< 1 Sama’ila 16 >

1 Ubangiji ya ce wa Sama’ila, “Har yaushe za ka yi ta makoki saboda Shawulu? Na riga na ƙi shi da zaman sarkin Isra’ila. Ka cika ƙahonka da mai, zan aike ka zuwa wurin Yesse na Betlehem. Na zaɓi ɗaya daga cikin’ya’yansa maza yă zama sarki.”
Finally, Yahweh said to Samuel, “I have decided that I will not allow Saul to continue to be the king. So you should not [RHQ] keep feeling sad [about what he has done]. Put some olive oil in a small container and go to Bethlehem [to anoint someone with the oil, and appoint him to be king]. I am sending you there to a man named Jesse, because I have chosen one of his sons to be the king [of Israel].”
2 Amma Sama’ila ya ce, “Yaya zan yi haka? Ai, in Shawulu ya ji labari, zai kashe ni.” Ubangiji ya ce, “To, sai ka tafi tare da’yar karsana ka ce, ‘Na zo don in yi wa Ubangiji hadaya.’
But Samuel said, “I am afraid [RHQ] to do that! If Saul hears about it, he will kill me!” Yahweh said, “Take a (heifer/young female cow) with you, and say to people that you have come to [kill it and] offer it as a sacrifice to me.
3 Ka gayyato Yesse a wurin hadayar, ni kuma zan gaya maka abin da za ka yi. Za ka shafe mini wanda na nuna maka.”
“Invite Jesse to come to the sacrifice. [When he comes, ] I will show you what you should do. And I will show you which of his sons [I have chosen to be the king]. Then you should anoint that one [with the olive oil to be the king].”
4 Sama’ila kuwa ya yi abin da Ubangiji ya umarce shi. Da ya isa Betlehem, sai dattawan garin suka tarye shi da rawar jiki, suka ce masa, “Mai duba, wannan ziyara lafiya dai ko?”
Samuel did what Yahweh told him to do. He went to Bethlehem. When the town leaders came to him, they trembled, [because they were worried that Samuel had come to rebuke them about something]. One of them asked him, “Have you come [to speak] peacefully [to us]?”
5 Sama’ila ya ce, “I, lafiya ƙalau. Na zo ne domin in yi wa Ubangiji hadaya. Ku tsarkake kanku sa’an nan ku zo mu tafi wurin yin hadaya tare.” Ya kuma sa Yesse da’ya’yansa maza su tsarkake kansu, su je wurin hadayar.
Samuel replied, “Yes. I have come peacefully, to make a sacrifice to Yahweh. [Perform the rituals to] make yourselves acceptable to Yahweh, and then come with me to where they will offer the sacrifice.” Then Samuel performed the ritual to make Jesse and his sons acceptable to God, and he also invited them to the sacrifice.
6 Da isarsu, Sama’ila ya ga Eliyab sai ya yi tsammani shi ne, sai ya ce, “Lalle ga shafaffe na Ubangiji tsaye a gaban Ubangiji.”
When they arrived there, Samuel looked at [Jesse’s oldest son] Eliab, and thought, “Surely this is the one whom Yahweh has appointed [to be king]!”
7 Amma Ubangiji ya ce wa Sama’ila, “Kada ka dubi kyan tsarinsa ko tsayinsa, domin ba shi nake so ba, gama yadda Ubangiji yake gani, ba haka mutum yake gani ba. Mutum yakan dubi kyan tsari ne kawai daga waje, amma Ubangiji yakan dubi zuciya.”
But Yahweh said to Samuel, “No, he is not the one whom I have chosen. Don’t pay attention to his being handsome and very tall, because I have not chosen him. I do not evaluate people as people do. You people evaluate people by their appearance, but I evaluate people by what is in their inner beings.”
8 Sai Yesse ya kira Abinadab yă zo gaban Sama’ila. Amma Sama’ila ya ce, “Ko wannan ma Ubangiji bai zaɓe shi ba.”
Then Jesse told [his next oldest son] Abinadab to step forward and walk in front of Samuel. [But when he did that], Samuel said, “Yahweh has not chosen this one, either.”
9 Sai Yesse ya sa Shamma yă zo gaban Sama’ila, amma Sama’ila ya ce, “Ubangiji bai zaɓi wannan ma ba.”
Then Jesse told [his next oldest son] Shammah to step forward. He stepped forward, but Samuel said, “Yahweh has not chosen this one, either.”
10 Yesse ya sa’ya’yansa maza bakwai suka wuce gaban Sama’ila, amma Sama’ila ya ce masa, “Ubangiji bai zaɓi waɗannan ba.”
Similarly, Jesse told his other four sons to walk in front of Samuel. But Samuel said to Jesse, “Yahweh has not chosen any of these sons of yours.”
11 Don haka ya tambayi Yesse ya ce, “Su ke nan’ya’yan maza da kake da su?” Yesse ya ce, “Har yanzu akwai ɗan autan, amma yana kiwon tumaki.” Sama’ila ya ce, “Ka aika yă zo, ba za mu zauna ba sai ya iso.”
Then Samuel asked Jesse, “Do you have any other sons?” Jesse replied, “My youngest son [is not here]; he is out [in the fields] taking care of the sheep.” Samuel said, “Send someone to bring him here! We will not sit down [to eat] until he gets here.”
12 Sai ya aika aka kawo shi. Ga shi kuwa kyakkyawan saurayi ne mai kyan gani. Ubangiji ya ce, “Tashi ka shafe shi, shi ne wannan.”
So Jesse sent [someone] to bring [David there. And when David arrived, Samuel saw that] he was handsome and healthy, and had bright eyes. Then Yahweh said, “This is the one [whom I have chosen]; anoint him [to be king].”
13 Saboda haka Sama’ila ya ɗauko ƙahon nan da yake da mai ya shafe Dawuda a gaban’yan’uwansa. Daga wannan rana kuwa ruhun Ubangiji ya sauko wa Dawuda da iko. Sai Sama’ila ya koma Rama.
So as David [stood there] in front of his older brothers, Samuel took the container of oil that he had brought and poured some of it on David’s head [to set him apart to serve God. After they all ate, Samuel left] and returned to Ramah. But Yahweh’s Spirit came on David powerfully, and stayed with David for the rest of his life.
14 To, fa, Ruhun Ubangiji ya riga ya rabu da Shawulu, sai mugun ruhu daga Ubangiji ya soma ba shi wahala.
But Yahweh’s Spirit left Saul. Instead [of his Spirit staying with Saul], Yahweh sent an evil spirit to Saul to terrify him [repeatedly].
15 Ma’aikatan Shawulu suka ce masa, “Duba, ga mugun ruhu daga Allah yana ba ka wahala.
One of his servants said to him, “It is evident that an evil spirit sent by God is terrifying you.
16 Ranka yă daɗe, muna so ka ba mu izini mu tafi, mu nemo wanda ya iya kiɗan molo, domin duk sa’ad da mugun ruhun nan daga Allah ya tashi, sai yă kaɗa molon don hankalinka yă kwanta.”
So [we suggest that you] allow us, your servants here, to search for a man who plays the harp well. He can play the harp whenever the evil spirit bothers you. Then [you will calm down and] you will be okay again.”
17 Saboda haka Shawulu ya ce wa ma’aikatansa, “Ku nemo wanda ya iya kiɗan molo sosai ku kawo mini.”
Saul replied, “[Fine/Okay], find for me a man who can play [the harp] well, and bring him to me.”
18 Ɗaya daga cikin bayin ya ce, “Na san wani yaro, ɗan Yesse na Betlehem, ya iya kiɗan molo, yana da hikima, shi kuma ya iya yaƙi. Ya iya magana, ga shi kuma kyakkyawa, Ubangiji kuwa yana tare da shi.”
One of his servants said to him, “A man named Jesse, in Bethlehem [town], has a son who plays the harp very well. Furthermore, he is a brave man, and is a capable soldier. He is handsome and he always speaks wisely. And Yahweh always protects him.”
19 Sai Shawulu ya aiki manzanni zuwa wurin Yesse ya ce, “Ka aiko mini da ɗanka Dawuda wanda yake kiwon tumaki.”
So Saul sent this message to Jesse: “Send your son David to me, the one who takes care of sheep.”
20 Saboda haka Yesse ya ɗauki jaki tare da burodi da ruwan inabi da ɗan ƙarami bunsuru ya ba wa ɗansa Dawuda yă kai wa Shawulu.
[So after they went to] Jesse [and told him that, he agreed. He] got a young goat, a container of wine, a donkey on which he put some loaves of bread, and gave them to David to take to Saul [as a present].
21 Dawuda ya isa wurin Shawulu ya shiga hidimarsa. Shawulu kuwa ya so shi ƙwarai da gaske. Dawuda ya zama ɗaya daga cikin masu sanya sulke.
Then David went to Saul and started to work for him. Saul liked David very much, and he became the man who carried Saul’s weapons [when Saul went to fight in battles].
22 Sa’an nan Shawulu ya aika saƙo wurin Yesse cewa, “Ka bar Dawuda yă yi mini hidima domin ina jin daɗinsa ƙwarai.”
Then Saul sent [a messenger] to Jesse to tell him, “I am pleased with David. Please let him stay here and work for me.”
23 Duk lokacin da ruhun nan daga Allah ya sauko a kan Shawulu, sai Dawuda yă ɗauki molonsa yă kaɗa. Sa’an nan sauƙi yă zo wa Shawulu, mugun ruhu kuma yă rabu da shi.
[Jesse agreed, and after that], whenever the evil spirit whom God sent tormented Saul, David played the harp. Then Saul would become calm, and the evil spirit would leave him.

< 1 Sama’ila 16 >