< Maatoosa 19 >

1 Yesuusi hessa odi onggidaappe guye, Galiilappe denddidi Yorddaanose Shaafappe hefinthan de7iya Yihuda biittaa bis.
And it was don, whanne Jhesus hadde endid these wordis, he passide fro Galilee, and cam in to the coostis of Judee ouer Jordan.
2 Daro asay iya kaallidi bin entta giddofe hargganchchota pathis.
And myche puple suede him, and he heelide hem there.
3 Farisaaweti iya paaccanaw koyidi iyaakko yidi, “Issi asi ay gaasonkka ba machchiw yeddanaw bessii?” yaagidi oychchidosona.
And Farisees camen to him, temptynge him, and seiden, Whether it be leueful to a man to leeue his wijf, for ony cause?
4 Yesuusi zaaridi, “Xoossay koyro addenne maccas oothi medhdhidayssa hintte nabbabibeekketii?
Which answeride, and seide to hem, Han ye not red, for he that made men at the bigynnyng, made hem male and female?
5 ‘Hessa gisho, Issi asi ba aawanne ba aayiw aggidi ba machcheera issino gidees, nam77ayka issi asho gidoosona.’
And he seide, For this thing a man schal leeue fadir and modir, and he schal draw to his wijf; and thei schulen be tweyne in o fleisch.
6 Hessa gisho, entti issi asi gidoosonappe attin nam77u asi gidokkona. Hiza, Xoossi qachchidayssa asi shaakkofo” yaagis.
And so thei ben not now tweyne, but o fleisch. Therfor a man departe not that thing that God hath ioyned.
7 Farisaaweti, “Yaatin, Musey issi asi anjjo worqqate immidi yeddana mela ays kiittidee?” yaagidi oychchidosona.
Thei seien to hym, What thanne comaundide Moises, to yyue a libel of forsakyng, and to leeue of?
8 Yesuusi zaaridi, “Hinttee, hintte machcheta yeddana mela Musey hinttena kiittiday, hintte wozanaa minotethaa gishoppe attin koyroppe hessa mela gidenna.
And he seide to hem, For Moises, for the hardnesse of youre herte, suffride you leeue youre wyues; but fro the bigynnyng it was not so.
9 Ta hinttew odays; ba machchiya laymatonna de7ishin yeddidi hara ekkiya oonikka laammees” yaagis.
And Y seie to you, that who euer leeueth his wijf, but for fornycacioun, and weddith another, doith letcherie; and he that weddith the forsakun wijf, doith letcherie.
10 Iya tamaareti iyaakko, “Azinabaynne machchibay hessa mela gidikko ekko geloy attiko lo77o” yaagidosona.
His disciplis seien to him, If the cause of a man with a wijf is so, it spedith not to be weddid.
11 Yesuusi zaaridi, “Hessa mela timirttey Xoossay dandda7a immidayssatassafe attin asa ubbaassa gidenna.
And he seide to hem, Not alle men taken this word; but to whiche it is youun.
12 Hiza, yelettishe shuufa gididi yelettidayssati de7oosona, qassi asi qaaratidayssati de7oosona, qassi salo kawotethaa gisho gidi banttana shuufaydayssati de7oosona. Hessa gisho, hayssa ekkanaw dandda7iya oonikka ekko” yaagis.
For ther ben geldingis, whiche ben thus born of the modris wombe; and ther ben geldyngis, that ben maad of men; and there ben geldyngis, that han geldid hem silf, for the kyngdom of heuenes. He that may take, `take he.
13 Yesuusi ba kushiya guutha nayta bolla wothidi enttaw woossana mela issi issi asay nayta iyaakko ehidosona. Shin iya tamaareti asaa hanqettidosona.
Thanne litle children weren brouyte to hym, that he schulde putte hondis to hem, and preie.
14 Shin Yesuusi, “Xoossaa kawotethay hayssata melassa gidiya gisho, guutha nayti taakko yeyssa diggofite; yo giite” yaagis.
And the disciplis blamyden hem. But Jhesus seide to hem, Suffre ye that litle children come to me, and nyle ye forbede hem; for of siche is the kyngdom of heuenes.
15 Ba kushiya entta bolla wothidaappe guye he bessaafe aggidi bis.
And whanne he hadde put to hem hondis, he wente fro thennus.
16 Issi gallas issi uray Yesuusakko yidi, “Asttamaariyaw, taani merinaa de7o demmanaw ay lo77obaa ootho?” yaagis. (aiōnios g166)
And lo! oon cam, and seide to hym, Good maister, what good schal Y do, that Y haue euerlastynge lijf? (aiōnios g166)
17 Yesuusi iyaakko, “Lo77obaa ne tana ays oychchay? Issi Xoossaafe attin hari lo77oy baawa. Shin neeni merinaa de7uwa ekkanaw koykko kiitata naaga” yaagis.
Which seith to hym, What axist thou me of good thing? There is o good God. But if thou wolt entre to lijf, kepe the comaundementis.
18 Uray zaaridi, “Awussa kiitata” yaagidi oychchis. Yesuusi zaaridi, “Wodhoppa, laymatoppa, kaysotoppa, worddo markkattofa,
He seith to hym, Whiche? And Jhesus seide, Thou schalt not do mansleying, thou schalt not do auowtrie, thou schalt not do thefte, thou schalt not seie fals witnessying;
19 ne aawanne ne aayiw bonchcha, ne shooruwa ne huu7iyatho dosa” yaagis.
worschipe thi fadir and thi modir, and, thou schalt loue thi neiybore as thi silf.
20 He na7atethay, “Taani hayssata ubbaa na7atethafe doomada naagas. Yaatin, hari taw pacciyabay aybee?” yaagidi oychchis.
The yonge man seith to hym, Y haue kept alle these thingis fro my youthe, what yit failith to me?
21 Yesuusi zaaridi, “Neeni polo gidanaw koykko bada new de7iyabaa bayzada manqotas imma; neeni salon duretana. Yaata simma yada tana kaalla” yaagis.
Jhesus seith to hym, If thou wolt be perfite, go, and sille alle thingis that thou hast, and yyue to pore men, and thou schalt haue tresoure in heuene; and come, and sue me.
22 Shin he naatetha uray daro dure gidiya gisho, hessa si7ida wode azzanishe aggidi bis.
And whanne the yong man hadde herd these wordis, he wente awei sorewful, for he hadde many possessiouns.
23 Hessafe guye, Yesuusi ba tamaareta, “Taani hinttew tuma odays; durey salo kawotethi gelanayssi daro meto.
And Jhesus seide to hise disciplis, Y seie to you treuthe, for a riche man of hard schal entre in to the kyngdom of heuenes.
24 Dure asi Xoossaa kawotethaa gelanayssafe gimaley marppe luhora aadhdheyssi kawuyees” yaagis.
And eftsoone Y seie to you, it is liyter a camel to passe thorou a needlis iye, thanne a riche man to entre in to the kyngdom of heuens.
25 Yesuusa tamaareti hessa si7idi malaalettidi, “Yaatin, ooni attanaw dandda7ii?” yaagidi oychchidosona.
Whanne these thingis weren herd, the disciplis wondriden greetli, and seiden, Who thanne may be saaf?
26 Yesuusi entta caddi xeellidi, “Hayssi asas dandda7ettenna, shin Xoossas ubbay dandda7ettees” yaagis.
Jhesus bihelde, and seide to hem, Anentis men this thing is impossible; but anentis God alle thingis ben possible.
27 Phexiroosi zaaridi, “Nuuni ubbabaa aggidi nena kaallida. Yaatin, nuuni ay demmanee?” yaagis.
Thanne Petre answeride, and seide to hym, Lo! we han forsake alle thingis, and we han suede thee; what thanne schal be to vs?
28 Yesuusi enttako hayssada yaagis: “Taani hinttew tuma odays; Asa Na7ay yaana alamiyan ba bonchcho araatan uttiya wode hintte tammanne nam77ati, tana kaallidayssati, tammanne nam77u araatan uttidi tammanne nam77u Isra7eele zerethata bolla pirddana.
Jhesus seide to hem, Truli I seie to you, that ye that han forsake alle thingis, and han sued me, in the regeneracioun whanne mannus sone schal sitte in the sete of his maieste, ye schulen sitte on twelue setis, demynge the twelue kynredis of Israel.
29 Ta sunthaa gisho keethe woykko ishata woykko michcheta woykko aawa woykko aayiw woykko nayta woykko gadiya aggiday oonikka xeetu kushe ekkana. Qassi merinaa de7uwakka ekkana. (aiōnios g166)
And euery man that forsakith hous, britheren or sistren, fadir or modir, wijf ethir children, or feeldis, for my name, he schal take an hundrid foold, and schal welde euerlastynge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
30 Shin daroti ha77i dethan sinthe gididayssati guye gidana, qassi guye gididayssati sinthe gidana” yaagis.
But manye schulen be, the firste the laste, and the laste the firste.

< Maatoosa 19 >