< Ƙidaya 18 >

1 Ubangiji ya ce wa Haruna, “Kai da’ya’yanka, da kuma iyalin mahaifinka za ku ɗauki hakkin abin da ya shafi Tentin Sujada, kai da’ya’yanka kaɗai za ku ɗauki hakkin aikinku wanda ya shafi firistoci.
And YHWH says to Aaron, “You, and your sons, and the house of your father with you, bear the iniquity of the sanctuary; and you and your sons with you bear the iniquity of your priesthood;
2 Ka kawo’yan’uwanka Lawiyawa daga kabilar kakanka tare da kai, don su taimake ka sa’ad da kai da’ya’yanka kuke hidima a gaban Tentin Sujada.
and also your brothers, the tribe of Levi, the tribe of your father, bring near with you, and they are joined to you, and serve you, even you and your sons with you, before the Tent of the Testimony.
3 Za su kasance a ƙarƙashinka, su ne kuma za su yi dukan hidima ta Tenti, amma kada su je kusa da kayayyakin wuri mai tsarki, ko bagade, in ba haka ba, da kai da su, za ku mutu.
And they have kept your charge, and the charge of all the tent; only, they do not come near to the vessels of the holy place and to the altar, and they do not die, either they or you;
4 Za su haɗa hannu tare da kai su ɗauki nauyin lura da Tentin Sujada, dukan ayyuka a Tenti, ba kuma wanda zai zo kusa da inda kake.
and they have been joined to you and have kept the charge of the Tent of Meeting for all the service of the tent; and a stranger does not come near to you;
5 “Kai ne za ka ɗauki nauyin lura da wuri mai tsarki da bagade, domin kada fushi yă sāke fāɗa a kan Isra’ilawa.
and you have kept the charge of the holy place and the charge of the altar, and there is no more wrath against the sons of Israel.
6 Ni da kaina na zaɓo’yan’uwanka Lawiyawa daga cikin Isra’ilawa a matsayin kyauta a gare ku, keɓaɓɓu don Ubangiji, domin su yi hidima a Tentin Sujada.
And I, behold, have taken your brothers the Levites from the midst of the sons of Israel; they are a gift given to you by YHWH to do the service of the Tent of Meeting;
7 Amma kai ne kaɗai da’ya’yanka za ku yi aiki a matsayin firistoci game da kowane abu a Tentin Sujada da kuma bayan labule. Ina ba ka aikin firist, yă zama naka. Duk wani kuma da ya zo kusa da wuri mai tsarki, dole a kashe shi.”
and you and your sons with you keep your priesthood for everything of the altar and within the veil, and you have served; I make your priesthood a gift [for] service; and the stranger who is coming near is put to death.”
8 Sai Ubangiji ya ce wa Haruna, “Na ba ka aikin lura da hadayun da za a miƙa mini, dukan tsarkakan hadayun da Isra’ilawa suka ba ni, na ba ka su su zama rabonka da na’ya’yanka har abada.
And YHWH speaks to Aaron: “And I, behold, have given to you the charge of My raised-offerings, of all the hallowed things of the sons of Israel—I have given them to you and to your sons for the anointing, by a continuous statute.
9 Kai za ka riƙe sashe mafi tsarki na hadayun da suka ragu daga wuta. Daga dukan kyautai mafi tsarki na hadayun da suka miƙa mini, ko ta gari, ko don zunubi, ko kuma don laifi, wannan kashi naka ne da’ya’yanka.
This is yours from the most holy things, from the fire: all their offering, of all their present, and of all their sin-offering, and of all their guilt-offering, which they give back to Me, is most holy to you and to your sons;
10 Ku ci shi a matsayin abu mafi tsarki; kowane namiji zai ci. Dole ku ɗauke shi da tsarki.
you eat it among the most holy things; every male eats it; it is holy to you.
11 “Har yanzu kuma duk abin da aka keɓe daga kyautai na dukan hadayun kaɗawa na Isra’ilawa naka ne. Na ba da wannan gare ka da’ya’yanka maza da mata, a kowane lokaci. Kowa da yake da tsarki a gidanka zai iya ci.
And this [is] yours: the raised-offering of their gift, with all the wave-offerings of the sons of Israel; I have given them to you, and to your sons, and to your daughters with you, by a continuous statute; every clean one in your house eats it;
12 “Na ba ka duk man zaitun mafi kyau, da ruwan inabi mafi kyau duka, da hatsi mafi kyau duka na nunan farinsu da suke bayarwa ga Ubangiji.
all the best of the oil, and all the best of the new wine, and wheat—their first-[fruits] which they give to YHWH—I have given them to you.
13 Dukan nunan fari na ƙasar da suke kawo wa Ubangiji, zai zama naka. Kowa da yake da tsarki a gidanka zai iya ci.
The first-fruits of all that [is] in their land, which they bring to YHWH, are yours; every clean one in your house eats it;
14 “Kome a Isra’ila da aka keɓe wa Ubangiji, zai zama naka.
every devoted thing in Israel is yours;
15 Kowane haihuwar fari, ta mutum, ko ta dabba da suka miƙa wa Ubangiji, naka ne. Amma ka fanshi kowace haihuwar fari ta mutum, ko ta dabbar da take haram.
everyone opening a womb of all flesh which they bring near to YHWH, among man and among beast, is yours; only, you certainly ransom the firstborn of man, and you ransom the firstling of the unclean beast.
16 Sa’ad da suke wata ɗaya da haihuwa, dole a fanshe su a bakin shekel biyar-biyar, bisa ga ma’aunin shekel na tsattsarkan wuri da ake amfani da shi, wanda nauyinsa ya kai gera ashirin.
And their ransomed ones from a son of a month, you ransom with your valuation [for] five shekels of silver, by the shekel of the holy place; it [is] twenty gerahs.
17 “Amma kada ka fanshe ɗan fari na saniya, tunkiya, ko akuya; gama suna da tsarki. Ka yayyafa jininsu a bisan bagade, ka kuma ƙone kitsensu kamar hadayar da ka yi da wuta, mai daɗin ƙanshi ga Ubangiji.
Only, the firstling of a cow, or the firstling of a sheep, or the firstling of a goat, you do not ransom, they [are] holy: you sprinkle their blood on the altar, and you make incense of their fat [as] a fire-offering of refreshing fragrance to YHWH;
18 Namansu zai zama naka, haka ma ƙirji na kaɗawa da cinyar dama za su zama naka.
and their flesh is yours, as the breast of the wave-offering and as the right leg are yours.
19 Kome da aka keɓe daga tsarkakakku hadayun da Isra’ilawa suka miƙa wa Ubangiji, na ba ka, da kai da’ya’yanka maza da mata a matsayin zaunannen rabo. Wannan madawwamin alkawarin gishiri ne a gaban Ubangiji dominka da zuriyarka.”
All the raised-offerings of the holy things, which the sons of Israel lift up to YHWH, I have given to you, and to your sons, and to your daughters with you, by a continuous statute—a covenant of salt; it [is] continuous before YHWH to you and to your seed with you.”
20 Ubangiji ya ce wa Haruna, “Ba ka da gādo a ƙasarsu, ba kuwa za ka sami rabo daga cikinsu ba; ni ne rabonka da gādonka a cikin Isra’ilawa.
And YHWH says to Aaron, “You do not inherit in their land, and you do not have a portion in their midst: I [am] your portion and your inheritance in the midst of the sons of Israel;
21 “Na ba wa Lawiyawa dukan zakka na Isra’ilawa a matsayin gādonsu, saboda aikin da suke yi yayinda suke hidima a Tentin Sujada.
and to the sons of Levi, behold, have given all the tenth in Israel for inheritance in exchange for their service which they are serving—the service of the Tent of Meeting.
22 Daga yanzu zuwa gaba, kada Isra’ilawa su yi kusa da Tentin Sujada, in ba haka ba kuwa su sha hukuncin zunubinsu, su kuma mutu.
And the sons of Israel no longer come near to the Tent of Meeting, to bear sin, to die,
23 Lawiyawa ne za su yi aikin Tentin Sujada, su kuma ɗauki nauyin kowane laifin da aka aikata a wurin. Wannan za tă zama dawwammamiyar farilla ce daga yanzu har tsararraki masu zuwa. Ba za su sami gādo a cikin Isra’ilawa ba.
and the Levites have done the service of the Tent of Meeting, and they bear their iniquity; [it is] a continuous statute throughout your generations that they have no inheritance in the midst of the sons of Israel;
24 A maimako haka, na ba wa Lawiyawa zakka da Isra’ilawa suka kawo domin hadaya ga Ubangiji, a matsayin gādonsu. Shi ya sa na ce game da su, ‘Ba su da gādo a cikin Isra’ilawa.’”
but the tithe of the sons of Israel which they lift up to YHWH, a raised-offering, I have given to the Levites for inheritance; therefore I have said of them, They have no inheritance in the midst of the sons of Israel.”
25 Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa,
And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
26 “Ka yi wa Lawiyawa magana, ka ce musu, ‘Sa’ad da kuka karɓi zakka daga Isra’ila da na ba ku gādo, dole ku miƙa kashi ɗaya bisa goma na wannan zakka a matsayin hadaya ga Ubangiji.
“And you speak to the Levites, and you have said to them: When you take the tithe from the sons of Israel which I have given to you from them for your inheritance, then you have lifted up the raised-offering of YHWH from it, a tithe of the tithe;
27 Za a lissafta hadayarku kamar hatsin da aka sussuka daga masussuka, ko ruwan inabi daga wurin matsewar inabi.
and your raised-offering has been reckoned to you as grain from the threshing-floor and as the fullness from the wine-vat;
28 Ta haka za ku miƙa hadaya ga Ubangiji daga cikin dukan zakkar da kuka karɓa daga wurin Isra’ilawa. Daga waɗannan zakka kuwa dole ku ba Haruna firist rabon Ubangiji.
so you lift up—you also—the raised-offering of YHWH from all your tithes which you receive from the sons of Israel; and you have given the raised-offering of YHWH from it to Aaron the priest;
29 Dole ku miƙa wa Ubangiji rabo mafi kyau da kuma sashi mafi tsarki na kowane abin da aka ba ku.’
out of all your gifts you lift up every raised-offering of YHWH, out of all its fat—its hallowed part—out of it.
30 “Ka faɗa wa Lawiyawa cewa, ‘Sa’ad da kuka miƙa sashi mafi kyau, za a lissafta shi a matsayin abin da ya fito daga masussuka, ko wurin matsewar ruwan inabi ne.
And you have said to them: In your lifting up its fat out of it, then it has been reckoned to the Levites as increase of a threshing-floor and as increase of a wine-vat;
31 Da kai da gidanka, za ku iya cin abin da ya rage a ko’ina, gama ladan aikinku ne a Tentin Sujada.
and you have eaten it in every place, you and your households, for it [is] your hire in exchange for your service in the Tent of Meeting;
32 Ta wurin miƙa masa sashi mafi kyau, ba za ku zama masu laifi a wannan batu ba; ta haka ba za ku ƙazantar da tsarkakakkun hadayu na Isra’ilawa ba, ba kuwa za ku mutu ba.’”
and you bear no sin for it in your lifting up its fat out of it, but you do not defile the holy things of the sons of Israel, and you do not die.”

< Ƙidaya 18 >