< 1 Sarakuna 1 >

1 Sa’ad da Sarki Dawuda ya tsufa ya kuma ƙara shekaru, ba ya iya jin ɗumi ko an rufe shi da abin rufuwa.
And King David [is] old, entering into days, and they cover him with garments, and he has no heat,
2 Saboda haka bayinsa suka ce masa, “Bari mu nemi wata budurwa wadda za tă yi wa ranka yă daɗe, sarki hidima, tă kuma kula da shi. Za tă dinga kwanta kusa da ranka yă daɗe, yă ji ɗumi.”
and his servants say to him, “Let them seek [for] a young woman, a virgin, for my lord the king, and she has stood before the king, and is a companion to him, and has lain in your bosom, and my lord the king has heat.”
3 Suka nemi kyakkyawar yarinya cikin fāɗin Isra’ila, sai suka sami Abishag, mutuniyar Shunam, suka kawo ta wa sarki.
And they seek [for] a beautiful young woman in all the border of Israel, and find Abishag the Shunammite, and bring her to the king,
4 Yarinyar kuwa kyakkyawa ce ƙwarai; ta kuwa lura da sarki, ta kuma yi masa hidima, amma sarki bai yi jima’i da ita ba.
and the young woman [is] very, very beautiful, and she is a companion to the king, and serves him, and the king has not known her.
5 Adoniya, wanda mahaifiyarsa ce Haggit, ya fito ya ce, “Zan zama sarki.” Saboda haka ya nemi kekunan yaƙi, ya kuma shirya dawakai, tare da mutane hamsin da za su sha gabansa.
And Adonijah son of Haggith is lifting himself up, saying, “I reign”; and he prepares for himself a chariot and horsemen, and fifty men running before him,
6 (A duk rayuwarsa mahaifinsa bai taɓa tsawata masa yă ce, “Me ya sa kake yin haka ba?” Shi kuwa mai kyan gani ne ƙwarai, shi ne aka haifa bayan Absalom.)
and his father has not grieved him [all] his days, saying, “Why have you done this?” And he also [is] of a very good form, and [his mother] bore him after Absalom.
7 Adoniya ya haɗa baƙi da Yowab ɗan Zeruhiya da kuma Abiyatar firist, suka kuma ba shi goyon baya.
And his words are with Joab son of Zeruiah, and with Abiathar the priest, and they help after Adonijah;
8 Amma Zadok firist, Benahiya ɗan Yehohiyada, annabi Natan, Shimeyi, Reyi da kuma matsara na musamman na Dawuda ba su bi Adoniya ba.
and Zadok the priest, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and Nathan the prophet, and Shimei, and Rei, and the mighty ones whom David has, have not been with Adonijah.
9 Wata rana Adoniya ya tafi Dutsen Zohelet kusa da En Rogel, inda ya yi hadayar tumaki, da shanun noma, da shanun da ake kiwo a gida. Ya kuma gayyaci’yan’uwansa, wato, sauran’ya’yan Sarki Dawuda, tare da dukan dattawan sarki da suka fito daga Yahuda,
And Adonijah sacrifices sheep and oxen and fatlings near the stone of Zoheleth that [is] by En-Rogel, and calls all his brothers, sons of the king, and for all the men of Judah, servants of the king;
10 amma bai gayyaci annabi Natan, ko Benahiya, ko wani daga matsara na musamman, ko kuwa ɗan’uwansa Solomon ba.
and he has not called Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, and the mighty ones, and his brother Solomon.
11 Sai Natan ya ce wa Batsheba, mahaifiyar Solomon, “Ki san cewa Adoniya, ɗan Haggit, ya zama sarki ba tare da sanin ranka yă daɗe, sarkinmu Dawuda ba?
And Nathan speaks to Bathsheba, mother of Solomon, saying, “Have you not heard that Adonijah son of Haggith has reigned, and our lord David has not known?
12 Yanzu bari in ba ki shawara yadda za ki cece ranki da kuma ran ɗanki Solomon.
And now, come, please let me counsel you, and deliver your life and the life of your son Solomon;
13 Ki shiga wurin Sarki Dawuda ki ce masa, ‘Ranka yă daɗe sarki, ba ka rantse mini ni baiwarka cewa, “Tabbatacce Solomon ɗanka ne zai zama sarki bayana, yă kuma zauna a kujerar sarautar ba”? To, me ya sa Adoniya ya zama sarki?’
go and enter in to King David, and you have said to him: Have you not, my lord, O king, sworn to your handmaid, saying, Surely your son Solomon reigns after me, and he sits on my throne? And why has Adonijah reigned?
14 Yayinda kike can kina magana da sarki, zan shiga in kuma tabbatar da abin da kika faɗa.”
Behold, you are yet speaking there with the king, and I come in after you, and have completed your words.”
15 Saboda haka Batsheba ta je don tă ga sarki. A yanzu dai sarki ya tsufa, yana nan kuma a cikin ɗakinsa, inda Abishag mutuniya Shunam take masa hidima.
And Bathsheba comes in to the king, [into] the inner chamber, and the king [is] very aged, and Abishag the Shunammite is serving the king;
16 Batsheba ta rusuna ta kuma durƙusa a gaban sarki. Sai sarki ya tambaye ta ya ce, “Me kike so?”
and Bathsheba bows and pays respect to the king, and the king says, “What do you [want]?”
17 Ta ce masa, “Ranka yă daɗe, kai kanka ka rantse mini ni baiwarka da sunan Ubangiji Allahnka cewa, ‘Solomon ɗanka zai zama sarki bayana, zai kuma zauna a kujerar sarautata.’
And she says to him, “My lord, you have sworn by your God YHWH to your handmaid, [saying], Surely your son Solomon reigns after me, and he sits on my throne;
18 Amma yanzu Adoniya ya zama sarki, kai kuwa ranka yă daɗe sarki, ba ka san wani abu game da shi ba.
and now, behold, Adonijah has reigned, and now, my lord, O king, you have not known;
19 Ya miƙa hadayun shanu, da shanun da ake kiwo a gida, da tumaki masu yawa, ya kuma gayyaci dukan’ya’yan sarki maza, da Abiyatar firist, da Yowab shugaban mayaƙa, amma bai gayyaci Solomon bawanka ba.
and he sacrifices ox, and fatling, and sheep in abundance, and calls for all the sons of the king, and for Abiathar the priest, and for Joab head of the host—and he has not called for your servant Solomon.
20 Ranka yă daɗe sarki, idanun dukan Isra’ila suna a kanka, domin su san wa zai zauna a kujerar ranka yă daɗe sarkina, a bayanka.
And you, my lord, O king, the eyes of all Israel [are] on you, to declare to them who sit on the throne of my lord the king after him;
21 In ba haka, bayan an binne ranka yă daɗe sarki, tare da kakanninsa, za a wulaƙance ni da Solomon ɗana, kamar masu laifi.”
and it has been, when my lord the king lies with his fathers, that I have been, I and my son Solomon—[reckoned] sinners.”
22 Yayinda take cikin magana tare da sarki, sai annabi Natan ya iso.
And behold, she is yet speaking with the king, and Nathan the prophet has come in;
23 Sai aka faɗa wa sarki, “Ga annabi Natan.” Da Natan ya je gaban sarki, sai ya rusuna da fuskarsa har ƙasa.
and they declare to the king, saying, “Behold, Nathan the prophet”; and he comes in before the king, and bows himself to the king, on his face to the earth.
24 Natan ya ce, “Ranka yă daɗe, sarki, ko ka furta cewa Adoniya ne zai zama sarki a bayanka, yă kuma zauna a kujerar sarautarka?
And Nathan says, “My lord, O king, you have said, Adonijah reigns after me, and he sits on my throne;
25 Yau ya gangara, ya kuma miƙa hadayun shanu, da shanun da ake kiwo a gida, da tumaki masu yawa. Ya gayyaci dukan’ya’yan sarki maza, da shugaban mayaƙa, da kuma Abiyatar firist. A yanzu haka suna ci, suna sha, tare da shi, suna cewa, ‘Ran Sarki Adoniya yă daɗe!’
for he has gone down today, and sacrifices ox, and fatling, and sheep, in abundance, and calls for all the sons of the king, and for the heads of the host, and for Abiathar the priest, and behold, they are eating and drinking before him, and they say, Let King Adonijah live!
26 Amma bai gayyace ni bawanka, da Zadok firist, da Benahiya ɗan Yehohiyada, da kuma bawanka Solomon ba.
But he has not called for me, your servant, and for Zadok the priest, and for Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, and for your servant Solomon;
27 Ranka yă daɗe, sarki, ko ka tabbatar da haka, amma ba ka ko faɗa wa fadawanka, cewa ga wanda zai gāje Ranka yă daɗe, sarki ba?”
if this thing has been from my lord the king, then you have not caused your servant to know who sits on the throne of my lord the king after him.”
28 Sai Dawuda ya ce, “Kira Batsheba tă shiga.” Sai ta zo gaban sarki ta kuma tsaya a gabansa.
And King David answers and says, “Call for Bathsheba for me”; and she comes in before the king, and stands before the king.
29 Sai sarki ya yi rantsuwa, “Muddin Ubangiji yana a raye, wanda ya cece ni daga kowace damuwa,
And the king swears and says, “YHWH lives, who has redeemed my soul out of all adversity;
30 tabbatacce a yau zan aikata abin da na yi miki rantsuwa da sunan Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila; Solomon ɗanki zai zama sarki bayana, kuma shi zai zauna a kan kujerar sarautata a maimakona.”
surely as I swore to you by YHWH, God of Israel, saying, Surely your son Solomon reigns after me, and he sits on my throne in my stead; surely so I do this day.”
31 Sai Batsheba ta rusuna da fuskarta har ƙasa, ta kuma durƙusa a gaban sarki ta ce, “Bari ran Sarkina Dawuda yă daɗe, har abada!”
And Bathsheba bows—face to the earth—and pays respect to the king, and says, “Let my lord, King David, live for all time.”
32 Sarki Dawuda ya ce, “Ku kira mini Zadok firist, annabi Natan, da Benahiya ɗan Yehohiyada.” Da suka zo gaban sarki,
And King David says, “Call for Zadok the priest, and for Nathan the prophet, and for Benaiah son of Jehoiada for me”; and they come in before the king.
33 sai ya ce musu, “Ku ɗauki bayin sarki tare da ku, ku kuma sa ɗana Solomon a kan dokina, ku gangara da shi zuwa Gihon.
And the king says to them, “Take the servants of your lord with you, and you have caused my son Solomon to ride on my own mule, and caused him to go down to Gihon,
34 A can ku sa Zadok firist, da annabi Natan su shafe shi sarki a bisa Isra’ila. Ku busa ƙaho, ku kuma yi ihu, kuna cewa, ‘Ran Sarki Solomon yă daɗe!’
and Zadok the priest has anointed him there—and Nathan the prophet—for king over Israel, and you have blown with a horn and said, Let King Solomon live;
35 Sa’an nan ku haura tare da shi, zai kuwa zo yă zauna a kujera sarautata, yă yi mulki a maimakona. Na naɗa shi mai mulki a bisa Isra’ila da Yahuda.”
and you have come up after him, and he has come in and has sat on my throne, and he reigns in my stead, and I have appointed him to be leader over Israel, and over Judah.”
36 Benahiya ɗan Yehohiyada ya amsa wa sarki, ya ce, “Amin! Bari Ubangiji Allah na ranka yă daɗe sarkina, yă tabbatar da haka.
And Benaiah son of Jehoiada answers the king and says, “Amen! So does YHWH, God of my lord the king, say;
37 Kamar yadda Ubangiji ya kasance da ranka yă daɗe, sarki, haka ma bari yă kasance da Solomon, yă kuma mai da kujerar sarautarsa tă fi kujerar sarautar ranka yă daɗe, Sarki Dawuda, girma!”
as YHWH has been with my lord the king, so is He with Solomon, and makes his throne greater than the throne of my lord King David.”
38 Sai Zadok firist, annabi Natan, Benahiya ɗan Yehohiyada, Keretawa, da Feletiyawa suka gangara, suka sa Solomon a kan dokin Sarki Dawuda, suka raka shi zuwa Gihon.
And Zadok the priest goes down, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and the Cherethite, and the Pelethite, and they cause Solomon to ride on the mule of King David, and cause him to go to Gihon,
39 Zadok firist ya ɗauki ƙahon mai daga tenti mai tsarki, ya shafe Solomon. Sa’an nan suka busa ƙaho, sai dukan mutane suka yi ihu, suna cewa “Ran Sarki Solomon yă daɗe!”
and Zadok the priest takes the horn of oil out of the tent, and anoints Solomon, and they blow with a horn, and all the people say, “Let King Solomon live.”
40 Dukan mutane kuwa suka haura suka bi shi, suna busan sarewa, suna farin ciki sosai, har ƙasa ta girgiza saboda sowa.
And all the people come up after him, and the people are piping with pipes, and rejoicing [with] great joy, and the earth splits with their voice.
41 Adoniya tare da dukan baƙin da suke tare da shi kuwa suka ji wannan sa’ad da suke gama bikinsu. Da jin busan ƙaho, sai Yowab ya yi tambaya, ya ce, “Me ya jawo surutu haka a birni?”
And Adonijah hears, and all those called who [are] with him, and they have finished to eat, and Joab hears the noise of the horn and says, “Why [is] the noise of the city roaring?”
42 Tun yana cikin magana, sai Yonatan ɗan Abiyatar ya iso. Adoniya ya ce, “Shigo! Ai, mutumin kirki irinka, lalle ka kawo labari mai daɗi ne.”
He is yet speaking, and behold, Jonathan son of Abiathar the priest has come in, and Adonijah says, “Come in, for you [are] a man of valor, and you bear good tidings.”
43 Yonatan ya ce wa Adoniya, “A ina! Ranka yă daɗe, Sarkinmu Dawuda ya naɗa Solomon sarki.
And Jonathan answers and says to Adonijah, “Truly our lord King David has caused Solomon to reign,
44 Sarki ya aika shi tare da Zadok firist, annabi Natan, Benahiya ɗan Yehohiyada, Keretawa, da Feletiyawa, suka sa shi a kan dokin sarki,
and the king sends with him Zadok the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and the Cherethite, and the Pelethite, and they cause him to ride on the king’s mule,
45 Zadok firist kuwa da annabi Natan sun shafe shi sarki a Gihon. Daga can suka haura suna kirari, birni kuwa ta ɓarke da sowa. Surutun da kake ji ke nan.
and they anoint him—Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet—for king in Gihon, and have come up there rejoicing, and the city is moved; it [is] the noise that you have heard.
46 Ban da haka ma, Solomon ne sarki yanzu.
And also Solomon has sat on the throne of the kingdom,
47 Yanzu haka, fadawa sun zo suna wa ranka yă daɗe, Sarki Dawuda, sam barka, suna cewa, ‘Bari Allahnka yă sa sunan Solomon yă zama sananne fiye da naka, bari kuma sarautarsa tă fi taka girma!’ Sarki kuwa ya rusuna, ya yi sujada a kan gadonsa
and also the servants of the king have come into bless our lord King David, saying, Your God makes the name of Solomon better than your name, and his throne greater than your throne; and the king bows himself on the bed,
48 ya ce, ‘Yabo ga Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila, wanda ya bar idanuna suka ga magāji a kan kujerar sarautata a yau.’”
and also thus the king has said, Blessed [is] YHWH, God of Israel, who has given [one] sitting on my throne today, and my eyes are seeing.”
49 A nan fa, dukan baƙin Adoniya suka taso da rawar jiki suka watse.
And they tremble, and rise—all those called who [are] for Adonijah—and go, each on his way;
50 Amma Adoniya, don tsoron Solomon, ya je ya kama ƙahon bagade ya riƙe.
and Adonijah fears because of Solomon, and rises, and goes, and lays hold on the horns of the altar.
51 Sa’ad da aka faɗa wa Solomon cewa, “Adoniya yana tsoron Sarki Solomon, kuma ya manne wa ƙahonin bagade. Yana cewa, ‘Bari Sarki Solomon yă rantse mini a yau cewa ba zai kashe bawansa da takobi ba.’”
And it is declared to Solomon, saying, “Behold, Adonijah fears King Solomon, and behold, he has laid hold on the horns of the altar, saying, Let King Solomon swear to me as today—he does not put his servant to death by the sword.”
52 Solomon ya amsa ya ce, “In ya nuna kansa mai biyayya, ba gashin kansa da zai fāɗi ƙasa; amma in aka same mugunta a cikinsa, zai mutu.”
And Solomon says, “If he becomes a virtuous man—there does not fall [even one] hair of his to the earth, and if evil is found in him—then he has died.”
53 Sai Sarki Solomon ya aiki mutane, suka kuma sauko da shi daga bagade. Adoniya kuwa ya zo, ya rusuna wa Sarki Solomon, sai Solomon ya ce, “Tafi gidanka.”
And King Solomon sends, and they bring him down from off the altar, and he comes in and bows himself to King Solomon, and Solomon says to him, “Go to your house.”

< 1 Sarakuna 1 >