< II Samuela 19 >

1 U A haiia'ku ia Ioaba, Aia ke uwe nei ke alii, a ke kanikau nei oia no Abesaloma.
And word was given to Joab that the king was weeping and sorrowing for Absalom.
2 Ia la, lilo ae la ke ola i mea e kanikau ai o na kanaka a pau: no ka mea, ua lohe na kanaka ia la, i ka haiia mai o ka uwe ana o ke alii no kana keiki.
And the salvation of that day was changed to sorrow for all the people: for it was said to the people, The king is in bitter grief for his son.
3 A hoi malu aku la na kanaka iloko o ke kulanakauhale ia la, e like me na kanaka hilahila e holo malu aku, ke hee lakou i ke kaua.
And the people made their way back to the town quietly and secretly, as those who are shamed go secretly when they go in flight from the war.
4 Aka, o ke alii, pulou iho la ia i kona maka, a uwe aku la ke alii me ka leo nui, E kuu keiki e Abesaloma e! e Abesaloma kuu keiki, kuu keiki e!
But the king, covering his face, gave a great cry, O my son Absalom, O Absalom, my son, my son!
5 Hele aku la o Ioaba iloko o ka hale i ke alii, i aku la, Ua hoohilahila oe i keia la i na maka o kau poe kauwa a pau, o ka poe nana i malama i kou ola, a me ke ola o kau mau keikikane, a me kau mau kaikamahine, a me ke ola o kau mau wahine, a me ke ola o kau mau haiawahine;
And Joab came into the house to the king and said, Today you have put to shame the faces of all your servants who even now have kept you and your sons and your daughters and your wives and all your women safe from death;
6 Ma kou aloha ana aku i kou poe enemi, a me ka hoowahawaha ana i kou poe hoalauna: no ka mea, ua hoike mai oe i keia la, he mea ole ia oe na alii a me na kauwa: a ke ike nei au i keia la, ina paha i ola o Abesaloma, a make makou a pau i keia la, ina ua oluolu io no oe.
For your haters, it seems, are dear to you, and your friends are hated. For you have made it clear that captains and servants are nothing to you: and now I see that if Absalom was living and we had all been dead today, it would have been right in your eyes.
7 Ano hoi, e ala'e oe, e hele iwaho, a e olelo hooluolu aku i kau poe kauwa. Ke hoohiki aku nei au ma o Iehova la, a i hele ole aku oe, aole e noho kekahi me oe i neia po; a e ino loa aku ia mea, i na mea ino a pau i hiki mai iou la mai kou wa opiopio a hiki ia nei.
So get up now, and go out and say some kind words to your servants; for, by the Lord, I give you my oath, that if you do not go out, not one of them will keep with you tonight; and that will be worse for you than all the evil which has overtaken you from your earliest years.
8 Alaila ala'e la ke alii, a noho iho la ma ka ipuka o ka pa. Hai aku la lakou i na kanaka a panu, Aia hoi, ke noho mai la ke alii ma ka ipuka. A hele mai la na kanaka a pau imua o ke alii; no ka mea, ua mahuka aku la ka Iseraela o kela kanaka keia kanaka a pau i kona halelewa iho.
Then the king got up and took his seat near the town-door. And word was given to all the people that the king was in the public place: and all the people came before the king. Now all the men of Israel had gone back in flight to their tents.
9 Hoopaapaa ae la na kanaka a pau ma na ohana a pau o ka Iseraela, i ae la, Ua hoola mai ke alii ia kakou mai ka lima ae o ko kakou poe enemi, a ua hoopakele hoi oia ia kakou mai ka lima ae o ko Pilisetia: ano hoi, ua holo aku no ia mawaho o ka aina no Abesaloma.
And through all the tribes of Israel the people were having arguments, saying, The king made us safe from the hands of those who were against us and made us free from the hands of the Philistines; and now he has gone in flight from the land, because of Absalom.
10 A o Abesaloma ka mea a kakou i poni ai i alii maluna o kakou, ua make ia iloko o ke kaua: heaha hoi ka mea e olelo ole aku ai oukou i kekahi huaolelo no ka hoihoi ana mai i ke alii?
And Absalom, whom we made a ruler over us, is dead in the fight. So now why do you say nothing about getting the king back? And word of what all Israel was saying came to the king.
11 Hoouna aku la o Davida ke alii io Zadoka la a me Abiatara na kahuna, i aku la, E olelo aku olua i na lunakahiko o ka Iuda, e i aku, No ke aha la e lohi loa nei oukou i ka hoihoi ana mai i ke alii i kona hale? no ka mea, ua hiki mai ka olelo a ka Iseraela a pau i ke alii, a i kona ohana.
And King David sent word to Zadok and Abiathar, the priests, Say to the responsible men of Judah, Why are you the last to take steps to get the king back to his house?
12 Oukou no na hoahanau o'u, oukou no ko'u mau iwi a me ko'u io; no ke aha hoi e lohi loa nei oukou i ka hoihoi aku i ke alii?
You are my brothers, my bone and my flesh; why are you the last to get the king back again?
13 E i aku hoi olua ia Amasa, Aole anei oe no kuu iwi a me kuu io? Pela ke Akua e hana mai ai ia'u, a nui aku, i ole oe ka lunakaua mau imua o'u ma ko Ioaba wahi.
And say to Amasa, Are you not my bone and my flesh? May God's punishment be on me, if I do not make you chief of the army before me at all times in place of Joab!
14 Hoohuli mai la kela i ka naau o na kanaka a pau o ka Iuda, e like me ko ke kanaka hookahi; nolaila, olelo aku la lakou i ke alii, E hoi hou mai oe a me au mau kauwa a pau.
And the hearts of the men of Judah were moved like one man; so that they sent to the king, saying, Come back, with all your servants.
15 Alaila hoi mai la ke alii, a hiki mai i Ioredane. A hele mai la ka Iuda i Gilegala e halawai me ke alii, a e alakai i ke alii ma keia aoao o Ioredane.
So the king came back, and came as far as Jordan. And Judah came to Gilgal, meeting the king there, to take him back with them over Jordan.
16 Ao Simei ke keiki a Gera, he mamo na Beniamina no Bahurima, wikiwiki ae la ia a iho pu aku la me na kanaka o ka Iuda e halawai me ke alii me Davida.
And Shimei, the son of Gera, the Benjamite from Bahurim, got up quickly and went down with the men of Judah for the purpose of meeting King David;
17 Me ia pu na kanaka o ka Beniamina he tausani, a o Ziba ke kauwa na ka ohana a Saula, a me ia hoi na keikikane ana he umikumamalima, a me na kauwa ana he iwakalua: hele mai la lakou ma keia aoao o Ioredane imua o ke alii.
And with him a thousand men of Benjamin, and Ziba, the servant of Saul, with his fifteen sons and twenty servants, came rushing to Jordan before the king,
18 A holo ae la ka waapa e alo mai i ko ka hale o ke alii, a e lawelawe hoi i ka mea a ke alii i manao ai he pono. Moe iho la o Simei ke keiki a Gera imua o ke alii i kona pae ana i keia aoao o Ioredane.
And kept going across the river to take the people of the king's house over, and to do whatever was desired by the king. And Shimei, the son of Gera, went down on his face in the dust before the king, when he was about to go over Jordan,
19 I mai la ia i ke alii, mai manao hewa mai kuu haku ia'u, aole hoi e hoomauhala i ka mea a kau kauwa i hana kolohe aku ai i ka la a kuu haku a ke alii i puka mai ai iwaho o Ierusalema, i waiho ai ke alii ia mea maloko o kona naau.
And said to him, Let me not be judged as a sinner in your eyes, O my lord, and do not keep in mind the wrong I did on the day when my lord the king went out of Jerusalem, or take it to heart.
20 No ka mea, ke ike nei kau kauwa; ua hana hewa no wau: nolaila, eia au i hele mai nei, ka mea mua o ka ohana a Iosepa, i iho mai e halawai me kuu haku me ke alii.
For your servant is conscious of his sin: and so, as you see, I have come today, the first of all the sons of Joseph, for the purpose of meeting my lord the king.
21 Olelo mai la o Abisai ke keiki a Zeruia, i mai la, Aole anei e make o Simei ia mea; no ka mea, ua hoino mai ia i ka Iehova mea i poniia?
But Abishai, the son of Zeruiah, said, Is not death the right fate for Shimei, because he has been cursing the one marked by the holy oil?
22 I aku la o Davida, Heaha ka'u ia olua, e na keiki a Zeruia, i ku e mai ai olua ia'u i keia la? E make anei kekahi kanaka i keia la iloko o ka Iseraela? Aole anei au i ike, owau no ke alii i keia la maluna o ka Iseraela?
And David said, What have I to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah, that you put yourselves against me today? is it right for any man in Israel to be put to death today? for I am certain today that I am king in Israel.
23 I aku la ke alii ia Simei, Aole oe e make: a hoohiki aku la ke alii ia ia.
So the king said to Shimei, You will not be put to death. And the king gave him his oath.
24 Iho aku la hoi o Mepiboseta ka moopuna a Saula e halawai me ke alii; aole ia i hooponopono i kona mau wawae, aole i hoomaikai i kona umiumi, aole no hoi i holoi i kona kapa, mai ka la i hele aku ai ke alii, a hiki i ka la i hoi hou mai ai ia me ka malu.
And Mephibosheth, the son of Saul's son, came down for the purpose of meeting the king; his feet had not been cared for or his hair cut or his clothing washed from the day when the king went away till the day when he came back in peace.
25 A hiki mai la ia i Ierusalema e halawai me ke alii, i aku la ke alii ia ia, E Mepiboseta, heaha kau i hele pu ole ai me au?
Now when he had come from Jerusalem to see the king, the king said to him, Why did you not come with me, Mephibosheth?
26 I mai la kela, E kuu haku, e ke alii, ua hoopunipuni mai kuu kauwa ia'u: no ka mea, i aku la kau kauwa, e hoee aku no au i ka noho maluna o ka hoki no'u, i holo ai au maluna, a hele aku i ke alii; no ka mea, he oopa kau kauwa.
And he said in answer, Because of the deceit of my servant, my lord king: for I, your servant, said to him, You are to make ready an ass and on it I will go with the king, for your servant has not the use of his feet.
27 A ua alapahi kela i kau kauwa imua o kuu haku o ke alii; a ua like kuu haku ke alii me ka anela o ke Akua; nolaila, e hana aku oe i ka mea pono ma kou maka.
He has given you a false account of me: but my lord the king is like the angel of God: do then whatever seems good to you.
28 No ka mea, ua like me na kanaka make ka poe ohana a pau o kuu kupunakane imua o kuu haku o ke alii; aka, ua hoonoho oe i kau kauwa iwaena o ka poe nana i ai ma kou papaaina iho: heaha hoi kuu pono e kahea hou aku ai i ke alii?
For all my father's family were only dead men before my lord the king: and still you put your servant among those whose place is at the king's table. What right then have I to say anything more to the king?
29 I aku la ke alii ia ia, No ke aha oe e olelo hou mai nei no kau mau mea? Ua olelo aku no wau, E hoolike a like olua me Ziba i ka aina.
And the king said, Say nothing more about these things. I say, Let there be a division of the land between Ziba and you.
30 I mai la o Mepiboseta i ke alii, Ae, e lawe kela nona i na mea a pau: no ka mea, ua hoi hou mai nei kuu haku ke alii i kona hale me ka malu.
And Mephibosheth said, Let him take it all, now that my lord the king has come back to his house in peace!
31 Iho mai la hoi o Barezilai no Gileada mai Rogelima mai a hele pu mai me ke alii ma keia kapa o Ioredane, e alakai ia ia ma neia aoao o Ioredane.
And Barzillai the Gileadite came down from Rogelim; and he went on as far as Jordan with the king to take him across Jordan.
32 He kanaka elemakule o Barezilai; he kanawalu kona mau makahiki: a hanai aku la ia i ke alii i kona wa i noho ai ma Mahanaima; no ka mea, he kanaka koikoi nui loa ia.
Now Barzillai was a very old man, as much as eighty years old: and he had given the king everything he had need of, while he was at Mahanaim, for he was a very great man.
33 I aku la ke alii ia Barezilai, E hele pu oe me au, a e hanai aku no au ia oe ma Ierusalema.
And the king said to Barzillai, Come over with me, and I will take care of you in Jerusalem.
34 I mai la o Barezilai i ke alii, Ehia mau la o kuu ola e koe, i pii aku ai au me ke alii i Ierusalema?
And Barzillai said to the king, How much of my life is still before me, for me to go up to Jerusalem with the king?
35 He kanawalu na makahiki o'u i keia la; e hiki anei ia'u ke ike mawaena o ka pono a me ka hewa? Ua ono anei i kau kauwa ka'u mea e ai ai, a me ka'u mea e inu ai? e lohe hou anei au i ka leo o na kane mea mele a me na wahine mea mele? no ke aha hoi e hookaumaha aku ai kau kauwa i kuu haku i ke alii?
I am now eighty years old: good and bad are the same to me; have meat and drink any taste for me now? am I able to take pleasure in the voices of men or women in song? why then am I to be a trouble to my lord the king?
36 E hele ana kau kauwa ma o iki aku o Ioredane me ke alii: no ke aha hoi e hoouku mai ai ke alii ia'u ia uku nui?
Your servant's desire was only to take the king over Jordan; why is the king to give me such a reward?
37 Ke noi aku nei au ia oe, e ae mai oe i kau kauwa e hoi hou aku ia, i make au maloko o kuu kulanakauhale, ma ka halekupapau o kuu makuakane a me uku makuwahine. Aka, eia hoi kau kauwa o Kimehama; e aho e hele pu ia me kuu haku me ke alii; e hana aku oe ia ia e like me ka mea pono ia oe.
Let your servant now go back again, so that when death comes to me, it may be in my town and by the resting-place of my father and mother. But here is your servant Chimham: let him go with my lord the king, and do for him what seems good to you.
38 I aku la ke alii, E hele pu o Kimehama me au, a e hana aku au ia ia ma ka mea pono ia oe: a o ka mea au e makemake mai ai ia'u, oia ka'u e hana aku ai nou.
And the king said in answer, Let Chimham go over with me, and I will do for him whatever seems good to you: and whatever your desire is, I will do it for you.
39 Hele mai la na kanaka a pau ma neia aoao o Ioredane. A pae mai ke alii, alaila honi ae la ke alii ia Barezilai, a hoomaikai aku la ia ia, a hoi hou aku la ia i kona wahi.
Then all the people went over Jordan, and the king went over: and the king gave Barzillai a kiss, with his blessing; and he went back to his place.
40 Alaila hele aku la ke alii i Gilegala, a hele pu aku la o Kimehama me ia: a alakai aku la na kanaka a pau o ka Iuda i ke alii, a pela hoi kekahi hapa o na kanaka o ka Iseraela.
So the king went over to Gilgal, and Chimham went with him: and all the people of Judah, as well as half the people of Israel, took the king on his way.
41 Aia hoi, hele mai la na kanaka a pau o ka Iseraela i ke alii, i aku la i ke alii, No ke aha la i aihue aku ai ko makou mau hoahanau na kanaka o ka Iuda ia oe, a ua kai mai i ke alii a me ko ka hale ona, a me na kanaka o Davida a pau me ia ma keia kapa o Ioredane?
Then the men of Israel came to the king and said, Why have our countrymen of Judah taken you away in secret and come over Jordan with the king and all his family, because all his people are David's men?
42 Olelo aku la na kanaka a pau o ka Iuda i na kanaka o ka Iseraela, no ka mea, ua hookahi kona hanauna me ko makou; heaha ka oukou e huhu mai nei ia mea? Ua ai iki anei makou i ka ke alii? a ua haawi mai anei ia i ka manawalea ia makou?
And all the men of Judah gave this answer to the men of Israel, Because the king is our near relation: why then are you angry about this? have we taken any of the king's food, or has he given us any offering?
43 Olelo aku la na kanaka o ka Iseraela i na kanaka o ka Iuda, i ae la, He umi mau hakina o ke alii ka makou, a he nui aku ka makou ia Davida i ka oukou: no ke aha hoi oukou i hoowahawaha ai ia makou, i lilo ole ka makou olelo no ka hoihoi ana mai i ke alii i ka mea mua? A o ka olelo ana a na kanaka o ka Iuda, he ikaika aku ia i ka olelo ana a na kanaka o ka Iseraela.
And in answer to the men of Judah, the men of Israel said, We have ten parts in the king, and we are the first in order of birth: why did you make nothing of us? and were we not the first to make suggestions for getting the king back? And the words of the men of Judah were more violent than the words of the men of Israel.

< II Samuela 19 >