< Waƙar Waƙoƙi 1 >

1 Waƙar Waƙoƙin Solomon.
This is [King] Solomon’s most beautiful song.
2 Bari yă sumbace ni da sumbar bakinsa, gama ƙaunarka ta fi ruwan inabi zaƙi.
Kiss me [on my lips], because your love [for me] is more delightful than wine.
3 Ƙanshin turarenka mai daɗi ne; sunanka kuwa kamar turaren da aka tsiyaye ne. Shi ya sa mata suke ƙaunarka!
The fragrance of the cologne on your [skin] is [very] sweet/pleasing [CHI]. And your reputation is [very] good and spreads, [like] [SIM] the fragrance of the special oil spread on your skin. That is why the [other] young women are attracted to you.
4 Ka ɗauke ni mu gudu, mu yi sauri! Bari sarki yă kai ni gidansa. Ƙawaye Muna farin ciki muna kuma murna tare da kai, za mu yabi ƙaunarka fiye da ruwan inabi. Ƙaunatacciya Daidai ne su girmama ka!
Take me quickly; take me to your home. [It is as though] you are my king; take me into your room. We are very happy [DOU] about you; we say that your love [for each other] is better than wine. It is not surprising that the other young women adore you.
5 Ni baƙa ce, duk da haka kyakkyawa. Ya ku’yan matan Urushalima, ni baƙa ce kamar tentunan Kedar, kamar labulen tentin Solomon.
You women of Jerusalem, I am dark but beautiful; my dark skin is like [SIM] the tents in Kedar, [or] like the beautiful curtains in Solomon’s palace.
6 Kada ku harare ni domin ni baƙa ce, gama rana ta dafa ni na yi baƙa.’Ya’yan mahaifiyata maza sun yi fushi da ni suka sa ni aiki a gonakin inabi; na ƙyale gonar inabi na kaina.
[But] do not stare at me because of the sun having caused my skin to become dark; my brothers were angry with me, [so] they forced me to work [out in the sunshine] in the vineyards, so I was not able to take good care of my body/skin [CHI, MET].
7 Faɗa mini, kai da nake ƙauna, ina kake kiwon garkenka kuma ina kake kai tumakinka su huta da tsakar rana. Me ya sa zan kasance kamar macen da aka lulluɓe kusa da garkunan abokanka?
You whom I [SYN] love, where will you take your flock of sheep today? Where will you allow them to rest at noontime? I want to know because it is not right [RHQ] for me to wander around like a prostitute looking for you among the flocks that belong to your friends.
8 Ke mafiya kyau a cikin mata, in ba ki sani ba, to, ki dai bi labin da tumaki suke bi ki yi kiwon’yan awakinki kusa da tentunan makiyaya.
You who are the most beautiful of all the women, if you [search for me and] do not know [where I will take my sheep], follow the tracks/footprints of the sheep. [Then] allow your young goats to (graze/eat grass) near the shepherds’ tents.
9 Ina kwatanta ke ƙaunatacciyata, da goɗiya mai jan keken yaƙin kayan Fir’auna.
You [are beautiful], my darling, like the young female horse that pulls the chariot of the king of Egypt.
10 ’Yan kunne sun ƙara wa kumatunki kyau, wuyanki yana da jerin kayan wuya masu daraja.
Your cheeks are decorated with jewelry, and there are strings of beads/pearls around your neck.
11 Za mu yi’yan kunnenki na zinariya, da adon azurfa.
We will make for you [some] gold earrings that are decorated/inlaid with silver.
12 Yayinda sarki yake a teburinsa, turarena ya bazu da ƙanshi.
While the king was on his couch, the smell of my perfume spread [around the room].
13 Ƙaunataccena yana kamar ƙanshin mur a gare ni, kwance a tsakanin ƙirjina.
The man who loves me is [as delightful as [MET]] a (sachet/small cloth bag) of myrrh between my breasts.
14 Ƙaunataccena kamar tarin furanni jeji ne gare ni daga gonakin inabin En Gedi.
He is like [MET] a bunch of flowers from the vineyards at En-Gedi.
15 Ke kyakkyawa ce, ƙaunatacciyata! Kai, ke kyakkyawa ce! Idanunki kamar na kurciya ne.
You whom I love, you are beautiful; you are very beautiful! Your eyes are [as delightful/charming as] doves.
16 Kai kyakkyawa ne, ƙaunataccena! Kai, kana ɗaukan hankali! Gadonmu koriyar ciyawa ce.
You who love me, you are very delightful/handsome, you are wonderful! This green grass will be [like] a couch [where we lie down].
17 Al’ul su ne ginshiƙan gidanmu; fir su ne katakan rufin gidanmu.
[Branches of] cedar [trees] will shade us; [it is as though branches of] juniper/pine [trees] will be like [MET] a roof [over our heads].

< Waƙar Waƙoƙi 1 >