< Irmiya 12 >

1 Kullum kai mai adalci ne, ya Ubangiji, sa’ad da na kawo ƙara a gabanka. Duk da haka zan yi magana da kai game da shari’arka. Me ya sa mugaye suke nasara? Me ya sa dukan maciya amana suke zama ba damuwa?
You [are] righteous, O YHWH, When I plead toward You, Only, let me speak judgments with You, Why did the way of the wicked prosper? All treacherous dealers have been at rest.
2 Ka dasa su, sun kuwa yi saiwa; sun yi girma suna ba da’ya’ya. Kullum sunanka yana a bakinsu amma kana nesa da zuciyarsu.
You have planted them, Indeed, they have taken root, They go on, indeed, they have made fruit, You [are] near in their mouth, And far off from their reins.
3 Duk da haka ka san ni, ya Ubangiji; kana ganina ka kuma gwada tunanina game da kai. Ka ja su kamar tumakin da za a yanka! Ka ware su don ranar yanka!
And You, O YHWH, You have known me, You see me, and have tried my heart with You, Draw them away as sheep to slaughter, And separate them for a day of slaughter.
4 Har yaushe ƙasar za tă kasance busasshiya ciyawar kowane fili ta bushe? Domin waɗanda suke zaune cikinta mugaye ne, dabbobi da tsuntsaye sun hallaka. Ban da haka ma, mutane suna cewa, “Ba zai ga abin da yake faruwa da mu ba.”
Until when does the earth mourn, And the herb of the whole field wither? For the wickedness of those dwelling in it, Beast and bird have been consumed, Because they said, “He does not see our latter end.”
5 “In ka yi tsere da mutane a ƙafa suka kuma gajiyar da kai, yaya za ka yi gasa da dawakai? In ka yi tuntuɓe a lafiyayyiyar ƙasa, ƙaƙa za ka yi a kurmin Urdun?
“For you have run with footmen, And they weary you, And how you fret yourself with horses! Even in the land of peace, [In which] you are confident—And how will you do in the rising of Jordan?
6 ’Yan’uwanka, iyalinka har su ma sun bashe ka; sun tā da kuka mai ƙarfi a kanka. Kada ka amince da su, ko da yake suna faɗa maganganu masu kyau game da kai.
For even your brothers and the house of your father, Even they dealt treacherously against you, Even they called after you fully, Do not trust in them when they speak good things to you.
7 “Zan yashe gidana, in rabu da gādona; Zan ba da wadda nake ƙauna a hannuwan abokan gābanta.
I have forsaken My house, I have left My inheritance, I have given the beloved of My soul Into the hand of her enemies.
8 Gādona ya zama mini kamar zaki a kurmi. Yana mini ruri; saboda haka na ƙi shi.
My inheritance has been to Me as a lion in a forest, She gave forth against Me with her voice, Therefore I have hated her.
9 Ashe, gādona bai zama mini kamar dabbare dabbaren tsuntsu mai cin nama da sauran tsuntsaye masu cin nama suka kewaye shi da faɗa ba? Tafi ka tattaro dukan namun jeji; ka kawo su su ci.
[Is] My inheritance a speckled bird to Me? Is the bird around against her? Come, assemble, every beast of the field, Come for food.
10 Makiyaya masu yawa za su lalace gonar inabina su tattake gonata; za su mai da gonata mai kyau kango marar amfani.
Many shepherds destroyed My vineyard, They have trodden down My portion, They have made My desirable portion Become a wilderness—a desolation.
11 Za tă zama kango, busasshiya da kuma kango a gabana; ƙasar duka za tă zama kango domin ba wanda ya kula.
He has made it become a desolation, The desolation has mourned to Me, All the land has been desolated, But there is no one laying it to heart.
12 A kan dukan tsaunukan nan na hamada masu hallakarwa za su zo, gama takobin Ubangiji zai ci daga wannan iyaka ƙasa zuwa wancan; ba wanda zai zauna lafiya.
Spoilers have come in on all high places in the plain, For the sword of YHWH is consuming, From the end of the land even to the end of the land, There is no peace to any flesh.
13 Za su shuka alkama, su girbe ƙayayyuwa; za su gajiyar da kansu, ba za su kuwa sami kome ba. Saboda haka ku sha kunyar abin da kuka girbe saboda zafin fushin Ubangiji.”
They sowed wheat, and have reaped thorns, They have become sick—they do not profit, And they have been ashamed of your increases, Because of the fierceness of the anger of YHWH.”
14 Ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, “Game da dukan mugayen maƙwabtana waɗanda suka ƙwace gādon da na ba wa mutanena Isra’ila kuwa, zan tumɓuke su daga ƙasashensu zan kuma tumɓuke gidan Yahuda daga cikinsu.
Thus said YHWH: “Concerning all My evil neighbors, who are striking against the inheritance that I caused My people—Israel—to inherit: Behold, I am plucking them from off their ground, And I pluck the house of Judah out of their midst.
15 Amma bayan na tumɓuke su, zan sāke jin tausayi in komo da kowannensu zuwa gādonsa da kuma ƙasarsa.
And it has been, after My plucking them out, I turn back, and have pitied them, And I have brought them back, Each to his inheritance, and each to his land.
16 In kuma suka koyi al’amuran mutanena sosai suka kuma yi rantsuwa da sunana, suna cewa, ‘Muddin Ubangiji yana raye’ kamar yadda sun taɓa koya wa jama’ata yin rantsuwa da Ba’al, sa’an nan za su kahu a cikin jama’ata.
And it has come to pass, If they learn the ways of My people well, To swear by My Name, YHWH lives, As they taught My people to swear by Ba‘al, Then they have been built up in the midst of My people.
17 Amma duk al’ummar da ba tă saurara ba, zan tumɓuke ta ɗungum in kuma hallaka ta,” in ji Ubangiji.
And if they do not listen, Then I have plucked up that nation, Plucking up and destroying,” A declaration of YHWH!

< Irmiya 12 >