< Nehemiya 2 >

1 A watan Nisan a shekara ta ashirin ta mulkin Sarki Artazerzes, sa’ad aka kawo masa ruwan inabi, sai na karɓa na ba shi. Ban taɓa ɓata fuskata a gabansa ba, sai wannan karo.
And it comes to pass, in the month of Nisan, the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king, wine [is] before him, and I lift up the wine, and give to the king, and I had not been sad before him;
2 Saboda haka sarki ya tambaye ni ya ce, “Me ya sa fuskarka ta ɓaci, ga shi, ba ciwo kake ba? Ba abin da ya kawo wannan, in ba dai kana baƙin ciki ba.” Sai na ji tsoro ƙwarai,
and the king says to me, “Why [is] your face sad, and you not sick? This is nothing except sadness of heart”; and I fear very much,
3 na amsa na ce wa sarki, “Ran sarki yă daɗe! Me zai hana fuskata ta ɓaci, sa’ad da birnin da aka binne kakannina tana zaman kango, aka kuma rushe ƙofofinsa da wuta?”
and say to the king, “Let the king live for all time! Why should my face not be sad, when the city, the place of the graves of my fathers, [is] a desolation, and its gates have been consumed with fire?”
4 Sai sarki ya ce mini, “Me kake so?” Sai na yi addu’a ga Allah na sama,
And the king says to me, “For what are you seeking?” And I pray to the God of the heavens,
5 na kuwa ba wa sarki amsa, na ce, “In ya gamshi sarki, in kuma bawanka ya sami tagomashi a idonka, bari ka aike ni in tafi ƙasar Yahuda, birnin da aka binne kakannina, domin in sāke gina shi.”
and say to the king, “If [it is] good to the king, and if your servant is pleasing before you, that you send me to Judah, to the city of the graves of my fathers, and I have built it.”
6 Sai sarki, a lokacin sarauniya da tana zama kusa da shi, ya tambaye ni, ya ce, “Kwana nawa tafiyar za tă ɗauke ka, kuma yaushe za ka dawo?” Ya gamshi sarki ya aike ni; saboda haka na shirya lokaci.
And the king says to me (and the queen is sitting near him), “How long is your journey? And when do you return?” And it is good before the king, and he sends me away, and I set to him a time.
7 Na kuma ce masa, “In ya gamshi sarki, zai yi kyau in sami wasiƙu zuwa ga gwamnonin Kewayen Kogin Yuferites, domin su tanada kāriya har sai na isa Yahuda?
And I say to the king, “If [it is] good to the king, let letters be given to me for the governors beyond the River, that they let me pass over until I come to Judah:
8 A kuma ba ni wasiƙa zuwa ga Asaf, sarkin daji, yă ba ni katako don yin ƙofofin kagara na kusa da fadar haikali da kuma don katangar birni, da na wurin da zan zauna?” Sarki kuwa ya ba ni abin da na roƙa, gama Allah yana tare da ni.
and a letter to Asaph, keeper of the paradise that the king has, that he give to me trees for beams [for] the gates of the palace that the house has, and for the wall of the city, and for the house into which I enter”; and the king gives to me, according to the good hand of my God on me.
9 Saboda haka na tafi wurin gwamnonin Kewayen Kogin Yuferites, na ba su wasiƙun sarki. Sarki kuma ya aika da hafsoshin mayaƙa da kuma mahayan dawakai tare da ni.
And I come to the governors beyond the River, and give to them the letters of the king; and the king sends with me heads of a force, and horsemen;
10 Da Sanballat mutumin Horon da Tobiya wakilin ƙasar Ammon suka ji cewa wani ya zo domin yă ƙarfafa zaman lafiyar mutanen Isra’ila, sai suka damu ƙwarai.
and Sanballat the Horonite hears, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, and it is evil to them—a great evil—that a man has come to seek good for the sons of Israel.
11 Sai na je Urushalima, bayan na zauna a can na kwanaki uku,
And I come to Jerusalem, and I am there three days,
12 sai na fita da dare tare da mutane kalila. Ban faɗa wa wani abin da Allahna ya sa a zuciyata in yi don Urushalima ba. Ba waɗansu dabbobi kuma tare da ni, sai dai dabbar da na hau.
and I rise by night, I and a few men with me, and have not declared to a man what my God is giving to my heart to do for Jerusalem, and there is no beast with me except the beast on which I am riding.
13 Da dare na fita ta Ƙofar Kwari wajen Rijiyar Dila da Ƙofar Juji, ina dudduba katangar Urushalima waɗanda aka rushe da kuma ƙofofinta waɗanda aka ƙone da wuta.
And I go out through the Valley Gate by night, and to the front of the Dragon Fountain, and to the Refuse Gate, and I am inspecting the walls of Jerusalem, that are broken down, and its gates consumed with fire.
14 Sa’an nan na ci gaba zuwa wajen Ƙofar Maɓuɓɓuga da kuma Tafkin Sarki, amma babu isashen wuri saboda abin da na hau yă bi;
And I pass over to the Fountain Gate, and to the King’s Pool, and there is no place for the beast under me to pass over,
15 saboda haka na haura ta kwarin da dad dare, ina dudduba katangar. A ƙarshe, na juya na sāke shiga ta Ƙofar Kwari.
and I am going up through the brook by night, and am inspecting the wall, and turn back, and come in through the Valley Gate, and turn back.
16 Shugabanni ba su san inda na tafi, ko abin da nake yi ba, domin ban riga na faɗa wa Yahudawa, ko firistoci, ko manyan gari, ko shugabanni, ko sauran waɗanda za su yi aiki, kome ba.
And the prefects have not known to where I have gone, and what I am doing; and to the Jews, and to the priests, and to the nobles, and to the prefects, and to the rest of those doing the work, until now I have not declared [it];
17 Sai na ce musu, “Kun ga matsalar da muke ciki, yadda Urushalima ta zama kango, an kuma ƙone ƙofofinta da wuta. Ku zo mu sāke gina katangar Urushalima, ba za mu ƙara shan kunya ba.”
and I say to them, “You are seeing the evil that we are in, in that Jerusalem [is] desolate, and its gates have been burned with fire; come and we build the wall of Jerusalem, and we are not a reproach anymore.”
18 Na kuma faɗa musu game da yadda alherin Allahna yake tare da ni da kuma abin da sarki ya faɗa mini. Suka amsa, suka ce, “Mu tashi, mu kama gini.” Sai suka fara wannan aiki mai kyau.
And I declare to them the hand of my God that is good on me, and also the words of the king that he said to me, and they say, “Let us rise, and we have built”; and they strengthen their hands for good.
19 Amma sa’ad da Sanballat mutumin Horon da Tobiya wakilin ƙasar Ammon da kuma Geshem mutumin Arab suka ji game da wannan, sai suka yi mana ba’a suka kuma yi mana dariya. Suka ce, “Me kuke tsammani kuke yi? Kuna so ku yi wa sarki tawaye ne?”
And Sanballat the Horonite hears, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arabian, and they mock at us, and despise us, and say, “What [is] this thing that you are doing? Are you rebelling against the king?”
20 Na amsa musu na ce, “Allah na sama zai ba mu nasara. Mu bayinsa za mu tashi mu fara gini, amma game da ku kam, ba ku da rabo cikin Urushalima, ba ku da wani hakki ko wani abin tunawa.”
And I return them word, and say to them, “The God of the heavens—He gives prosperity to us, and we His servants rise and have built; and to you there is no portion, and right, and memorial in Jerusalem.”

< Nehemiya 2 >