< Mika 3 >

1 Sa’an nan na ce, “Ku kasa kunne, ku shugabannin Yaƙub, ku masu mulkin gidan Isra’ila. Ya kamata ku san shari’a,
And I say, “Now hear, O heads of Jacob, And you judges of the house of Israel, Is it not for you to know the judgment?
2 ku da kuke ƙin abu mai kyau kuke ƙaunar mugunta, ku da kuke feɗe mutanena kuke tuge nama daga ƙasusuwansu;
You who are hating good, and loving evil, Taking violently their skin from off them, And their flesh from off their bones,
3 ku da kuke cin naman mutanena, ku feɗe fatar jikinsu kuke kakkarya ƙasusuwansu, kuke yayyanka su gunduwa-gunduwa kamar naman da za a toya, kamar naman da za a sa a dafa.”
And who have eaten the flesh of My people, And their skin from off them have stripped, And their bones they have broken, And they have spread [them] out as in a pot, And as flesh in the midst of a cauldron.”
4 Sa’an nan za su kira ga Ubangiji, amma ba zai amsa musu ba. A wannan lokaci zai ɓoye fuskarsa daga gare su saboda irin muguntar da suka yi.
Then they cry to YHWH, And He does not answer them, And hides His face from them at that time, As they have made evil their doings.
5 Ga abin da Ubangiji ya faɗa, “Game da annabawa masu ɓad da mutanena, in wani ya ciyar da su, sai su ce akwai ‘salama’ amma in bai ciyar da su ba, a shirye suke su kai masa hari.
Thus said YHWH concerning the prophets Who are causing My people to err, Who are biting with their teeth, And have cried “Peace,” And he who does not give to their mouth, They have sanctified against him war:
6 Saboda haka dare yana zuwa a bisanku, ba tare da wahayi ba, kuma duhu, ba tare da duba ba. Rana za tă fāɗi wa annabawa, yini kuma zai zama musu duhu.
“Therefore you have a night without vision, And you have darkness without divination, And the sun has gone in on the prophets, And the day has been black over them.
7 Masu gani za su ji kunya, masu duba kuma za su ji taƙaici. Dukansu za su rufe fuskokinsu gama ba amsa daga Allah.”
And the seers have been ashamed, And the diviners have been confounded, And all of them have covered their lip, For there is no answer, O God.”
8 Amma game da ni, ina cike da iko ta wurin Ruhun Ubangiji da kuma adalci da ƙarfi, don a sanar da Yaƙub laifofinsa, ga Isra’ila kuma zunubinsa.
And yet I have been full of power by the Spirit of YHWH, And of judgment, and of might, To declare to Jacob his transgression, And to Israel his sin.
9 Ku ji wannan, ku shugabannin gidan Yaƙub, ku masu mulkin gidan Isra’ila, ku da kuke ƙyamar gaskiya, kuka karkatar duk abin da yake na gaskiya;
Now hear this, O heads of the house of Jacob, And you judges of the house of Israel, Who are making judgment abominable, And pervert all uprightness.
10 kuka gina Sihiyona ta wurin zub da jini, Urushalima kuma ta wurin mugunta.
Building up Zion with blood, And Jerusalem with iniquity.
11 Hukunce-hukuncen shugabannin ƙasar na cin hanci ne, firistocinta kuma suna koyarwa don a biya su, annabawanta kuwa suna yin annabci don neman kuɗi. Duk da haka suna jingina a kan Ubangiji suna cewa, “Ba Ubangiji yana tare da mu ba? Ba bala’in da zai zo mana.”
Her heads judge for a bribe, And her priests teach for hire, And her prophets divine for silver, And on YHWH they lean, saying, “Is not YHWH in our midst? Evil does not come in on us.”
12 Don haka, saboda ku, za a nome Sihiyona kamar gona, Urushalima kuma ta zama tarin juji, tudun haikali kuwa zai zama kurmin ƙayayyuwa.
Therefore, for your sake, Zion is plowed a field, and Jerusalem is heaps, And the mountain of the house [is] for high places of a forest!

< Mika 3 >