< 2 Sama’ila 24 >

1 Fushin Ubangiji ya sāke ƙuna a kan Isra’ila, sai ya zuga Dawuda, yana cewa, “Je ka ƙidaya Isra’ila da Yahuda.”
And the anger of YHWH adds to burn against Israel, and [an adversary] moves David about them, saying, “Go, number Israel and Judah.”
2 Saboda haka sarki ya ce wa Yowab da komandodin da suke tare da shi, “Tafi cikin dukan kabilan Isra’ila, daga Dan har zuwa Beyersheba, ku ƙidaya mayaƙa don in san yawansu.”
And the king says to Joab, head of the host that [is] with him, “Now go to and fro through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan even to Beer-Sheba, and inspect the people; then I have known the number of the people.”
3 Amma Yowab ya ce wa sarki, “Ubangiji Allahnka ya sa mayaƙan su ƙaru sau ɗari fiye da yadda suke, har ranka yă daɗe, sarki yă gani da idonsa. Me ya sa ranka yă daɗe, sarki yake so yă yi abu haka?”
And Joab says to the king, “Indeed, your God YHWH adds to the people, as they are, one hundred times, and the eyes of my lord the king are seeing; and my lord the king, why is he desirous of this thing?”
4 Duk da haka, maganar sarki ya rinjayi Yowab da komandodin soja, sai suka tashi daga gaban sarki, suka tafi su ƙirga mayaƙan Isra’ila.
And the word of the king is severe toward Joab, and against the heads of the force, and Joab goes out, and the heads of the force, [from] before the king to inspect the people, even Israel;
5 Bayan suka ƙetare Urdun, sai suka yi sansani kusa da Arower, kudu da garin da yake cikin kwari, sa’an nan suka ratsa ta wajen Gad, suka ci gaba zuwa Yazer.
and they pass over the Jordan, and encamp in Aroer, on the right of the city that [is] in the midst of the Brook of Gad, and to Jazer,
6 Suka tafi Gileyad ta yankin Tatim Hodshi, sa’an nan suka tafi Dan Ya’an, suka kuma yi wajen kewaye Sidon.
and they come to Gilead, and to the land of Tahtim-Hodshi, and they come to Dan-Jaan, and around to Sidon,
7 Sa’an nan suka yi ta wajen kagarar Taya da dukan garuruwan Hiwiyawa da Kan’aniyawa. A ƙarshe, suka ci gaba zuwa Beyersheba a Negeb na Yahuda.
and they come to the fortress of Tyre, and all the cities of the Hivite, and of the Canaanite, and go out to the south of Judah, to Beer-Sheba.
8 Bayan suka ratsa dukan ƙasashen, a ƙarshe suka koma Urushalima, bayan wata tara da kwana ashirin.
And they go to and fro through all the land, and come in to Jerusalem at the end of nine months and twenty days,
9 Yowab ya ba wa sarki jimillar yawan mayaƙan. A Isra’ila akwai mutum dubu ɗari takwas da za su iya riƙe takobi. A Yahuda kuwa mutum dubu ɗari biyar.
and Joab gives the account of the inspection of the people to the king, and Israel is eight hundred thousand men of valor, drawing sword, and the men of Judah five hundred thousand men.
10 Bayan Dawuda ya ƙidaya mayaƙan, lamirinsa ya kāshe shi, sai ya ce wa Ubangiji, “Ya Ubangiji na yi laifi ƙwarai a kan abin da na yi. Ina roƙonka ka gafarta wa bawanka. Na yi wauta ƙwarai.”
And the heart of David strikes him, after that he has numbered the people, and David says to YHWH, “I have greatly sinned in that which I have done, and now, O YHWH, please cause the iniquity of Your servant to pass away, for I have acted very foolishly.”
11 Kafin Dawuda yă tashi da safe kashegari, maganar Ubangiji ta riga ta zo wa annabin nan Gad, mai duban nan na Dawuda. Ubangiji ya ce,
And David rises in the morning, and the word of YHWH has been to Gad the prophet, seer of David, saying,
12 “Je ka faɗa wa Dawuda, ‘Ga abin da Ubangiji ya ce, ina ba ka zaɓi uku. Ka zaɓi ɗaya daga cikinsu don in aikata maka shi.’”
“Go, and you have spoken to David, Thus said YHWH: I am lifting up three [choices] for you, choose one of them, and I do [it] to you.”
13 Sai Gad ya zo wurin Dawuda ya ce masa, “Kana so a yi yunwa shekara uku a ƙasarka? Ko kana so ka yi ta gudu a gaban abokan gābanka har wata uku? Ko kuwa ka fi so a yi annoba kwana uku a ƙasarka? Yanzu, sai ka yi tunani, ka yanke shawarar game da amsar da zan mayar wa wanda ya aiko ni.”
And Gad comes to David, and declares [it] to him, and says to him, “Does seven years of famine come to you in your land? Or are you fleeing before your adversary [for] three months—and he is pursuing you? Or is there pestilence [for] three days in your land? Now, know and see what word I take back to Him sending me.”
14 Dawuda ya ce wa Gad, “Na shiga uku. Gara mu fāɗa a hannuwan Ubangiji gama alherinsa da girma yake. Amma fa kada ka bar ni in fāɗa a hannun mutane.”
And David says to Gad, “I have great distress; please let us fall into the hand of YHWH, for His mercies [are] many, but do not let me fall into the hand of man.”
15 Saboda haka Ubangiji ya aika da annoba a kan Isra’ila tun daga safe har zuwa lokacin da aka ƙayyade, mutum dubu saba’in kuwa daga Dan zuwa Beyersheba suka mutu.
And YHWH gives a pestilence on Israel from the morning even to the time appointed, and there dies of the people, from Dan even to Beer-Sheba, seventy thousand men,
16 Da mala’ikan Ubangiji ya miƙa hannunsa wajen Urushalima, don yă hallaka ta, sai Ubangiji ya tsai da masifar, ya ce wa mala’ikan da yake wahal da mutane, “Ya isa, ka janye hannunka.” A lokacin kuwa Mala’ikan Ubangiji yana tsaye a masussukar Arauna, mutumin Yebus.
and the messenger puts forth his hand to Jerusalem to destroy it, and YHWH sighs concerning the calamity, and says to the messenger who is destroying among the people, “Enough, now, cease your hand”; and the messenger of YHWH was near the threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite.
17 Da Dawuda ya ga mala’ikan da ya bubbugi mutane, sai ya ce wa Ubangiji, “Ni ne na yi zunubi, na kuma yi abin da ba daidai ba. Waɗannan tumaki ne kawai. Me suka yi? Bari hukuncinka yă sauko a kaina da iyalina.”
And David speaks to YHWH when he sees the messenger who is striking among the people, and says, “Behold, I have sinned, indeed, I have done perversely; and these—the flock—what have they done? Please let Your hand be on me and on the house of my father.”
18 A ranar, Gad ya koma wurin Dawuda ya ce, “Ka tashi, ka tafi ka gina wa Ubangiji bagade a masussukar Arauna, mutumin Yebus.”
And Gad comes to David on that day and says to him, “Go up, raise an altar to YHWH in the threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite”;
19 Saboda haka Dawuda ya haura, yadda Ubangiji ya umarta ta wurin Gad.
and David goes up, according to the word of Gad, as YHWH commanded.
20 Da Arauna ya hangi Dawuda da mutanensa suna zuwa wajensa, sai ya fita a guje, ya je ya rusuna a gaban sarki.
And Araunah looks, and sees the king and his servants passing over to him, and Araunah goes out and bows himself to the king [with] his face to the earth.
21 Arauna ya ce, “Me ya sa ranka yă daɗe, sarki ya zo wajen bawansa?” Dawuda ya ce, “Don in saya masussukarka, saboda in gina wa Ubangiji bagade don a tsayar da annoban da suke a bisa mutane.”
And Araunah says, “Why has my lord the king come to his servant?” And David says, “To buy the threshing-floor from you, to build an altar to YHWH, and the plague is restrained from the people.”
22 Arauna ya ce wa Dawuda, “Bari ranka yă daɗe, sarki yă ɗauki duk abin da ya ga dama yă miƙa shi. Ga shanu, don hadaya ta ƙonawa, ga kuma kayan masussuka da itacen shanu, don itace.”
And Araunah says to David, “Let my lord the king take [it] and cause that which is good in his eyes to ascend; see, [here are] the oxen for a burnt-offering, and the threshing instruments, and the instruments of the oxen, for wood”;
23 Dukan wannan, ranka yă daɗe, Arauna ya ba wa sarki. Arauna ya kuma ce, “Bari Ubangiji Allahnka yă karɓa.”
Araunah has given the whole [as] a king to a king; and Araunah says to the king, “Your God YHWH accepts you.”
24 Amma sarki ya ce wa Arauna, “A’a, dole in biya ka saboda waɗannan. Ba yadda zan miƙa wa Ubangiji Allahna hadayun ƙonawa da bai ci mini kome ba.” Sai Dawuda ya saya, ya kuma biya masussukar, da shanun a bakin shekel hamsin na azurfa.
And the king says to Araunah, “No, for I surely buy from you for a price, and I do not cause burnt-offerings to ascend to my God YHWH for nothing”; and David buys the threshing-floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver,
25 Dawuda ya gina wa Ubangiji bagade a wurin, ya kuma miƙa masa hadaya ta ƙonawa, da hadaya ta salama. Sa’an nan Ubangiji ya amsa addu’o’in a madadin ƙasar, aka kuma kawar wa Isra’ila annoban.
and David builds an altar to YHWH there, and causes burnt-offerings and peace-offerings to ascend, and YHWH accepts the plea for the land, and the plague is restrained from Israel.

< 2 Sama’ila 24 >