< Maatoosa 9 >

1 Hessafe guye, Yesuusi wogoluwan gelidi, abbaa pinnidi ba katamaa bis.
And Jhesus wente vp in to a boot, and passide ouer the watir, and cam in to his citee.
2 Hanida guutha asati issi gundda uraa alggara tookkidi Yesuusakko ehidosona. Yesuusi entta ammanuwa be7idi, gundda uraa, “Ta na7aw, yayyofa! Ne nagaray atto geetettis” yaagis.
And lo! thei brouyten to hym a man sike in palesie, liggynge in a bed. And Jhesus saw the feith of hem, and seide to the man sike in palesye, Sone, haue thou trist; thi synnes ben foryouun to thee.
3 He saatiyan, Ayhude higge asttamaaretappe issoti issoti, “Hayssi Xoossaa cashshe gidennee” yaagidi bantta wozanan qoppidosona.
And lo! summe of the scribis seiden withynne hem silf, This blasfemeth.
4 Yesuusi entta qofaa eridi, “Iitabaa hintte wozanan ays qoppeetii?
And whanne Jhesus hadde seyn her thouytis, he seide, Wherto thenken ye yuele thingis in youre hertis?
5 Hanoshin, ‘Ne nagaray atto geetettis’ geyssafenne ‘Dendda eqqada ba’ geyssafe awussi kawuyii?
What is liytere to seye, Thi synnes ben foryouun to thee, ethir `to seie, Rise thou, and walke?
6 Shin sa7a bolla nagara atto gaanaw Asa Na7aas maati de7eyssa ta hinttena erisana” yaagidi, gundda addiyako, “Dendda eqqa, ne alggaa tookkada, ne soo ba” yaagis.
But that ye wite that mannus sone hath power to foryyue synnes in erthe, thanne he seide to the sijk man in palesie, Rise vp; take thi bed, and go in to thin hous.
7 Gundda uray denddidi ba soo bis.
And he roos, and wente in to his hous.
8 Derey hessa be7idi malaalettidosona. Hessa mela maata asas immida Xoossaa galatidosona.
And the puple seynge dredde, and glorifiede God, that yaf suche power to men.
9 Yesuusi yaappe denddidi bishe Maatoosa geyssa qaraxa qanxisiya bessan uttidashin be7idi, “Tana kaalla” yaagis. Ikka denddidi kaallis.
And whanne Jhesus passide fro thennus, he say a man, Matheu bi name, sittynge in a tolbothe. And he seide to hym, Sue thou me.
10 Yesuusi Maatoosa son gayta bolla uttidashin, qaraxa qanxisiya daro asatinne nagaranchchoti yidi iyaranne iya tamaaretara issife maanaw uttidosona.
And he roos, and folewide hym. And it was don, the while he sat `at the mete in the hous, lo! many pupplicans and synful men camen, and saten `at the mete with Jhesu and hise disciplis.
11 Issi issi Farisaaweti hessa be7idi, Yesuusa tamaareta, “Hintte asttamaarey qaraxa qanxiseyssataranne nagaranchchotara ays mii?” yaagidosona.
And Farisees sien, and seiden to hise disciplis, Whi etith youre maister with pupplicans and synful men?
12 Yesuusi hessa si7idi, “Dhale koshshey haragganchchotassafe attin paxatassa gidenna.
And Jhesus herde, and seide, A leche is not nedeful to men that faren wel, but to men that ben yuel at ese.
13 Shin hintte bidi, ‘Taani hintte yarshshuwa gidonnashin hintte harata maarana mela koyays’ geetettidi xaafettidayssi woy guusseeko erite. Ays giikko, taani nagaranchchota xeeganaw yasippe attin xillota xeeganaw yabiikke” yaagis.
But go ye, and lerne what it is, Y wole merci, and not sacrifice; for I cam, not to clepe riytful men, but synful men.
14 He wode Yohaannisa tamaareti Yesuusakko shiiqidi, “Nunne Farisaaweti xoomos, shin ne tamaareti ays xoomokkonaa?” yaagidi oychchidosona.
Thanne the disciplis of Joon camen to hym, and seiden, Whi we and Farisees fasten ofte, but thi disciplis fasten not?
15 Yesuusi zaaridi enttako, “Mushuray enttara de7ishin xeegettidi yida asay kayottanaw dandda7onna? Mushuray entta matappe ekettana wodey yaana, entti he wode xoomana.
And Jhesus seide to hem, Whether the sones of the spouse moun morne, as long as the spouse is with hem? But daies schulen come, whanne the spouse schal be takun a wei fro hem, and thanne thei schulen faste.
16 “Ooratha ma7oppe peedhidi gal77a ma7o bolla sikkey oonikka baawa. Hessatho oothiko oorathay gal77aa peedhees. Peedhethayka gujji dalggees.
And no man putteth a clout of buystous clothe in to an elde clothing; for it doith awey the fulnesse of the cloth, and a wers breking is maad.
17 Ooratha woyne gal77a ogoron qoliya oonikka baawa. Hessatho oothiko ooratha woyney gal77a ogoruwa dhusees woyneykka gukkees; ogoroykka nam77antho maaddonnabaa gidees. Shin ooratha woyney ooratha ogoron qoletanaw bessees. Hessatho oosettiko nam77ayka iitonna naagettoosona” yaagis.
Nethir men putten newe wyne in to elde botelis, ellis the botels ben to-broke, and distried, and the wyn sched out. But men putten newe wyne in to newe botels, and bothe ben kept.
18 Yesuusi hessa odo bolla de7ishin, Ayhude halaqatappe issoy iyaakko yidi, iya sinthan gulbbatidi, “Ta na7iya ha77i hayqqasu, shin iya paxana mela neeni yada ne kushiya I bolla wotharkkii” gidi woossis.
Whiles that Jhesus spak thes thingis to hem, lo! a prince cam, and worschipide hym, and seide, Lord, my douyter is now deed; but come thou, and putte thin hond on hir, and she schal lyue.
19 Yesuusi denddidi iyara bis; iya tamaaretikka kaallidosona.
And Jhesus roos, and `hise disciplis, and sueden hym.
20 I bishin tammanne nam77u laythi kumethi suuthi goggidi waaysiya issi maccasiya guyera shiiqada Yesuusa afilaa macaraa bochchasu.
And lo! a womman, that hadde the blodi flux twelue yere, neiyede bihynde, and touchide the hem of his cloth.
21 Iya ba wozanan, “Ta iya afilaa macaraa xalaala bochchiyakko paxana” yaagada qoppasu.
For sche seide with ynne hir self, Yif Y touche oonli the cloth of hym, Y schal be saaf.
22 Yesuusi guye simmi iyo xeellidi, “Ta naatte, yayyofa! Nena ne ammanoy pathis” yaagis. Maccasiya sohuwara paxa aggasu.
And Jhesus turnede, and say hir, and seide, Douytir, haue thou trist; thi feith hath maad thee saaf. And the womman was hool fro that our.
23 Yesuusi Ayhude halaqaa soo gakkiya wode zaye punneyssatanne yeekkeyssata be7idi,
And whanne Jhesus cam in to the hous of the prince, and say mynstrallis, and the puple makynge noise,
24 “Ane kichchite; guutha na7iya dhiskkasuppe attin hayqqabuukku” yaagis. Shin asay iya bolla miicidosona.
he seide, Go ye a wei, for the damysel is not deed, but slepith. And thei scornyden hym.
25 Asaa kare kessidaappe guye soo gelidi, na7ee kushiya oykkis, na7iya dendda eqqasu.
And whanne the folc was put out, he wente in, and helde hir hond; and the damysel roos.
26 He worey he biitta ubbaa gakkis.
And this fame wente out in to al that loond.
27 Yesuusi yaappe denddidi gede sinthe biya wode nam77u qooqeti bantta qaala dhoqqu oothidi, “Dawite na7aw, nuna maararkii” yaagishe iya kaallidosona.
And whanne Jhesus passide fro thennus, twei blynde men criynge sueden hym, and seiden, Thou sone of Dauid, haue merci on vs.
28 Yesuusi soo gelida wode qooqeti iya kaallidi yidosona. Yesuusi enttako, “Taani hessa oothanaw dandda7eyssa hintte ammaneetii” yaagis. Enttika, “Ee, Godaw” yaagidi zaaridosona.
And whanne he cam in to the hous, the blynde men camen to hym; and Jhesus seide to hem, What wolen ye, that I do to you? And thei seiden, Lord, that oure iyen be opened. And Jhesus seide, Bileuen ye, that Y mai do this thing to you? Thei seien to him, Yhe, Lord.
29 Hessafe guye, Yesuusi entta ayfiyaa bochchidi enttako, “Hinttew, hintte ammanuwatho hano” yaagis.
Thanne he touchide her iyen, and seide, Aftir youre feith be it doon to you.
30 Entta ayfeykka dooyettis. Yesuusi enttako, “Hayssa oodeskka odoppite” yaagidi minthi odis.
And the iyen of hem were opened. And Jhesus thretenede hem, and seide, Se ye, that no man wite.
31 Shin asati bidi Yesuusabaa he biitta ubban odidosona.
But thei yeden out, and diffameden hym thorou al that lond.
32 Entti yaappe keyaa wode asay tuna ayyaanay oykkidi muumisida issi asi Yesuusakko ehidosona.
And whanne thei weren gon out, loo! thei brouyten to hym a doumbe man, hauynge a deuel.
33 Tuna ayyaanay keyidaappe guye muume uray odettis. Dereykka malaalettidi, “Hayssa mela oorathabay Isra7eele biittan hanibeenna” yaagidosona.
And whanne the deuel was cast out, the doumb man spak. And the puple wondride, and seide, It hath not be say thus in Israel.
34 Shin Farisaaweti, “Tuna ayyaanata halaqan tuna ayyaanata kessees” yaagidosona.
But the Farisees seiden, In the prince of deuelis he castith out deuelis.
35 Yesuusi Ayhude Woosa Keethatan tamaarssishe, salo kawotethaa Wonggelaa sabbakishe, asaa hargge ubbaafe pathishe katamataninne guta ubban yuuyis.
And Jhesus wente `aboute alle the `citees and castels, techinge in the synagogis of hem, and prechynge the gospel of the kyngdom, and helynge euery langour and euery sijknesse.
36 Daro derey, heemmiya asi baynna dorssada enttana be7iya asi dhayin un77ettidi de7eyssta be7idi enttaw qadhettis.
And he siy the puple, and hadde reuthe on hem; for thei weren trauelid, and liggynge as scheep not hauynge a scheepherde.
37 Ba tamaaretakko, “Shiiqana kathay daro, shin kathaa shiishiya asay guutha.
Thanne he seide to hise disciplis, Sotheli there is myche ripe corn, but fewe werk men.
38 Hessa gisho, Goday kathaa shiishiya oosanchchota yeddana mela woossite” yaagis.
Therfor preye ye the lord of the ripe corn, that he sende werke men in to his ripe corn.

< Maatoosa 9 >