< Zabura 1 >

1 Mai farin ciki ne mutumin da ba ya aiki da shawarar mugaye ko yă yi abin da masu zunubi suke yi ko yă zauna tare da masu yin ba’a.
Blessed is the man that doeth not walke in the counsell of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in ye seate of the scornefull:
2 Amma yana jin daɗin bin dokar Ubangiji, kuma yana ta nazarinta dare da rana.
But his delite is in the Lawe of the Lord, and in his Lawe doeth he meditate day and night.
3 Yana kama da itacen da aka shuka kusa da maɓulɓulan ruwa, wanda yake ba da amfani a daidai lokaci wanda kuma ganyensa ba sa bushewa. Duk abin da yake yi, yakan yi nasara.
For he shall be like a tree planted by the riuers of waters, that will bring foorth her fruite in due season: whose leafe shall not fade: so whatsoeuer he shall doe, shall prosper.
4 Ba haka yake da mugaye ba! Su kamar yayi ne da iska take kwashewa.
The wicked are not so, but as the chaffe, which the winde driueth away.
5 Saboda haka mugaye ba za su iya tsayawa a shari’a ba, balle a sami masu zunubi a taron adalai.
Therefore the wicked shall not stande in the iudgement, nor sinners in the assemblie of the righteous.
6 Gama Ubangiji yana lura da yadda adalai suke yin abubuwa, amma ayyukan mugaye za su kai su ga hallaka.
For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous, and the way of the wicked shall perish.

< Zabura 1 >