< 2 Sama’ila 14 >

1 Yowab, ɗan Zeruhiya ya gane cewa zuriyar sarki ta koma ga Absalom.
Joab realized that the king yearned [IDM] to see Absalom.
2 Saboda haka Yowab ya aiki wani zuwa Tekowa, ya sa a zo da wata mace mai hikima. Ya ce mata, “Ki yi kamar kina makoki. Ki sa rigar makoki, kada kuwa ki shafa mai. Ki yi kamar macen da ta yi kwanaki da yawa, tana makokin matattu.
So Joab sent someone to Tekoa [town] to bring back a woman who was very clever. [When she arrived, ] Joab said to her, “Pretend that you are grieving because someone has died. Put on clothes that show that you are mourning. Do not put any lotion/ointment on your body. Act as if you are a woman who has been mourning for a long time.
3 Sa’an nan ki je wurin sarki, ki ce masa haka.” Sai Yowab ya faɗa mata duk abin da za tă faɗa.
And go to the king, and tell him what I tell you to say.” Then Joab told her what to say [MTY] [to the king].
4 Da macen da ta fito daga Tekowa ta je wajen sarki, sai ta rusuna har ƙasa don bangirma, sai ta ce, “Ka taimake ni, ya sarki!”
So the woman from Tekoa went to the king. She prostrated herself in front of him and then bowed down to him, and said, “Your Majesty, help me!”
5 Sarki ya ce mata, “Mece ce matsalarki?” Sai ta ce, “Tabbatacce, ni gwauruwa ce; mijina ya mutu.
The king replied, “What is your problem?” She replied, “Please, sir, I am a widow. My husband died [some time ago].
6 Baiwarka tana da’ya’ya maza biyu. Suka yi faɗa da juna a fili, kuma ba wanda yake can don yă raba su. Ɗayan ya bugi ɗayan, ya kashe shi.
I had two sons. But one day they quarreled with each other out in the fields. There was no one to separate them, and one of them struck the other one and killed him.
7 To, ga duk iyali sun hau kan baiwarka, suna cewa, ‘Ki ba mu ɗayan da ya kashe ɗan’uwansa mu kashe don ran ɗan’uwansa da ya kashe; sa’an nan za mu hallaka magājin shi ma.’ Za su kashe garwashin wuta mai ci da nake da shi kaɗai, su bar mijina ba suna, ba jika, a duniya.”
Now, all my family oppose me. They are insisting that I allow them to kill my son who is still alive [MTY], in order that they may get revenge for his killing his brother. But if they do that, I will not have any son to inherit [my husband’s possessions]. That would be like [MET] extinguishing the last coals of a fire, and my husband would not have a son to preserve our family’s name. [DOU]”
8 Sarki ya ce wa macen, “Koma gida, zan ba da umarni a madadinki.”
Then the king said to the woman, “Go back home; I will take care of this matter for you.”
9 Amma macen da ta fito daga Tekowa ta ce, “Ranka yă daɗe, sarki! Bari alhakin shari’arka yă kasance a kaina da gidan mahaifina, kai sarki da gidan mulkinka, ba ku da laifi a ciki.”
The woman from Tekoa replied to the king, “Your Majesty, if you are criticized [for helping me], my family and I will accept the blame. You and the royal family will (be innocent/not have done what is wrong).”
10 Sai sarki ya ce, “In wani ya yi miki magana, ki kawo shi wurina, ba zai kuwa ƙara damunki ba.”
The king said to her, “If anyone says anything [to threaten you/cause you trouble] you, bring that person to me, and [I will make sure that] he will never cause you trouble again.”
11 Sai ta ce, “To, bari sarki yă rantse da Ubangiji Allahnsa don yă hana mai ramako yin ƙarin hallakawar da aka yi, domin kada a hallaka ɗana.” Sai ya ce, “Muddin Ubangiji yana a raye, babu gashi guda na ɗanki da zai fāɗi ƙasa.”
Then the woman said, “Your Majesty, please pray that Yahweh your God will not allow my relative, who [wants to get] revenge on my son for killing [MTY] his brother, to be able to do that.” David replied, “As surely as Yahweh lives, your son will not be harmed at all. [IDM]”
12 Sai matar ta ce, “Bari baiwarka ta ƙara yin magana sau ɗayan nan wa ranka yă daɗe.” Ya ce, “Ki faɗa.”
Then the woman said, “Your Majesty, please allow me to say one more thing to you.” He replied, “Speak!”
13 Matar ta ce, “To, don me ka yi wa mutanen Allah irin wannan abu? Sa’ad da sarki ya ce haka, ashe, ba ka hukunta kanka ke nan ba, tun da yake sarki bai yarda ɗansa yă komo gida ba?
The woman said, “Why have you done this bad thing to God’s people? You have not allowed your son Absalom to return home. By saying what you have just said, you have certainly declared [RHQ] that what you have done is wrong.
14 Kamar ruwan da ya zuba a ƙasa, wanda ba a iya kwasa, haka dole mu mutu. Amma Allah ba ya ɗaukan rai; a maimako, yakan ƙirƙiro hanyoyi domin mutumin da aka kora kada yă kasance yasasshe daga gare shi.
We all die; we are like [SIM] water that cannot be picked up after it is spilled on the ground. But God does not just cause us to die; he creates ways to bring us back when we become separated from him.
15 “Yanzu ga shi na zo don in faɗa wannan wa ranka yă daɗe sarki, don mutane sun tsorata ni. Baiwarka ta yi tunani ta ce, ‘Zan yi magana wa sarki; wataƙila yă yi abin da baiwarsa ta roƙa.
“Now, Your Majesty, I have come to you because others have threatened me. So I said to myself, ‘I will go and talk to the king, and perhaps he will do what I request him to do.
16 Wataƙila sarki zai yarda yă ceci baiwarsa daga hannun mutumin nan da yake ƙoƙari yă hallaka ni da ɗana daga gādon da Allah ya ba mu.’
Perhaps he will listen to me, and save me from the man who is trying to kill my son. If my son is killed, it would result in us disappearing from the land that God gave to us.’
17 “Yanzu kuwa baiwarka tana cewa, ‘Bari magana ranka yă daɗe sarki yă ba ni hutu, gama ranka yă daɗe sarki yana kama da mala’ikan Allah cikin rarrabe nagarta da mugunta. Bari Ubangiji Allahnka yă kasance tare da kai.’”
“And I thought, ‘What the king says will comfort/encourage me, because the king is like [SIM] an angel of God. He knows what is good and what is evil.’ I pray/desire that Yahweh our God will (be with/direct) you.”
18 Sai sarki ya ce wa matar, “Kada ki ɓoye mini kome daga abin da zan tambaye ki.” Matar ta ce, “Bari ranka yă daɗe sarki yă yi tambaya.”
Then the king said to the woman, “I will now ask you a question. Answer it, and tell me the truth. [LIT]” The woman replied, “Your majesty, ask your question.”
19 Sarki ya ce, “Anya, babu hannun Yowab a cikin dukan wannan?” Matar ta ce, “Muddin kana a raye, ranka yă daɗe sarki, ba wanda zai juya dama ko hagu daga wani abin da ranka yă daɗe sarki ya faɗa. I, bawanka Yowab ne ya umarce ni in yi wannan, shi ne kuma ya sa kalmomin nan a bakin baiwarka.
The king said, “Was Joab the one who told you to do this?” She replied, “Yes, Your Majesty, as surely as you live, I cannot avoid telling you what is true. Yes, indeed, it was Joab who told me to come here, and who told me what to say.
20 Bawanka Yowab ne ya yi haka don yă daidaita al’amura. Ranka yă daɗe yana da hikima iri ta mala’ikan Allah, ya san dukan kome da yake faruwa a ƙasar.”
He did it in order to cause you to think differently about this matter. Your Majesty, you are as wise as God’s angels, and [it seems that] you know everything [that happens] on the earth, [so you know why Joab sent me here].”
21 Sarki ya ce wa Yowab, “To, da kyau, zan yi haka. Je ka, ka dawo da saurayin nan Absalom.”
Then the king [summoned] Joab [and] said to him, “Listen! I have decided to do [what you want]. So go and get that young man Absalom and bring him back [to Jerusalem].”
22 Yowab ya rusuna har ƙasa don bangirma, ya kuma yi wa sarki kyakkyawar fata. Yowab ya ce, “Yau, bawanka ya sani ya sami tagomashi a gare ka, ranka yă daɗe sarki, gama sarki ya ji roƙon bawansa.”
Joab prostrated himself on the ground, and then he bowed down before the king, and [asked God to] bless him. Then Joab said, “Your Majesty, today I know that you are pleased with me, because you have agreed to do what I requested.”
23 Sa’an nan Yowab ya tafi Geshur ya dawo da Absalom Urushalima.
Then Joab got up and went to Geshur, and got Absalom and brought him back to Jerusalem.
24 Amma sarki ya ce, “Yă tafi gidansa; kada yă zo yă gan ni.” Saboda haka Absalom ya tafi gidansa, bai kuwa je ganin sarki ba.
But the king said/commanded that Absalom would not be permitted to live in the palace. He said, “I do not want him to come to see me.” So Absalom lived in his own house, and did not go to [talk to] the king.
25 A cikin dukan Isra’ila babu wanda ake yabon kyansa kamar Absalom. Tun daga kansa har zuwa tafin ƙafansa babu tabo a jikinsa.
Absalom was very handsome. He looked perfect, from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. In all of Israel there was no one whom people admired more than Absalom.
26 A duk sa’ad da ya aske gashin kansa (yakan aske kansa lokaci-lokaci sa’ad da ya yi masa nauyi) yakan auna shi, nauyin gashin kuwa yakan kai wajen shekel ɗari biyu a ma’aunin da ake awo.
His hair was very thick, and he cut it only once each year, when it became too heavy for him. Using the standard weights, he would weigh the hair [that he cut off], and it always weighed about five pounds.
27 Aka haifa wa Absalom’ya’ya uku maza da’ya mace guda. Sunanta Tamar, ta kuwa zama kyakkyawan mace ƙwarai.
Absalom had three sons and one daughter named Tamar. She was a very beautiful woman.
28 Absalom ya zauna a Urushalima shekara biyu amma ba tare da ganin fuskar sarki ba.
[After] Absalom [returned to] Jerusalem, he lived there two years, and during that time he never [was allowed to] see the king.
29 Sai Absalom ya aika a kira masa Yowab don yă aike shi wurin sarki, amma Yowab ya ƙi zuwa. Saboda haka ya sāke aika sau na biyu, amma ya ƙi yă zo.
So he sent [a messenger] to Joab to ask him to come [and talk to him], but Joab refused to come. So Absalom sent [a message to him] a second time, but he still would not come.
30 Sai ya ce wa bayinsa, “Duba, gonar Yowab tana gab da tawa, kuma yana da sha’ir a can. Ku je ku sa mata wuta.” Sai bayin Absalom suka sa wa gonar wuta.
Then Absalom said to his servants, “You know that Joab’s field is next to mine, and that he has barley [growing] there. Go and light a fire there [to burn his barley].” So Absalom’s servants [went there and] lit a fire, [and all his barley burned].
31 Sa’an nan Yowab ya tafi gidan Absalom ya ce masa, “Me ya sa bayinka suka sa wa gonata wuta?”
Joab [knew who had done it, so he] went to Absalom’s house and said to him, “Why have your servants burned [the barley in] my field?”
32 Absalom ya ce wa Yowab, “Kai, na aika, ‘Ka zo nan don in aike ka wurin sarki ka tambaya, “Me ya sa na dawo daga Geshur? Ai, ya fi mini a ce ina can har yanzu!”’ Yanzu kuwa, ina so in ga sarki, kuma idan na yi wani laifi, to, yă kashe ni.”
Absalom replied, “Because [you did not come to me when] I sent messages to you [requesting that you come]. I wanted to request that you go to the king to say to him, ‘Absalom (wants to know what good it did/says that is was useless) [RHQ] for him [RHQ] to leave Geshur and come here. [He thinks that] it would have been better for him to have stayed there. [He wants you to] allow him to talk to you. And if you think that he has done something that is wrong, you can [command that] he be executed.’”
33 Saboda haka Yowab ya tafi wurin sarki ya gaya masa wannan. Sai sarki ya aika aka zo da Absalom, ya kuma rusuna da fuskarsa har ƙasa a gaban sarki. Sarki kuwa ya sumbaci Absalom.
So Joab went to the king, and told him [what Absalom had said]. Then the king [summoned Absalom], and he came to the king and knelt down in front of him with his face touching the ground. Then the king kissed Absalom [to show that he was pleased to see him].

< 2 Sama’ila 14 >