< Maatoosa 2 >

1 Kawuwa Heroodisa woden Yesuusi Yihuda biittan Beeteleme kataman yelettidayssafe guye xoolintto taybiya asati dolohappe Yerusalaame yidi,
Therfor whanne Jhesus was borun in Bethleem of Juda, in the daies of king Eroude, lo! astromyenes camen fro the eest to Jerusalem,
2 “Yelettida Ayhude kawoy awun de7ii? Nuuni doloha baggara keyida iya xoolinttuwa be7idi iyaw goynnanaw yida” yaagidi oychchidosona.
and seiden, Where is he, that is borun king of Jewis? for we han seyn his sterre in the eest, and we comen to worschipe him.
3 Kawoy Heroodisi hessa si7ida wode dagammis. Yerusalaamen de7iya asay ubbayka dagammidosona.
But king Eroude herde, and was trublid, and al Jerusalem with hym.
4 Heroodisi kahine halaqatanne higge asttamaareta baakko xeegidi, “Kiristtoosi awun yelettanddeshsha?” yaagidi entta oychchis.
And he gaderide to gidre alle the prynces of prestis, and scribis of the puple, and enqueride of hem, where Crist shulde be borun.
5 Enttika, “Yihuda Beetelemena; nabey,
And thei seiden to hym, In Bethleem of Juda; for so it is writun bi a profete,
6 ‘Yihudan de7iya Beeteleme, Yihudan de7iya gooba katamatappe, neeni aybinkka guuxaka. Ta deriya Isra7eele aysanayssi, neeppe keyana’ gidi xaafis” yaagidosona.
And thou, Bethleem, the lond of Juda, art not the leest among the prynces of Juda; for of thee a duyk schal go out, that schal gouerne my puple of Israel.
7 Hessafe guye, Heroodisi dolohappe yida asata geeman xeegidi, xoolinttuwa entti be7ida wodiya enttafe geeshshidi eris.
Thanne Eroude clepide pryueli the astromyens, and lernyde bisili of hem the tyme of the sterre that apperide to hem.
8 I enttana Beeteleme yeddishe, “Bidi yelettida na7aa minthidi koyite; iya hintte demmida wode takka bada iyaw goynnana mela simmidi yishe taw odite” yaagis.
And he sente hem in to Bethleem, and seide, Go ye, and axe ye bisili of the child, and whanne yee han foundun, telle ye it to me, that Y also come, and worschipe hym.
9 Enttika kawoy Heroodisi gidayssa si7idi bidosona. Entti doloha baggara be7ida xoolinttoy enttana kaalethishe na7ay de7iyasuwa gakkanaw efis.
And whanne thei hadden herd the kyng, thei wenten forth. And lo! the sterre, that thei siyen in the eest, wente bifore hem, til it cam, and stood aboue, where the child was.
10 Entti he xoolinttuwa be7ida wode gita ufayssi ufayttidosona.
And thei siyen the sterre, and ioyeden with a ful greet ioye.
11 Soo gelidi na7aa ba aaye Mayraamira de7eyssa be7idosona. Iyaw gulbbatidi goynnidosona. Bantta saaxiniya dooyidi worqqa, ixaanenne karbbe iyaw immidosona.
And thei entriden in to the hous, and founden the child with Marie, his modir; and thei felden doun, and worschipiden him. And whanne thei hadden openyd her tresouris, thei offryden to hym yiftis, gold, encense, and myrre.
12 Entti Heerodisakko guye simmona mela Xoossay amuhon enttaw odin, hara ogera bantta biittaa simmidosona.
And whanne thei hadden take an aunswere in sleep, that thei schulden not turne ayen to Eroude, thei turneden ayen bi anothir weie in to her cuntrey.
13 Doloha baggafe yida asati bidaappe guye, Godaa kiitanchchoy Yoosefas amuhon qonccidi, “Heroodisi na7aa wodhanaw koyaa gisho dendda; ellesada na7aanne na7aa aayiw ekkada Gibxe biittaa ba. Ne simmana wodiya ta new odana gakkanaw yan gam77a” yaagis.
And whanne thei weren goon, lo! the aungel of the Lord apperide to Joseph in sleep, and seide, Rise vp, and take the child and his modir, and fle in to Egipt, and be thou there, til that I seie to thee; for it is to come, that Eroude seke the child, to destrie hym.
14 Hessa gisho, Yoosefi he qamman denddidi, na7aanne na7aa aayiw ekkidi Gibxe bis.
And Joseph roos, and took the child and his modir bi nyyt, and wente in to Egipt,
15 Nabiya doonan Xoossay, “Taani, ta na7aa, Gibxe biittafe xeegas” geetettida qaalay polettana mela Heroodisi hayqqana gakkanaw I yan de7is.
and he was there to the deeth of Eroude; that it schulde be fulfillid, that was seid of the Lord bi the profete, seiynge, Fro Egipt Y haue clepid my sone.
16 Hessafe guye, doloha baggafe yida asati iya cimmidayssa erida wode daro yilotis. I kase enttafe si7idayssada Beetelemeninne he heeran de7iya nam77u laythi kumidayssatanne nam77u laythafe garssan de7iya adde nayta ubbaa ba wotaddareta yeddidi wodhisis.
Thanne Eroude seynge that he was disseyued of the astromyens, was ful wrooth; and he sente, and slowe alle the children, that weren in Bethleem, and in alle the coostis therof, fro two yeer age and with inne, aftir the tyme that he had enquerid of the astromyens.
17 Nabiya Ermmiyasa doonan, “Yeehoynne zeleelssi, Raama kataman si7ettis. Raahela ba naytas yeekkawusu; entti hayqqida gisho minettanaw dandda7abuukku” gidi odidayssi polettis.
Thanne `it was fulfillid, that was seid bi Jeremye, the profete,
seiynge, A vois was herd an hiy, wepynge and moche weilyng, Rachel biwepynge hir sones, and she wolde not be coumfortid, for thei ben noyt.
19 Heroodisi hayqqidaappe guye Gibxen Godaa kiitanchchoy Yoosefas amuhon qonccidi,
But whanne Eroude was deed, loo! the aungel of the Lord apperide to Joseph in sleep in Egipt,
20 “Na7aa wodhanaw koyaa asati hayqqida gisho, denddada na7aanne na7aa aayiw ekkada Isra7eele biittaa simma” yaagis.
and seide, Ryse vp, and take the child and his modir, and go in to the lond of Israel; for thei that souyten the lijf of the chijld ben deed.
21 Yoosefi denddidi na7aanne na7aa aayiw ekkidi Isra7eele biittaa simmis.
Joseph roos, and took the child and his modir, and cam in to the loond of Israel.
22 Shin Arkkeliyoosi Yihudan ba aawa Heroodisa bessan kawotidayssa si7ida wode yaa baanaw yayyis. Xoossay amuhon iyaw qonccisin Galiila biittaa bis.
And he herde that Archilaus regnede in Judee for Eroude, his fadir, and dredde to go thidir. And he was warned in sleep, and wente in to the parties of Galilee;
23 Nabeta doonan, “Naazirete asi geetettana” gidi odettidayssi polettana mela Naazirete katamaa bidi yan de7is.
and cam, and dwelte in a citee, that ys clepid Nazareth, that it shulde be fulfillid, that was seid bi profetis, For he shal be clepid a Nazarey.

< Maatoosa 2 >