< Hawaareta Oosuwa 17 >

1 Phawuloosaranne Sillaasera Amfiphoolisaranne Apholoniyara aadhdhidi Teselonqe bidosona. Yan Ayhude Woosa Keethi de7ees.
And whanne thei hadden passid bi Amfipolis and Appollonye, thei camen to Thessolonyk, where was a synagoge of Jewis.
2 Phawuloosi kaseyssada yaa gelis. Hessan heedzu saamintta Xoossaa qaalappe asaas odis.
And bi custom Poul entride to hem, and bi thre sabatis he declaride to hem of scripturis,
3 Kiristtoosi waaye ekkanawunne hayqoppe denddanaw besseyssa enttaw qonccisidi odishe, “Yesuusi ha taani hinttew odeyssi Kiristtoosa” yaagis.
and openyde, and schewide that it bihofte Crist to suffre, and rise ayen fro deth, and that this is Jhesus Crist, whom Y telle to you.
4 Enttafe issoti issoti oday tuma gideyssa ma77idi Phawuloosaranne Sillaasera issifidosona. Hessadakka, Xoossaa goynniya daro Girike asaynne daro bonchchettida maccasatikka enttara issifidosona.
And summe of hem bileueden, and weren ioyned to Poul and to Silas; and a greet multitude of hethene men worschipide God, and noble wymmen not a fewe.
5 Shin Ayhudeti qanaattidi issi issi oosoy baynna iita asata ogeppe shiishidosona. Kataman buqethi kessidosona; Phawuloosanne Sillaase asaas aathi immanaw koyidi Yaasona keethaa teqqidosona.
But the Jewis hadden enuye, and token of the comyn puple summe yuele men, and whanne thei hadden maad a cumpenye, thei moueden the citee. And thei camen to Jasouns hous, and souyten hem to brynge forth among the puple.
6 Phawuloosinne Sillaasi enttaw benttonna ixxin, Yaasonanne issi issi ammaneyssata katamaa halaqatakko goochchi efidi, “Hayssati biitta ubbaa buqeyssati ha77i nuukko yidosona.
And whanne thei founden hem not, thei drowen Jasoun and summe britheren to the princis of the citee, and crieden, That these it ben, that mouen the world, and hidir thei camen,
7 Yaasoni entta ba son wothis. Hayssati, ‘Yesuusa giya hara kawoy de7ees’ gidi Qeesara kiitaa menthosona” yaagidi dhoqqu gida qaalan odidosona.
whiche Jason resseyuede. And these alle don ayens the maundementis of the emperour, and seien, that Jhesu is anothir king.
8 Shiiqida asaynne katamaa halaqati hessa si7idi hananabaa dhayidosona.
And thei moueden the puple, and the princis of the citee, herynge these thingis.
9 Halaqati Yaasonanne harata waasen birshshidosona.
And whanne satisfaccioun was takun of Jason, and of othere, thei leten Poul and Silas go.
10 Ammaneysati Phawuloosanne Sillaase qammara Beeriya yeddidosona. Beeriya gakkidi, Ayhude Woosa Keethi gelidosona.
And anoon bi niyt britheren leten Silas go in to Beroan. And whanne thei camen thidur, thei entriden in to the synagoge of the Jewis.
11 Beeriya asati Teselonqe asatappe aadhdhida suureta. Entti qaala kumetha wozanaappe ekkidosona; Phawuloosi gidayssi tuma gideyssa shaakki eranaw gallas gallas Geeshsha Gaxaafata xanna7oosona.
But these weren the worthier of hem that ben at Thessolonik, whiche resseyueden the word with al desire, eche dai sekinge scripturis, if these thingis hadden hem so.
12 Hessa gisho, enttafe daroti, Giriketappeka bonchchettida daro maccasatinne daro addeti ammanidosona.
And manye of hem bileueden and of hethen wymmen onest and men not a fewe.
13 Shin Teselonqen de7iya Ayhudeti Phawuloosi Xoossaa qaala Beeriyankka odidayssa si7ida wode Beeriya yidi asaa buqidosona.
But whanne the Jewis in Tessalonyk hadden knowe, that also at Bero the word of God was prechid of Poul, thei camen thidir, mouynge and disturblynge the multitude.
14 Hessafe guye, ammaneyssati ellesidi Phawuloosa abbaa mati yeddidosona. Shin Sillaaseynne Ximotiyoosi Beeriyan attidosona.
And tho anoon britheren delyuerden Poul, that he schulde go to the see; but Sylas and Tymothe dwelten there.
15 Phawuloosa moyzida asati Ateena gathidosona. He asati Sillaaseynne Ximotiyoosi banttaw dandda7ettida mela ellesidi baakko yaana mela Phawuloosi kiittida kiitaa ekkidi Beeriya simmidosona.
And thei that ledden forth Poul, ledden hym to Atenes. And whanne thei hadden take maundement of him to Silas and to Tymothe, that ful hiyyngli thei schulden come to hym, thei wenten forth.
16 Phawuloosi Ateenan Sillaasenne Ximotiyoosa naagishe, kataman eeqi kumidayssa be7idi yilotis.
And while Poul abood hem at Atenys, his spirit was moued in him, for he saiy the citee youun to ydolatrie.
17 Hessa gisho, Ayhude Woosa Keethan Ayhudetaranne Xoossaa goynniya Ayhude gidonna asatara qassi baara gayttiya asatara ubba gallas palamees.
Therfor he disputide in the synagoge with the Jewis, and with men that worschipiden God, and in the dom place, by alle daies to hem that herden.
18 Eppiqoroosanne Istoyke geetettiya cugetappe issi issi eranchchoti Phawuloosara palamidosona. Enttafe issoti issoti, “Ha yooyamay ay odanaw koyii?” yaagidosona. Harati Phawuloosi Yesuusabaanne hayqoppe I denddidayssa banttaw odida gisho, “Ooratha xoossatabaa odiya daanees” yaagidosona.
And summe Epeicureis, and Stoisens, and filosofris disputiden with hym. And summe seiden, What wole this sowere of wordis seie? And othere seiden, He semeth to be a tellere of newe fendis; for he telde to hem Jhesu, and the ayenrisyng.
19 Phawuloosa oykkidi Aryoospaagosa giya shiiqo bessaa efidi, “Ha neeni tamaarssiya oorathabay aybeekko nuna erisikkii?
And thei token, and ledden hym to Ariopage, and seide, Moun we wite, what is this newe doctryne, that is seid of thee?
20 Ays giikko, neeni nuus oorathabaa odaasa; hiza hessi aybeekko nuuni eranaw koyoos” yaagidosona.
For thou bringist ynne summe newe thingis to oure eeris; therfor we wolen wite, what these thingis wolen be.
21 Ateena asay ubbaynne hessan de7iya imathati oorathabaa odettonnanne si7onna pee7okkona.
For alle men of Athenys and comlingis herborid yauen tent to noon other thing, but ether to seie, ethir to here, sum newe thing.
22 Phawuloosi Aryoospaagosa sinthan eqqidi, “Ateena asato, xoossatas ubbaban hintte daro yayyeyssa taani be7ays.
And Poul stood in the myddil of Ariopage, and seide, Men of Athenys, bi alle thingis Y se you as veyn worschipers.
23 Taani hintte katamaara yuuyashe hintte goynniya bessata be7iya wode, ‘Erettonna Xoossaas’ geetetti xaafettida yarshsho bessaa demmas. Ha hintte eronnashin goynneyssa taani hinttew odays.
For Y passide, and siy youre maumetis, and foond an auter, in which was writun, To the vnknowun God. Therfor which thing ye vnknowynge worschipen, this thing Y schew to you.
24 Sa7aanne sa7an de7iya ubbabaa medhdhida Xoossay, saluwanne sa7aa Goday, asi keexida keethan deenna.
God that made the world and alle thingis that ben in it, this, for he is Lord of heuene and of erthe, dwellith not in templis maad with hoond,
25 I de7o, shempponne ubbabaa asa ubbaas immiya gisho paci de7iya asada asa maade koyenna.
nethir is worschipid bi mannus hoondis, nether hath nede of ony thing, for he yyueth lijf to alle men, and brethinge, and alle thingis;
26 Xoossay asa zerethi ubbaa issi addiyafe medhdhidi biitta ubban wothis. Yaatidi entti de7ana wodiyasinne bessaas zawa immis.
and made of oon al the kinde of men to enhabite on al the face of the erthe, determynynge tymes ordeyned, and termes of the dwellynge of hem,
27 I hessa oothiday asi iya koyana melanne pilggidi demmana melassa. Hanikkoka I nuuppe geemmibeenna.
to seke God, if perauenture thei felen hym, ether fynden, thouy he be not fer fro eche of you.
28 Hinttefe issi issi yexxeyssati, ‘Nuuni iya nayta’ gidayssada, ‘Nuuni iyan paxa de7oos, qaaxoos.’
For in hym we lyuen, and mouen, and ben. As also summe of youre poetis seiden, And we ben also the kynde of hym.
29 Hiza, nuuni Xoossaa nayta gidiya gisho, ‘Xoossay asa hiillatethaninne qofan worqqafe woykko birappe woykko shuchchafe oosettidabaa daanees’ yaagidi qoppanaw bessenna.
Therfor sithen we ben the kynde of God, we schulen not deme, that godli thing is lijk gold, and siluer, ethir stoon, ethir to grauyng of craft and thouyt of man.
30 Hessa gisho, Xoossay kase wode asay eronna oothidayssa aggidi aadhdhis, shin ha77i ubbason de7iya asi ubbay nagaraappe simmana mela kiittees.
For God dispisith the tymes of this vnkunnyng, and now schewith to men, that alle euery where doon penaunce; for that he hath ordeyned a dai,
31 Ays giikko, Xoossay ba doorida addiyan sa7an de7iya asa ubbaa bolla xillo pirdda pirddanaw qamma giigisi wothis. Iya hayqoppe denthidi hessa asa ubbaas tumayis” yaagis.
in which he schal deme the world in equite, in a man in which he ordeynede, and yaf feith to alle men, and reiside hym fro deth.
32 Enttafe issi issi asati hayqoppe denddobaa Phawuloosappe si7idi, iya bolla qelqisidosona. Shin harati, “Nuuni hessa neeppe gujjidi si7anaw koyoos” yaagidosona.
And whanne thei hadden herd the ayenrysing of deed men, summe scorneden, and summe seiden, We schulen here thee eft of this thing.
33 Hessa gisho, Phawuloosi entta giddofe keyis.
So Poul wente out of the myddil of hem.
34 Shin issi issi addeti Phawuloosara gaakettidi ammanidosona. Entta giddofe Aryoospaagosan shiiquwan de7iya Diyonasyoos giya addey, Damarsso giya issi maccasiyanne harati de7oosona.
But summen drowen to hym, and bileueden. Among whiche Dynyse Aropagite was, and a womman, bi name Damaris, and othere men with hem.

< Hawaareta Oosuwa 17 >