< Irmiya 1 >

1 Kalmomin Irmiya ɗan Hilkiya, ɗaya daga cikin firistoci a Anatot a yankin Benyamin.
Words of Jeremiah son of Hilkiah, of the priests who [are] in Anathoth, in the land of Benjamin,
2 Maganar Ubangiji ta zo gare shi a shekara ta goma sha uku ta sarautar Yosiya ɗan Amon sarkin Yahuda,
to whom the word of YHWH has been in the days of Josiah son of Amon, king of Judah, in the thirteenth year of his reign,
3 da kuma a zamanin Yehohiyakim ɗan Yosiya sarkin Yahuda, har zuwa watan biyar na shekara goma sha ɗaya na Zedekiya ɗan Yosiya sarkin Yahuda, sa’ad da aka kai mutanen Urushalima zaman bauta.
and it is in the days of Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah, until the completion of the eleventh year of Zedekiah son of Josiah, king of Judah, until the expulsion of Jerusalem in the fifth month.
4 Maganar Ubangiji ta zo mini cewa,
And there is a word of YHWH to me, saying,
5 “Kafin in siffanta ka a cikin ciki na san ka, kafin a haife ka, na keɓe ka; na naɗa ka ka zama annabi ga al’ummai.”
“Before I form you in the belly, I have known you; and before you come forth from the womb I have separated you; I have made you a prophet to the nations.”
6 Sai na ce, “Kayya, Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka, ban iya magana ba; ni ɗan yaro ne kawai.”
And I say, “Aah! Lord YHWH! Behold, I have not known—to speak, for I [am] a youth.”
7 Amma Ubangiji ya ce mini, “Kada ka ce, ‘Ni ɗan yaro ne kawai.’ Dole ka je wurin kowane mutumin da na aike ka ka kuma faɗa abin da na umarce ka.
And YHWH says to me, “Do not say, I [am] a youth, for to all to whom I send you—go, and all that I command you—speak.
8 Kada ka ji tsoronsu, gama ina tare da kai kuma zan kiyaye ka,” in ji Ubangiji.
Do not be afraid of their faces, for I [am] with you to deliver you,” a declaration of YHWH.
9 Sai Ubangiji ya miƙa hannunsa ya taɓa bakina ya ce mini, “Yanzu na sa kalmomina a bakinka.
And YHWH puts forth His hand, and strikes against my mouth, and YHWH says to me, “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.
10 Duba, yau na naɗa ka a kan al’ummai da mulkoki don ka tumɓuke ka kuma rusar, ka hallaka ka kuma kakkaɓe, ka gina ka kuma shuka.”
See, I have charged you this day concerning the nations, and concerning the kingdoms, to pluck up, and to break down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”
11 Maganar Ubangiji ta zo mini cewa, “Me ka gani, Irmiya?” Sai na amsa na ce, “Na ga reshen itacen almon.”
And there is a word of YHWH to me, saying, “What are you seeing, Jeremiah?” And I say, “I am seeing a rod of an almond tree.”
12 Ubangiji ya ce mini, “Daidai ne ka gani, gama ina lura in ga cewa maganata ta cika.”
And YHWH says to me, “You have seen well: for I am watching over My word to do it.”
13 Maganar Ubangiji ta sāke zo mini cewa, “Me ka gani?” Na amsa na ce, “Na ga tukunya tana tafasa, tana juyewa daga arewa.”
And there is a word of YHWH to me a second time, saying, “What are you seeing?” And I say, “I am seeing a blown pot, and its face [is] from the north.”
14 Ubangiji ya ce mini, “Daga arewa za a zubo masifa a kan dukan mazaunan ƙasar.
And YHWH says to me, “From the north the evil is loosed against all inhabitants of the land.
15 Ina shirin kiran dukan mutanen masarautar arewanci,” in ji Ubangiji. “Sarakunansu za su zo su kafa kursiyoyinsu a mashigin ƙofofin Urushalima; za su zo su kewaye dukan katangarta su kewaye dukan garuruwan Yahuda.
For behold, I am calling for all families of the kingdoms of the north,” a declaration of YHWH, “And they have come, and each put his throne at the opening of the gates of Jerusalem, and by its walls all around, and by all cities of Judah.
16 Zan furta hukunci a kan mutanena saboda muguntarsu na yashe ni, suna ƙona turare ga waɗansu alloli suna kuma bauta wa abin da hannuwansu suka yi.
And I have spoken My judgments with them concerning all their evil, in that they have forsaken Me, and make incense to other gods, and bow themselves to the works of their own hands.
17 “Ka kintsa kanka! Ka tashi tsaye ka faɗa musu abin da na umarce ka. Kada su firgita ka, in ba haka ba zan firgita ka a gabansu.
And you, you gird up your loins, and have arisen, and spoken to them all that I command you: do not be frightened because of them, lest I frighten you before them.
18 Yau na mai da kai birni mai katanga, ginshiƙin ƙarfe da bangon tagulla don ka tsaya gāba da dukan ƙasar, ya kuma yi gāba da sarakunan Yahuda da fadawan, da firistoci da kuma mutanenta.
And I, behold, have given you this day for a fortified city, and for an iron pillar, and for bronze walls over all the land, to the kings of Judah, to its heads, to its priests, and to the people of the land;
19 Za su yi yaƙi da kai amma ba za su ci nasara a kanka ba, gama ina tare da kai, zan kuma kiyaye ka,” in ji Ubangiji.
and they have fought against you, and they do not prevail against you; for I [am] with you,” a declaration of YHWH, “to deliver you.”

< Irmiya 1 >