< Firistoci 25 >

1 Ubangiji ya yi magana da Musa a kan Dutsen Sinai ya ce,
And YHWH speaks to Moses, in Mount Sinai, saying,
2 “Yi wa Isra’ilawa magana, ka ce musu, ‘Sa’ad da kuka shiga ƙasar da zan ba ku, dole ƙasar kanta ta kiyaye Asabbaci ga Ubangiji.
“Speak to the sons of Israel, and you have said to them: When you come into the land which I am giving to you, then the land has kept a Sabbath to YHWH.
3 Shekara shida, za ku yi shuki, shekara shida kuma za ku aske gonakin inabinku, ku kuma tattara hatsinsu.
[For] six years you sow your field, and [for] six years you prune your vineyard, and have gathered its increase,
4 Amma a shekara ta bakwai, ƙasar za tă sami hutun Asabbaci, Asabbaci ga Ubangiji. Kada ku yi shuki a gonakinku, ko kuwa ku aske gonakinku na inabi.
and in the seventh year is a Sabbath of rest for the land, a Sabbath to YHWH; you do not sow your field, and you do not prune your vineyard;
5 Kada ku girbe abin da ya yi girma ba tare da ku kuka shuka ba, ko ku girbe inabin da ba ku aske ba. Ƙasar za tă kasance da shekarar hutu.
you do not reap the spontaneous growth of your harvest, and you do not gather the grapes of your separated thing; it is a year of rest for the land.
6 Duk abin da gonar ta ba da amfani a shekara ta Asabbaci, zai zama abinci gare ku, wa kanku, bayinku maza da mata, da ma’aikatan da kuka ɗauka aiki, da kuma waɗanda ba zama ɗinɗinɗin suke yi tare da ku ba,
And the Sabbath [increase] of the land has been for you for food, to you, and to your manservant, and to your handmaid, and to your hired worker, and to your settler, who are sojourning with you;
7 haka ma zai zama abinci domin dabbobinku, da kuma namun jeji a ƙasarku. Duk abin da ƙasar ta bayar za a ci.
and for your livestock, and for the beast which [is] in your land, is all its increase for [them] to eat.
8 “‘Ku ƙirga asabbatai bakwai na shekaru bakwai, sau bakwai. Gama asabbatai bakwai na shekaru bakwai za su yi daidai da shekaru arba’in da tara.
And you have numbered seven Sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years, and the days of the seven Sabbaths of years have been forty-nine years for you,
9 Sa’an nan a busa ƙaho a ko’ina, a rana ta goma ga wata na bakwai; a Ranar Kafara, a busa ƙaho a dukan ƙasarku.
and you have caused a horn of shouting to pass over in the seventh month, on the tenth of the month; in the Day of Atonements you cause a horn to pass over through all your land;
10 Ku keɓe shekara ta hamsin ku kuma yi shelar’yanci a dukan ƙasar ga mazaunanta. Za tă zama shekarar murna gare ku; kowannenku zai koma ga mallakar iyalinsa, kuma kowa ga danginsa.
and you have hallowed the year, the fiftieth year; and you have proclaimed liberty in the land to all its inhabitants; it is a Jubilee for you; and you have turned back each to his possession; indeed, you return each to his family.
11 Shekara ta hamsin za tă zama ta murna a gare ku; kada ku yi shuki, kada kuma ku yi girbi abin da ya yi girma da kansa, ko ku girbe inabin da ba ku lura da shi ba.
It [is] a Jubilee, the fiftieth year, it is a year for you; you do not sow, nor reap its spontaneous growth, nor gather its separated things;
12 Gama shekara ce ta murna, za tă kuma zama mai tsarki a gare ku, ku dai ci abin da aka ɗauka kai tsaye daga gonaki.
for it [is] a Jubilee—it is holy to you; you eat its increase from the field;
13 “‘A wannan Shekara ta Murna, kowa zai koma ga mallakarsa.
you return each to his possession in this Year of the Jubilee.
14 “‘In ka sayar da gona wa wani daga mutanen ƙasarka, ko ka saya wata gona daga gare shi, kada ku cuci juna.
And when you sell anything to your fellow, or buy from the hand of your fellow, you do not oppress one another;
15 Sa’ad da mutum ya sayi fili daga abokin zamansa, kuɗin zai kasance bisa ga yawan shekara hamsin ta murna da suka wuce, da kuma bisa ga yawan shekarun noma da suka rage kafin wata shekara hamsin ta murna.
you buy from your fellow by the number of years after the Jubilee; he sells to you by the number of the years of increase;
16 Idan shekarun suna da yawa, sai ku kara kuɗin filin, idan kuma shekarun ba su da yawa, sai ku rage kuɗin filin, gama ainihin abin da ake sayar maka shi ne yawan hatsin.
you multiply its price according to the multitude of the years, and you diminish its price according to the fewness of the years; for [it is] a number of increases [that] he is selling to you;
17 Kada ku cuci juna, amma ku ji tsoron Allahnku. Ni ne Ubangiji Allahnku.
and you do not oppress one another, and you have been afraid of your God; for I [am] your God YHWH.
18 “‘Ku bi farillaina, ku kuma yi hankali ga kiyaye dokokina, za ku kuwa zauna lafiya a ƙasar.
And you have done My statutes, and you keep My judgments, and have done them, and you have dwelt on the land confidently,
19 Sa’an nan ƙasar za tă ba da amfaninta, za ku kuwa ci ku ƙoshi, ku kuma zauna lafiya.
and the land has given its fruit, and you have eaten to satiety, and have dwelt confidently on it.
20 Mai yiwuwa ku ce, “Me za mu ci a shekara ta bakwai in ba mu yi shuki ko girbin hatsinmu ba?”
And when you say, What do we eat in the seventh year, behold, do we not sow, nor gather our increase?
21 Zan aika muku da irin albarka a shekara ta shida har da ƙasar za tă ba da amfani isashe na shekara uku.
Then I have commanded My blessing on you in the sixth year, and it has made the increase for three years;
22 Yayinda kuke shuki a shekara ta takwas, za ku kasance da raguwa hatsi na shekarar da ta wuce, za ku kuma ci gaba da ci daga gare shi har girbin shekara ta tara yă shigo.
and you have sown [in] the eighth year, and have eaten of the old increase; you eat the old until the ninth year, until the coming in of its increase.
23 “‘Kada a sayar da gona ɗinɗinɗin, gama ƙasar tawa ce, ku kuwa baƙi ne kawai, kuma’yan haya nawa.
And the land is not sold—to extinction, for the land [is] Mine, for you [are] sojourners and settlers with Me;
24 Ko’ina a ƙasar da kuke da mallaka, dole ku tanadar da dama fansar ƙasar.
and in all the land of your possession you give a redemption for the land.
25 “‘In ɗaya daga cikin mutanen ƙasarku ya talauta, ya kuma sayar da mallakarsa, sai danginsa na kusa yă je yă fanshi abin da mutumin ƙasarsa ya sayar.
When your brother becomes poor, and has sold his possession, then his redeemer who is near to him has come, and he has redeemed the sold thing of his brother;
26 In mutumin ba shi da wanda zai fansa masa ita, shi kansa kuwa ya wadace, ya kuma sami isashen halin fansarta,
and when a man has no redeemer, and his own hand has attained [means], and he has found [it] as sufficient [for] its redemption,
27 sai yă lasafta yawan shekarun da aka yi tun da an sayar da filin. Kuɗin filin zai dangana ga yawan shekarun da suka rage kafin shekara hamsin ta murna da za tă zo; sa’an nan zai iya koma ga mallakarsa.
then he has reckoned the years of its sale, and has given back that which is over to the man to whom he sold [it], and he has returned to his possession.
28 Amma in bai sami halin sāke biyansa ba, abin nan da ya sayar zai ci gaba da zama mallakar mai sayan, sai Shekara ta Murna. Za a maido masa da ita a Shekara ta Murna, sa’an nan zai iya koma ga mallakarsa.
And if his hand has not found sufficiency to give back to him, then his sold thing has been in the hand of him who buys it until the Year of Jubilee; and it has gone out in the Jubilee, and he has returned to his possession.
29 “‘In mutum ya sayar da gida a birni mai katanga, yana da izini yă fanshe shi a ƙarshen shekara guda, bayan ya sayar da shi.
And when a man sells a dwelling-house [in] a walled city, then his right of redemption has been until the completion of a year from its selling; his right of redemption is [during these] days;
30 In ba a fanshe shi a ƙarshen shekara ba, gidan da yake a birni mai katanga, zai zama mallakar na ɗinɗinɗin na mai sayan da kuma zuriyarsa. Ba za a mai da shi a Shekara ta Murna ba.
and if it is not redeemed to him until the fullness of a perfect year, then the house which [is] in a walled city has been established to extinction to him buying it, throughout his generations; it does not go out in the Jubilee.
31 Amma za a ɗauki gidaje a ƙauyuka marasa katanga kewaye da su daidai da gonaki. Za a iya fanshe su, a kuma mayar da su a Shekara ta Murna.
And a house of the villages which have no surrounding wall is reckoned on the field of the country; there is redemption for it, and it goes out in the Jubilee.
32 “‘Kullum, Lawiyawa suna da izini su fanshi gidajensu a biranen Lawiyawa waɗanda suka mallaka.
As for cities of the Levites—houses of the cities of their possession—continuous redemption is for the Levites;
33 Saboda haka ana iya fansa mallakar Lawiyawa, wato, gidan da aka sayar a duk birnin da yake nasu, za a kuma mayar a Shekara ta Murna, gama gidaje a biranen Lawiyawa, mallakar Isra’ilawa ne.
as for him who redeems from the Levites, then the sale of a house (and [in] the city of his possession) has gone out in the Jubilee, for the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession in the midst of the sons of Israel.
34 Amma kada a sayar da filayen kiwo na waɗannan birane; mallakarsu ce, ta ɗinɗinɗin.
And a field, a outskirt of their cities, is not sold; for it [is] a continuous possession for them.
35 “‘In ɗaya daga ciki mutanen ƙasarku ya talauta, ba ya kuma iya tallafa wa kansa a cikinku, sai ku taimake shi kamar yadda za ku yi da baƙo a cikinku.
And when your brother has become poor, and his hand has failed with you, then you have kept hold on him, sojourner and settler, and he has lived with you;
36 Kada ku karɓi riba ta kowace iri daga gare shi, amma ku ji tsoron Allahnku, saboda mutumin ƙasarku yă ci gaba da zama a cikinku.
you take no usury or increase from him; and you have been afraid of your God; and your brother has lived with you;
37 Kada ku ba shi rancen kuɗi da ruwa, ko ku sayar masa abinci don samun riba.
you do not give your money to him in usury, and you do not give your food for increase.
38 Ni ne Ubangiji Allahnku, wanda ya fitar da ku daga Masar, don in ba ku ƙasar Kan’ana in kuma zama Allahnku.
I [am] your God YHWH, who has brought you out of the land of Egypt to give the land of Canaan to you, to become your God.
39 “‘In ɗaya daga cikin mutanen ƙasarku ya talauta a cikinku, ya kuma sayar da kansa gare ku, kada ku sa yă yi kamar bawa.
And when your brother becomes poor with you, and he has been sold to you, you do not lay servile service on him;
40 Amma a ɗauke shi a matsayin ma’aikacin da aka ɗauka aiki, ko mazaunan da ba na ɗinɗinɗin ba a cikinku, sai yă yi muku aiki sai Shekara ta Murna.
he is as a hired worker [and] as a settler with you; he serves with you until the Year of the Jubilee—
41 Sa’an nan a sake shi da’ya’yansa, yă kuma koma ga danginsa da mallakar kakanninsa.
then he has gone out from you, he and his sons with him, and has turned back to his family; and he turns back to the possession of his fathers.
42 Gama Isra’ilawa bayina ne, waɗanda na saya daga Masar, kada a sayar da su a matsayin bayi.
For they [are] My servants, whom I have brought out from the land of Egypt: they are not sold [with] the sale of a servant;
43 Kada ku gwada musu azaba, amma ku ji tsoron Allahnku.
you do not rule over him with rigor, and you have been afraid of your God.
44 “‘Bayinku maza da mata, za su zo daga al’ummai da suke kewaye da ku, daga gare su za ku iya saya bayi.
And your manservant and your handmaid whom you have [are] from the nations who [are] around you; you buy manservant and handmaid from them,
45 Za ku iya saya waɗansu mutanen da ba sa zama ɗinɗinɗin a cikinku, da kuma membobin danginsu da aka haifa a ƙasarku.
and also from the sons of the settlers who are sojourning with you, you buy from them, and from their families who [are] with you, which they have begotten in your land, and they have been to you for a possession;
46 Za ku iya ba da su ga’ya’yanku a matsayin kayan gādo, za ku kuma iya mai da su bayi dukan rayuwarsu, amma kada ku yi mulki a bisa’yan’uwanku Isra’ilawa da tsanani.
and you have taken them for an inheritance for your sons after you, to inherit [for] a possession; you lay service on them for all time, but on your brothers, the sons of Israel, each with his brother—you do not rule over him with rigor.
47 “‘In baƙo, ko wani da yake zama ba na ɗinɗinɗin ba a cikinku, ya wadace, ɗaya daga cikin mutanen ƙasarku kuwa ya talauta, ya kuma sayar da kansa ga baƙon da yake zama a cikinku, ko memba na dangin baƙon,
And when the hand of a sojourner or settler with you attains [riches], and your brother with him has become poor, and he has been sold to a sojourner, a settler with you, or to the root of the family of a sojourner,
48 yana da izini samun fansa, bayan ya sayar da kansa. Ɗaya daga cikin danginsa zai iya fansarsa.
after he has been sold, there is a right of redemption for him; one of his brothers redeems him,
49 Kawu ko yaron ɗan’uwan mahaifin wannan mutum, ko kuwa wani dangi a cikin zuriyarsa, zai iya fanshe shi. Ko kuma in ya azurta, zai iya fansar kansa.
or his uncle or a son of his uncle redeems him, or any of the relations of his flesh, of his family, redeems him, or [if] his own hand has attained [means] then he has been redeemed.
50 Da shi da mai sayansa, za su ƙirga lokaci daga shekarar da ya sayar da kansa har zuwa Shekara ta Murna. Farashin sakinsa zai dangana a kuɗin da ake biyan ma’aikacin da aka ɗauka aiki, na yawan shekarun ne.
And he has reckoned with his buyer from the year of his being sold to him until the Year of Jubilee, and the money of his sale has been by the number of years; it is with him as the days of a hired worker.
51 In shekaru sun ragu, dole yă biya don fansarsa da kuɗi mai yawa fiye da wanda aka saye shi.
If many years still [remain], he gives back his redemption [money] according to them, from the money of his purchase.
52 In shekarun sun rage kaɗan ne kafin Shekara ta Murna, sai yă yi lissafin wannan, yă kuma biya fansarsa daidai wa daida.
And if few are left of the years until the Year of Jubilee, then he has reckoned with him [and] he gives back his redemption [money] according to his years;
53 Sai a yi da shi kamar ma’aikacin da aka ɗauka aiki, daga shekara zuwa shekara; dole ku tabbata mai shi bai mallake shi da tsanani ba.
as a hired worker, year by year, he is with him, and he does not rule him with rigor before your eyes.
54 “‘Ko ma ba a fanshe shi a ɗaya daga cikin waɗannan hanyoyi ba, sai a sake shi da’ya’yansa a Shekara ta Murna,
And if he is not redeemed in these [years], then he has gone out in the Year of Jubilee, he and his sons with him.
55 gama Isra’ilawa nawa ne a matsayin bayi. Su bayina ne waɗanda na saya daga Masar. Ni ne Ubangiji Allahnku.
For the sons of Israel [are] servants to Me; they [are] My servants whom I have brought out of the land of Egypt; I [am] your God YHWH.”

< Firistoci 25 >