụtụtụ. Ma Mikal nwunye Devid gwara ya sị, “Ọ bụrụ na ị gbapụghị, zoo onwe gị nʼabalị a, onye nwụrụ anwụ ka ị ga-abụ nʼụtụtụ echi.”
And Saul sent messengers to David's house, to watch him, and to slay him in the morning; and Michal David's wife told him, saying, If thou save not thy life to-night, to-morrow thou wilt be put to death.
12 Ya mere, Mikal sitere na oghereikuku wetuo Devid, ebe o si gbapụ.
And Michal let David down through a window; and he went, and fled and escaped.
13 Emesịa, Mikal kwagharịrị ihe ndina Devid, were ihe a kpụrụ akpụ tụkwasị nʼelu ya, werekwa akwa kpuchie ya, tinye ihe ajị ewu nʼebe isi ya.
And Michal took the image, and laid it in the bed, and put the net of goats' [hair] at its head, and covered it with the coverlet.
14 Mgbe ndị agha ahụ bịaruru ijide Devid na ịkpụgara ya Sọl, Mikal gwara ha sị, “Ahụ esighị ya ike.”
And Saul sent messengers to take David, and she said, He is sick.
15 Mgbe ahụ, Sọl zighachiri ndị ahụ azụ nʼebe Devid nọ si ha, “Bute ya na ihe ndina o dina nʼelu ya, ka m gbuo ya.”
And Saul sent the messengers to see David, saying, Bring him up to me in the bed, that I may put him to death.
16 Mgbe ndị ikom ahụ batara, ha hụrụ ihe a kpụrụ akpụ ka ọ dị nʼelu ihe ndina, hụkwa ajị ewu ka ọ dị nʼakụkụ ebe isi nke ihe ndina ahụ.
And the messengers came in, and behold, the image was in the bed, and the net of goats' [hair] at its head.
17 Sọl jụrụ Mikal sị, “Gịnị mere i ji ghọgbuo m otu a, mee ka onye iro m gbalaga?” Mikal zara, “Ọ bụ ya sịrị m, ‘Hapụ m ka m pụọ, nʼihi gịnị ka m ga-eji gbuo gị?’”
Then Saul said to Michal, Why hast thou deceived me so, and sent away mine enemy, that he is escaped? And Michal said to Saul, He said to me, Let me go; why should I slay thee?
18 Mgbe Devid gbara ọsọ gbalaga, ọ gakwuru Samuel na Rema, kọrọ ya ihe niile Sọl mere ya. Ya na Samuel gara biri na Naịọt.
And David fled, and escaped, and came to Samuel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth.
19 Ozi ruru Sọl ntị, “Devid nọ na Naịọt nʼime Rema,”
And it was told Saul, saying, Behold, David is at Naioth by Ramah.
20 ya mere, o zipụrụ ndị ikom ka ha gaa jide ya. Ma mgbe ha rutere, ha hụrụ otu ndị amụma ka ha na-ebu amụma, hụkwa Samuel ka ọ na-eguzo nʼebe ahụ dịka onyeisi ha. Mmụọ nke Chineke bịakwasịrị ndị ozi Sọl ahụ, mee ka ha malitekwa ibu amụma.
Then Saul sent messengers to take David; and they saw a company of prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing as president over them; and the Spirit of God came upon the messengers of Saul, and they also prophesied.
21 Mgbe Sọl nụrụ ihe mere, o zipụkwara ndị agha ọzọ, ma ha onwe ha bukwara amụma! Otu ihe ahụ mekwara ndị o zipụrụ nke ugboro atọ.
And it was told Saul, and he sent other messengers, and they also prophesied. And Saul sent messengers again the third time, and they also prophesied.
22 Nʼikpeazụ ya onwe ya pụrụ gaa Rema, ruo nʼolulu mmiri Seku. Ọ jụrụ, “Ebee ka Samuel na Devid nọ?” Ha sịrị, “Ha nọ na Naịọt nke Rema.”
Then went he also to Ramah, and came to the great well that is in Sechu; and he asked and said, Where are Samuel and David? And one said, Behold, at Naioth by Ramah.
23 Ya mere, Sọl gara Naịọt nke dị na Rema. Ma Mmụọ nke Chineke bịakwasịrị ya, dịka ọ na-aga nʼụzọ ọ malitere ibu amụma tutu ruo mgbe ọ bịaruru Naịọt.
And he went thither to Naioth by Ramah; and the Spirit of God came upon him also, and he went on, and prophesied, until he came to Naioth by Ramah.
24 O yipụrụ uwe ya buo amụma nʼihu Samuel. Ọ gba ọtọ dinara ala nʼebe ahụ ehihie ahụ, na abalị ahụ niile. Ọ bụ nke a mere ndị mmadụ ji sị, “Sọl ọ ghọọla otu nʼime ndị amụma?”
And he himself also stripped off his clothes, and prophesied, himself also, before Samuel, and lay down naked all that day and all that night. Wherefore they say, Is Saul also among the prophets?

< 1 Samuel 19 >