< Firistoci 9 >

1 A rana ta takwas, Musa ya kira Haruna da’ya’yansa maza da kuma dattawan Isra’ila.
Forsothe whanne the eiytithe dai was maad, Moises clepide Aaron, and hise sones, and the grettere men in birthe of Israel;
2 Ya ce wa Haruna, “Ka ɗauki ɗan maraƙi domin hadayarka don zunubi da kuma ɗan rago domin hadaya ta ƙonawa, dukan biyu su kasance marar lahani, ka miƙa su a gaban Ubangiji.
and he seide to Aaron, Take thou of the droue a calf for synne, and a ram `in to brent sacrifice, euer either with oute wem, and offre tho bifor the Lord.
3 Sa’an nan ka ce wa Isra’ilawa, ‘Ku ɗauki bunsuru na yin hadaya don zunubi, da ɗan maraƙi bana ɗaya, da ɗan rago bana ɗaya marasa lahani, don hadaya ta ƙonawa,
And thou schalt speke to the sones of Israel, Take ye a buk of geet for synne, and a calf, and a lomb of o yeer and with out wem,
4 da bijimi da rago don hadayun salama, a yi hadaya da su ga Ubangiji, da hadaya ta gari da aka kwaɓa da mai, gama yau Ubangiji zai bayyana a gare ku.’”
in to brent sacrifice, an oxe and a ram for pesible thingis; and offre ye tho bifor the Lord, and offre ye whete flour spreynt with oile in the sacrifice of ech; for to dai the Lord schal appere to you.
5 Suka ɗauki abubuwan da Musa ya umarta zuwa gaban Tentin Sujada, sai dukan jama’a suka zo kusa suka tsaya a gaban Ubangiji.
Therfor thei token alle thingis, whiche Moises comaundide, to the dore of the tabernacle, where, whanne al the multitude stood,
6 Sa’an nan Musa ya ce, “Ga abin da Ubangiji ya umarce ku ku yi, domin ɗaukakar Ubangiji za tă bayyana gare ku.”
Moises seide, This is the word, which the Lord comaundide, do ye, and his glorie schal appere to you.
7 Musa ya ce wa Haruna, “Matsa kusa da bagaden, ka miƙa hadayarka don zunubi, da hadayarka ta ƙonawa, ka yi kafara don kanka da kuma don jama’a. Ka kuma kawo hadayar jama’a, ka yi kafara dominsu kamar yadda Ubangiji ya umarta.”
And Moises seide to Aaron, Neiye thou to the auter, and offre thou for thi synne; offre thou brent sacrifice, and preye for thee, and for the puple; and whanne thou hast slayn the sacrifice of the puple, preye thou for hem, as the Lord comaundide.
8 Sai Haruna ya matsa kusa da bagaden, ya yanka ɗan maraƙi na yin hadaya don zunubi saboda kansa.
And anoon Aaron neiyede to the auter, and offride a calf for his synne;
9 ’Ya’yan Haruna maza suka kawo masa jinin, ya kuma tsoma yatsarsa a cikin jinin ya zuba cikin ƙahonin bagade; sauran jinin kuwa ya zuba a gindin bagaden.
whos blood hise sones offriden to him, in which blood he dippide the fyngur, and touchide the hornes of the auter, and schedde the residue at the foundement therof;
10 A kan bagaden, ya ƙone kitsen, ƙodojin, da abin da ya rufe hanta, daga hadaya don zunubi, yadda Ubangiji ya umarci Musa.
and he brente on the auter the ynnere fatnesse, and litle reynes, and the calle of the mawe, as the Lord comaundide to Moises.
11 Naman da fatar kuwa ya ƙone waje da sansanin.
Forsothe he brente bi fier without the castels the fleischis and skyn therof.
12 Sa’an nan ya yanka hadaya ta ƙonawa.’Ya’yan Haruna maza suka miƙa masa jinin, ya kuwa yayyafa shi a kowane gefe na bagaden.
And he offride the beeste of brent sacrifice, and hise sones offriden to hym the blood therof, which he schedde bi the cumpas of the auter;
13 Suka miƙa masa hadaya ta ƙonawa gunduwa-gunduwa, haɗe da kan, ya kuwa ƙone su a bisa bagaden.
thei offriden also thilke sacrifice kit in to gobetis, with the heed, and alle membris; and he brente bi fier alle these thingis on the auter,
14 Sai ya wanke kayan ciki da ƙafafun, ya kuwa ƙone su tare da hadaya ta ƙonawa a kan bagade.
whanne the entrailis and feet weren waischun bifor with watir.
15 Sa’an nan Haruna ya kawo hadayar da take domin mutane. Ya ɗauki akuya ta hadaya don zunubin mutane, ya yanka shi, ya miƙa shi domin hadaya don zunubi kamar yadda ya yi da na farko.
And he offride and killide a buk of geet, for the synne of the puple; and whanne the auter was clensid,
16 Ya kawo hadaya ta ƙonawa ya kuma miƙa ta yadda aka tsara.
he made brent sacrifice,
17 Ya kuma kawo hadaya ta gari, ya ɗiba a tafi hannu ya ƙone a kan bagade tare da hadaya ta ƙonawa ta safe.
and addide in to the sacrifice fletynge offryngis that ben offrid togidere; and he brente tho on the auter, without cerymonyes of brent sacrifice of the morewtid.
18 Haruna ya yanka maraƙin da ragon a matsayin hadaya ta salama domin mutane.’Ya’yansa maza suka miƙa masa jinin, ya kuwa yayyafa shi a kowane gefe na bagade.
He offride also an oxe, and a ram, pesible sacrifices of the puple; and hise sones offriden to hym the blood, which he schedde bi the cumpas of the auter.
19 Amma sashen kitsen maraƙin da na ragon, da wutsiya mai kitse, da kitsen da yake rufe da kayan ciki, da ƙodoji da kuma kitsen da ya rufe hanta,
Forsothe thei puttiden on the brestis the ynnere fatnesse of the oxe, and the tail of the ram, and the litle reynes with her fatnessis, and the calle of the mawe.
20 suka shimfiɗa waɗannan a kan ƙirjin, sa’an nan Haruna ya ƙone kitsen a kan bagade.
And whanne the ynnere fatnessis weren brent in the auter,
21 Sai Haruna ya kaɗa ƙirjin da kuma cinyar dama a gaban Ubangiji a matsayin hadaya ta kaɗawa, kamar yadda Musa ya umarta.
Aaron departide the brestis, and the riyt schuldris of tho, and reiside bifor the Lord, as Moises comaundide.
22 Sa’an nan Haruna ya ɗaga hannuwansa wajen mutane ya sa musu albarka. Da yake ya miƙa hadaya don zunubi, hadaya ta ƙonawa da kuma hadaya ta salama, sai ya sauka.
And he streiyte forth hondis to the puple, and blesside it; and so whanne the sacrifices for synne, and brent sacrifices, and pesible sacrifices, weren fillid, he cam doun.
23 Sai Musa da Haruna suka shiga cikin Tentin Sujada. Da suka fita, sai suka sa wa mutane albarka; sai ɗaukakar Ubangiji ta bayyana ga dukan mutane.
Sotheli Moyses and Aaron entriden in to the tabernacle of witnessyng, and yeden out aftirward, and blessiden the puple; and the glorie of the Lord apperide to al the multitude.
24 Sai wuta ta fito daga gaban Ubangiji ta cinye hadaya ta ƙonawa da sassan kitsen a kan bagaden. Sa’ad da dukan mutane suka ga haka, sai suka yi ihu suna farin ciki, suka fāɗi rubda ciki, suka yi sujada.
And lo! fier yede out fro the Lord, and deuouride the brent sacrifice, and the ynnere fatnesses that weren on the auter; and whanne the cumpanyes hadden seyn this thing, thei preiseden the Lord, `and felden on her faces.

< Firistoci 9 >