< 1 Tarihi 23 >

1 Sa’ad da Dawuda ya tsufa yana kuma da cikakken shekaru, ya sa ɗansa Solomon sarki bisa Isra’ila.
David was a very old man [DOU] when he appointed his son Solomon to be the next king.
2 Ya kuma tattara dukan shugabannin Isra’ila a wuri ɗaya, haka kuma ya yi da firistoci da Lawiyawa.
David gathered the leaders of Israel and the priests and other descendants of Levi.
3 Aka ƙidaya Lawiyawan da suke’yan shekaru talatin da haihuwa ko fiye, suka kai wajen mutum dubu talatin da takwas.
He [commanded some of his officials to] count the descendants of Levi who were at least thirty years old, and they found out that there were 38,000 of them.
4 Dawuda ya ce, “Cikin waɗannan, dubu ashirin da huɗu za su lura da aikin haikalin Ubangiji, dubu shida su zama manyan na ma’aikata da alƙalai.
Then David said, “From those 38,000 men, I want 24,000 of them to supervise the work at the temple of Yahweh, and I want 6,000 of them to be officials and judges.
5 Dubu huɗu su zama matsaran ƙofofi, dubu huɗu kuma su yabi Ubangiji da kayayyakin bushe-bushe da na kaɗe-kaɗe waɗanda na tanada saboda wannan manufa.”
I want 4,000 to be guards at the gates, and 4,000 to praise Yahweh, using the musical instruments that I have provided for them.”
6 Dawuda ya rarraba Lawiyawa ƙungiya-ƙungiya bisa ga’ya’yan Lawi maza. Gershon, Kohat da Merari.
David divided the descendants of Levi into three family groups; each group consisted of men who were descendants of one of the three sons of Levi—Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
7 Na Gershonawa, Ladan da Shimeyi.
From the descendants of Gershon there were Ladan and Shimei.
8 ’Ya’yan Ladan maza su ne, Yehiyel na farko, Zetam da Yowel, su uku ne duka.
There were three sons of Ladan: Jehiel was the oldest, and his [younger] brothers Zetham and Joel.
9 ’Ya’yan Shimeyi maza su ne, Shelomot, Haziyel da Haran, su uku ne duka. Waɗannan su ne kawunan iyalan Ladan.
There were three of the sons of Shimei: Shelomoth, Haziel, and Haran. They were all leaders of the clans of Ladan.
10 ’Ya’yan Shimeyi maza kuwa su ne, Yahat, Zina, Yewush da Beriya. Waɗannan su ne’ya’yan Shimeyi maza, su huɗu ne duka.
There were four men who were other sons of Shimei:
11 Yahat shi ne na fari, Ziza kuma na biyu, amma Yewush da Beriya ba su haifi’ya’ya maza da yawa ba; saboda haka aka ƙidaya su kamar iyali ɗaya a wurin rabon aiki.
Jahath, who was his oldest son, and his [younger] brothers Ziza, Jeush, and Beriah. Jeush and Beriah did not have many sons, so they were counted as though they were one family.
12 ’Ya’yan Kohat maza su ne, Amram, Izhar, Hebron da Uzziyel, su huɗu ne duka.
Kohath had four sons: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.
13 ’Ya’yan Amram maza su ne, Haruna da Musa. Haruna shi ne aka keɓe, shi da zuriyarsa har abada, don su tsarkake kayayyakin mafi tsarki, su miƙa hadayu a gaban Ubangiji, su yi hidima a gabansa su kuma furta albarku a cikin sunansa har abada.
There were two sons of Amram: Aaron and Moses. Aaron and his descendants were set apart to dedicate the very holy things, to offer sacrifices to Yahweh, to serve in his presence, and to declare [to the people] what Yahweh [MTY] would do to bless them. They were to do those things forever.
14 An ƙidaya aka kuma haɗa’ya’yan Musa maza mutumin Allah a sashen kabilar Lawi.
The sons of Moses, the man who served God [well], were counted as part of the tribe of Levi.
15 ’Ya’yan Musa maza su ne, Gershom da Eliyezer.
The sons of Moses were Gershom and Eliezer.
16 Zuriyar Gershom su ne, Shebuwel ne ɗan fari.
The oldest son of Gershom was Shubael.
17 Zuriyar Eliyezer su ne, Rehabiya ne ɗan fari. Eliyezer ba shi da waɗansu’ya’ya maza, amma’ya’yan Rehabiya maza sun yi yawa.
Rehabiah was the oldest son of Eliezer. Eliezer had no other sons, but Rehabiah had many sons.
18 ’Ya’yan Izhar maza su ne, Shelomit ne ɗan fari.
The oldest son of Izhar was Shelomith.
19 ’Ya’yan Hebron maza su ne, Yeriya na fari, Amariya na biyu, Yahaziyel na uku da Yekameyam na huɗu.
Hebron had four sons. Jeriah was his oldest son, and his [younger] brothers were Amariah, Jahaziel, and Jekameam.
20 ’Ya’yan Uzziyel maza su ne, Mika na fari da Isshiya na biyu.
Uzziel had two sons. Micah was the oldest son, and his [younger] brother was Isshiah.
21 ’Ya’yan Merari maza su ne, Mali da Mushi.’Ya’yan Mali maza su ne, Eleyazar da Kish.
Merari had two sons: Mahli and Mushi. The sons of Mahli were Eleazar and Kish.
22 Eleyazar ya mutu ba’ya’yan maza, yana da’ya’ya mata ne kawai.’Yan’uwansu,’ya’yan Kish maza, suka aure su.
Eleazar had no sons; he had only daughters. Their cousins, the sons of Kish, married them.
23 ’Ya’yan Mushi maza su ne, Mali, Eder da Yeremot, su uku ne duka.
The three sons of Mushi were Mahli, Eder, and Jerimoth.
24 Waɗannan ne zuriyar Lawi bisa ga iyalansu, kawunan iyalai kamar yadda aka rubuta su a ƙarƙashin sunayensu aka kuma ƙirga kowa, wato, masu aikin da suke’yan shekara ashirin da haihuwa ko fiye waɗanda suka yi hidima a cikin haikalin Ubangiji.
Those were the descendants of Levi, whose names were listed according to their families/clans. They were chosen for special jobs by (casting lots/throwing small marked stones). Each person who was at least 20 years old was listed. They all worked in the temple of Yahweh.
25 Gama Dawuda ya ce, “Tun da Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila, ya ba da hutu ga mutanensa, ya kuma zo ya zauna a Urushalima har abada,
David had said previously, “Yahweh, the God to whom we Israeli people belong, has enabled us to have peace, and he [has come to] live in Jerusalem forever.
26 Lawiyawa ba sa ƙara bukata su ɗauki tabanakul ko kuwa waɗansu kayayyakin da ake amfani da su a hidima.”
Therefore, the descendants of Levi no longer need to carry the Sacred Tent and the items used in the work there.”
27 Bisa ga umarnin ƙarshe na Dawuda, za a ƙidaya Lawiyawa daga’yan shekara ashirin ko fiye.
Obeying the final instructions of David [before he died, instructions for doing this work at the temple], they counted only the descendants of Levi who were at least 20 years old.
28 Aikin Lawiyawa shi ne su taimaki zuriyar Haruna a hidimar haikalin Ubangiji; su lura da filaye da kuma ɗakunan da suke gefe, su tsarkake dukan kayayyaki masu tsarki, su kuma yi waɗansu ayyuka a gidan Allah.
The work of those descendants of Levi was to assist the descendants of Aaron in their work in the temple of Yahweh: To be in charge of the temple courtyards and the side rooms, the ceremonies for purifying all the sacred things, and to do other work at the temple.
29 Su ne za su lura da burodin da aka ajiye a tebur, lallausan gari don hadaya ta gari, waina marar yisti, toyawa da kwaɓawa, da kuma dukan awon yawa da kuma girman abubuwa.
They were also in charge of the sacred loaves of bread that were placed [each week] on the table [in the temple], the flour for the grain offerings, the wafers that were made without yeast, and the measuring the ingredients and mixing them and baking that bread and those wafers.
30 Su ne kuma za su tsaya kowace safiya su yi godiya, su kuma yabi Ubangiji. Za su kuma yi haka da yamma
They were also told to stand every morning [at the temple] and thank Yahweh and praise him. They were also required to do the same thing every evening.
31 da kuma a duk sa’ad da aka miƙa hadayun ƙonawa ga Ubangiji a Asabbatai da bukukkuwan Sabon Wata da kuma a ƙayyadaddun bukukkuwa, za su yi hidima a gaban Ubangiji kullum bisa ga yawan da aka tsara da kuma a hanyar da aka tsara musu.
And they were to do the same thing whenever offerings that were to be completely burned [on the altar] were presented/offered to Yahweh on Sabbath days and during the new moon celebrations and other religious festivals. They were told how many of them should be there and what they should do each time.
32 A haka kuwa Lawiyawa suka yi ayyukansu don Tentin Sujada, don Wuri Mai Tsarki da kuma a ƙarƙashin’yan’uwansu zuriyar Haruna, saboda hidimar haikalin Ubangiji.
So the descendants of Levi did the work that was assigned to them by their fellow Israelis who were descendants of Aaron. They did that work in the area surrounding the Sacred Tent, and in the Sacred Tent, and [later] at the temple.

< 1 Tarihi 23 >