< 2 Ximotiyoosa 1 >

1 Xoossaa shenen, Yesuus Kiristtoosan benttida de7o ufayssaa markkattanaw Yesuus Kiristtoosa hawaare gidida Phawuloosappe,
Poul, apostle of Jhesu Crist, bi the wille of God, bi the biheest of lijf that is in Crist Jhesu,
2 ta dosiya na7aa Ximotiyoosas kiitettida kiita. Xoossaa Aawappenne nu Godaa Kiristtoos Yesuusappe aadho keehatethay, maarotethaynne sarotethay new gido.
to Tymothe, his moost dereworthe sone, grace, merci, and pees of God the fadir, and of Jhesu Crist, oure Lord.
3 Taani, ta woosan qammanne gallas nena qoppays. Taani woossiya wode ta mayzata Xoossaanne taani lo77o kahan haggaaziya Xoossaa ne gisho galatays.
I do thankyngis to my God, to whom Y serue fro my progenytouris in clene conscience, that with outen ceessyng Y haue mynde of thee in my preyeris,
4 Taani ne afuthaa qoppays; nena be7ada ufayttanaw daro laamotays.
niyt and dai, desirynge to se thee; hauynge mynde of thi teeris, that Y be fillid with ioye.
5 Qassi new de7iya tuma ammanuwa erays. He ammanoy beni ne wogga aaye Loydininne ne aaye Ewuniqin de7iya ammanuwa mela.
And Y bithenke of that feith, that is in thee not feyned, which also dwellide firste in thin aunte Loide, and in thi modir Eunyce. And Y am certeyn, that also in thee.
6 Hessa gisho, taani ta kushiya ne bolla wothida wode Xoossay new immida imotaa neeni zaara eethana mela akeekisays.
For which cause Y moneste thee, that thou reise ayen the grace of God, that is in thee bi the settyng on of myn hondis.
7 Ays giikko, Xoossay nuus wolqqaa, siiqonne nu huu7e haariya Ayyaana immisppe attin yashsha ayyaana immibeenna.
For whi God yaf not to vs the spirit of drede, but of vertu, and of loue, and of sobrenesse.
8 Hiza, nu Godaas markkattanaw yeellatoppa; qassi iya gisho qashettida tanankka yeellatoppa. Shin Xoossay new immiya wolqqan Wonggelaa gisho, taara meto ekka.
Therfor nyl thou schame the witnessyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, nether me, his prisoner; but trauele thou togidere in the gospel bi the vertu of God;
9 Xoossay ba sheneninne ba aadho keehatethan nuna ashshidi, ba geeshsha dere oothanaw nuna doorisppe attin nuuni oothida oosuwa gisho gidenna. Ha aadho keehatethaa Kiristtoos Yesuusa baggara alamey medhettanaappe sinthe nuus immis. (aiōnios g166)
that delyueride vs, and clepide with his hooli clepyng, not after oure werkis, but bi his purpos and grace, that is youun in Crist Jhesu bifore worldli tymes; (aiōnios g166)
10 Ha77i ha aadho keehatethay nuna ashshiya Kiristtoos Yesuusa yuussan qonccis. I hayqo wolqqaa dhayssidi, Wonggelaa baggara dhayonna de7o nuus qonccisis.
but now it is opyn bi the liytnyng of oure sauyour Jhesu Crist, which destriede deth, and liytnede lijf and vncorrupcioun bi the gospel.
11 Taani Wonggelaa sabaake, hawaarenne asttamaare gidana mela Xoossay tana dooris.
In which Y am set a prechour and apostle, and maistir of hethene men.
12 Taani hessa gisho ha metuwa ekkays; shin ta ammaney ooneekko eriya gisho yeellatikke. Taw imettida hadaraa he gallasay gakkanaw I naaganaw dandda7eyssa erays.
For which cause also Y suffre these thingis; but Y am not confoundid. For Y woot to whom Y haue bileuyd, and Y am certeyne that he is miyti for to kepe that is take to my keping in to that dai.
13 Taani nena tamaarssida tuma qaala leemiso ootha oykkada Kiristtoos Yesuusa baggara nubaa gidida ammanuwaninne siiquwan de7a.
Haue thou the fourme of hoolsum wordis, whiche thou herdist of me in feith and loue in Crist Jhesu.
14 Nu giddon de7iya Geeshsha Ayyaana wolqqan new imettida lo77o hadaraa naaga.
Kepe thou the good takun to thi kepyng bi the Hooli Goost, that dwellith in vs.
15 Iisiya biittan de7iya ubbay taappe haakkidayssa eraasa; entta giddon Figeluusinne Hermmogenes de7oosona.
Thou wost this, that alle that ben in Asie ben turnyd awey fro me, of whiche is Figelus and Ermogenes.
16 Anesfoori tana daro wode minthethida gisho Goday iya soo asaas qadhetto. Taani qasho keethan de7iya wode I tanan yeellatibeenna.
The Lord yyue merci to the hous of Onesyforus, for ofte he refreischide me, and schamyde not my chayne.
17 Hessa bolla I Roome katamaa yida wode tana minthi koyidi demmis.
But whanne he cam to Rome, he souyte me bisili, and foond.
18 Wurssetha gallasan Goday iyaw qadhettana mela taani Godaa woossays. Efesoona kataman I tana ay mela maaddidaakko ne loytha eraasa
The Lord yyue to hym to fynde merci of God in that dai. And hou grete thingis he mynystride to me at Effesi, thou knowist betere.

< 2 Ximotiyoosa 1 >