< Fitowa 6 >

1 Sa’an nan Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa, “Yanzu za ka gan abin da zan yi da Fir’auna. Zan sa shi dole yă bar su su tafi, har ma yă iza ƙyeyarsu don su bar ƙasarsa!”
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Now you will see what I will do to the king [and his people]. I will powerfully [MTY] compel him to let my people go. In fact, by my power [MTY] [I will force] him to expel them from his land!”
2 Allah ya kuma ce wa Musa, “Ni ne Ubangiji.
God also said to Moses/me, “I am Yahweh.
3 Na bayyana ga Ibrahim, ga Ishaku da kuma ga Yaƙub a matsayin Allah Maɗaukaki, amma sunan nan nawa Ubangiji, ban bayyana kaina a gare su ba.
I am the one who appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and [told them that I] was God Almighty, but I did not [tell] them that my name [was Yahweh].
4 Na kuma kafa alkawari da su don in ba su ƙasar Kan’ana, inda suka yi zaman baƙunci.
I also made my solemn agreement with them, promising to give them the Canaan region. That was the area in which they were living as foreigners.
5 Ban da haka ma, na ji nishe-nishen Isra’ilawa, waɗanda Masarawa suka bautar, na kuma tuna da alkawarina.
Furthermore, I have heard the Israeli people as they were groaning [because of the hard work that] the Egyptians forced them to do as their slaves. I have thought about that solemn promise [that I made].
6 “Saboda haka, ka ce wa Isra’ilawa, ‘Ni ne Ubangiji, zan kuma fitar da ku daga bauta ta Masarawa. Zan’yantar da ku daga zama bayinsu, da ƙarfina zan fanshe ku, in kawo hukunci mai zafi a kansu, don in cece ku.
So tell the Israeli people that [I said this: ] ‘I am Yahweh. I will free you from the burdens [of heavy work] that the Egyptians [have given you]. I will free you from being their slaves. With my great power [MTY] and by punishing them [MTY] very severely, I will save you.
7 Zan ɗauke ku tamƙar mutanena, in kuma zama Allahnku. Sa’an nan za ku sani Ni ne Ubangiji Allahnku, wanda ya fitar da ku daga wahalar Masarawa.
I will cause you to be my own people, and I will be your God, [the one you worship]. You will truly know that I, Yahweh your God, am the one who has freed you from the burdens [of work as slaves] of the Egyptians.
8 Zan kuwa kawo ku a ƙasar da na rantse da hannun da na ɗaga sama, cewa zan ba wa Ibrahim, wa Ishaku, da kuma wa Yaƙub. Zan ba da ita gare ku gādo. Ni ne Ubangiji.’”
And I will bring you to the land that I solemnly promised to give to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. You will possess it [forever]. I, Yahweh, am [promising this].’”
9 Musa ya faɗa wa Isra’ilawa wannan magana, amma ba su kasa kunne a gare shi ba, don ɓacin rai saboda tsananin aikin bauta.
Moses/I told that to the Israeli people, but they did not believe what he/I said. They were very discouraged [IDM] because of the hard work [that they had been forced to do as slaves].
10 Sa’an nan Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa,
Yahweh said to Moses/me,
11 “Koma ka ce wa Fir’auna sarkin Masar, yă bar Isra’ilawa su fita daga ƙasarsa.”
“Go and tell the king of Egypt [again] that he must allow the Israeli people to leave his land!”
12 Amma Musa ya ce wa Ubangiji, “In Isra’ilawa ba su ji ni ba, yaya Fir’auna zai ji ni, da yake ina magana da ƙyar?”
But Moses/I said to Yahweh, “Listen [to what I am saying]. [Even] the Israeli people have not paid attention to what I [told them]. But I am a poor speaker. [MET, MTY] So (why should the king pay attention to what I tell him?/the king will certainly not pay attention to what I [tell him]!)” [RHQ]
13 Ubangiji ya yi magana da Musa da Haruna game da Isra’ilawa da Fir’auna sarkin Masar, ya umarce su su fitar da Isra’ilawa daga Masar.
But Yahweh spoke to Aaron and Moses/me and commanded them/us, “Tell the Israeli people and the king of Egypt that I have [commissioned you two] to lead the Israeli people out of Egypt.”
14 Waɗannan su ne shugabannin iyalansu.’Ya’yan Ruben maza ɗan farin Isra’ila su ne, Hanok da Fallu, Hezron da Karmi. Waɗannan su ne dangin Ruben.
(Here is/I will now give you) a list of the ancestors of [Moses/me and Aaron]: The sons of Reuben, who was Jacob’s oldest son, [were] Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi. They were [ancestors of] the clans [that have those same names].
15 ’Ya’yan Simeyon maza su ne, Yemuwel, Yamin, Ohad, Yakin, Zohar da Sha’ul ɗan mutuniyar Kan’ana. Waɗannan su ne dangin Simeyon.
The sons of Simeon [were] Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zohar, and Shaul. Shaul’s mother was a woman from the Canaan people-group. Those men also were [ancestors of] clans [that have those same names].
16 Waɗannan su ne sunayen’ya’yan Lawi maza bisa ga abin da aka rubuta, Gershon, Kohat da Merari. Lawi ya yi shekara 137.
These are the names of the sons of Levi, in the order in which they were born: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. Levi was 137 years old [when he died].
17 ’Ya’yan Gershon maza, bisa ga dangi su ne, Libni da Shimeyi.
The sons of Gershon [were] Libni and Shimei. They were ancestors of clans that have those names.
18 ’Ya’yan Kohat maza, su ne, Amram, Izhar, Hebron da Uzziyel. Kohat ya yi shekara 133.
The sons of Kohath [were] Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. Kohath was 133 years old [when he died].
19 ’Ya’yan Merari maza, su ne, Mali da Mushi. Waɗannan su ne dangin Lawi bisa ga abin da aka rubuta.
The sons of Merari [were] Mahli and Mushi. All of those people whose names [I have listed] belonged to tribes/clans descended from Levi, in the order in which they were born.
20 Amram ya auri’yar’uwar mahaifinsa Yokebed, wadda ta haifa masa Haruna da Musa. Amram ya yi shekara 137.
Amram married his father’s sister, Jochebed. She was the mother of Aaron and Moses/me. Amram was 137 years old [when he died].
21 ’Ya’yan Izhar maza, su ne, Kora, Nefeg da Zikri.
The sons of Izhar were Korah, Nepheg, and Zichri.
22 ’Ya’yan Uzziyel maza, su ne, Mishayel, Elzafan da Sitri.
The sons of Uzziel were Mishael, Elzaphan, and Sithri.
23 Haruna ya auri Elisheba,’yar Amminadab,’yar’uwar Nashon, sai ta haifa masa Nadab da Abihu, Eleyazar da Itamar.
Aaron married Elisheba. She was the daughter of Amminadab and sister of Nahshon. Elisheba gave birth to [four sons]: Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
24 ’Ya’yan Kora maza, su ne, Assir, Elkana da Abiyasaf. Waɗannan su ne dangin Kora.
The sons of Korah [were] Assir, Elkanah, and Abiasaph. They were the ancestors of the Korah people-group.
25 Eleyazar ɗan Haruna, ya auri ɗaya daga cikin’yan matan Futiyel, sai ta haifa masa Finehas. Waɗannan su ne shugabannin iyalan Lawi, dangi, dangi.
Aaron’s son Eleazar married one of the daughters of Putiel, and she gave birth to Phinehas. [That ends the list of] the families and clans that were descended from Levi.
26 Wannan Haruna da Musa ne, waɗanda Ubangiji ya yi musu magana ya ce, “Ku fitar da Isra’ilawa daga Masar ɓangare-ɓangare.”
Aaron and Moses/I were the ones to whom Yahweh said, “Lead all the families and clans of the Israeli people out of Egypt.”
27 Su ne suka yi magana da Fir’auna sarkin Masar game da fitar da Isra’ilawa daga Masar, wannan Musa da Haruna.
They/We were the ones who spoke to the king of Egypt about bringing the Israeli people out of Egypt.
28 Ana nan, sa’ad da Ubangiji ya yi magana da Musa a Masar,
On the day that Yahweh spoke to Moses/me in Egypt,
29 ya ce masa, “Ni ne Ubangiji. Sai ka faɗa wa Fir’auna sarkin Masar kome da na faɗa maka.”
he said, “I am Yahweh. You must tell the king everything that I say to you.”
30 Amma Musa ya ce wa Ubangiji, “Ni mai nauyin baki ne, ina magana da ƙyar, ƙaƙa Fir’auna zai kasa kunne gare ni?”
But Moses/I said to Yahweh, “Listen to me. I am not a good speaker. [MET, MTY] So (the king will certainly not pay attention to what I say/why should the king pay attention to what I tell him?)!” [RHQ]

< Fitowa 6 >