< Ezekiel 33 >

1 And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
BOEIPA ol te kai taengla ha pawk tih,
2 and he seide, Thou, sone of man, speke to the sones of thi puple, and thou schalt seie to hem, A lond whanne Y bringe in a swerd on it, and the puple of the lond takith o man of hise laste men, and makith hym aspiere on hym,
“Hlang capa aw, na pilnam paca te voek lamtah amih te thui pah. Khohmuen te cunghang ka muk thil vaengah khohmuen pilnam loh a khobawt lamkah hlang pakhat te a tuek uh tih anih te amamih kah rhaltawt la a khueh uh.
3 and he seeth a swerd comynge on the lond, and sowneth with a clarioun, and tellith to the puple,
cunghang loh khohmuen soah a tlak te a hmuh vaengah tuki a ueng tih pilnam te a thuituen.
4 forsothe a man that herith, who euer he is, the sowne of the clarioun, and kepith not him silf, and the swerd cometh, and takith hym awei, the blood of hym schal be on the heed of hym.
Tuki ol te a yaak khaw a yaak dae a ngaihuet pawt dongah cunghang loh a tlak thil. Te vaengah anih a loh te a thii khaw amah lu dongah tla saeh.
5 He herde the sown of the clarioun, and kepte not hym silf, his blood schal be in hym; forsothe if he kepith hym silf, he schal saue his lijf.
Tuki ol a yaak lalah a ngaihuet pawt atah amah thii ni amah soah a tlak eh. Amah a ngaihuet atah a hinglu a hlawt ni.
6 That if the aspiere seeth a swerd comynge, and sowneth not with a clarioun, and the puple kepith not hym silf, and the swerd cometh, and takith awei a man of hem, sotheli he is takun in his wickidnesse; but Y schal seke the blood of hym of the hond of the aspiere.
Tedae rhaltawt loh cunghang ha pawk te a hmuh lalah tuki te ueng pawt tih pilnam huek pawh. Te vaengah cunghang ha pawk tih amih lamkah a hinglu te a loh pa atah amah kah thaesainah kongah yook mai cakhaw a thii te rhaltawt kut ah ni ka toem eh.
7 And, thou, sone of man, Y yaf thee aspiere to the hous of Israel; therfor thou schalt here of my mouth a word, and schalt telle to hem of me.
Nang hlang capa namah ni Israel imkhui kah rhaltawt la kang khueh coeng. Te dongah ka ka lamkah ol na yaak neh kai lamloh amih te huek laeh.
8 If whanne Y seie to the wickid man, Thou, wickid man, schalt die bi deth, thou spekist not, that the wickid man kepe hym silf fro his weie, thilke wickid man schal die in his wickidnesse, but Y schal seke his blood of thin hond.
Halang, halang te, ‘Na duek rhoe na duek ni,’ ka ti nah lalah halang te a longpuei lamloh ngaihuet sak ham na thui pawt atah, halang te amah kah thaesainah dongah duek cakhaw a thii te tah nang kut ah ni ka toem eh.
9 Forsothe if whanne thou tellist to the wickid man, that he be conuertid fro his weies, he is not conuertid fro his weie, he schal die in his wickidnesse; certis thou hast delyuered thi soule.
Tedae nang loh halang te a longpuei lamloh mael sak ham na huek lalah a longpuei lamloh a mael pawt atah amah thaesainah ah duek vetih nang tah na hinglu na huul ni.
10 Therfore thou, sone of man, seie to the hous of Israel, Thus ye spaken, seiynge, Oure wickidnessis and oure synnes ben on vs, and we failen in tho; hou therfor moun we lyue? seie thou to hem,
Te dongah nang hlang capa, Israel imkhui te voek laeh. He he thui lamtah, ‘Mamih kah boekoek neh mamih kah tholhnah ngawn tah mamih soah tla coeng. Amih kongah mamih m'muei uh tih metlae n'hing eh?’ ti saeh.
11 Y lyue, seith the Lord God, Y nyle the deth of the wickid man, but that the wickid man be conuertid fro his weie, and lyue; be ye conuertid fro youre worste weies, and whi schulen ye die, the hous of Israel?
Amih te thui pah. Kai tah hingnah ni. He he Ka Boeipa Yahovah kah olphong ni. Halang kah dueknah dongah khaw ka naep pawt dongah halang khaw a longpuei lamloh lat mael saeh lamtah hing saeh. Na boethae longpuei lamloh mael rhoe mael laeh. Balae tih Israel imkhui loh tarha na duek eh?
12 Therfor thou, sone of man, seie to the sones of thi puple, The riytfulnesse of a riytful man schal not delyuere hym, in whateuer dai he doith synne; and the wickidnesse of a wickid man schal not anoye him, in what euere dai he is conuertid fro his wickidnesse; and a iust man schal not mowe lyue in his riytfulnesse, in what euer dai he doith synne.
Te dongah nang hlang capa loh na pilnam paca te thui pah. A boekoek hnin ah tah aka dueng kah duengnah loh anih te huul mahpawh. A halangnah lamloh a mael khohnin ah halang kah halangnah dongah khaw tongtah mahpawh. Aka dueng khaw a tholh khohnin ah tah tholh neh a hing ham coeng pawh.
13 Also if Y seie to a iust man, that he schal lyue bi lijf, and he tristith in his riytfulnesse, and doith wickidnesse, alle his riytfulnessis schulen be youun to foryetyng, and in his wickidnesse which he wrouyte, in that he schal die.
Aka dueng te hing rhoe hing ni ka ti sitoe cakhaw anih te amah kah duengnah dongah pangtung tih dumlai saii koinih anih kah duengnah boeih te a duengnah la poek uh mahpawh. A dumlai a saii dongah te amah ni a duek eh.
14 Forsothe if Y seie to the wickid man, Thou schalt die bi deth, and he doith penaunce for his synne, and doith dom and riytfulnesse,
Halang te duek rhoe duek ni ka ti bal sitoe cakhaw a tholhnah lamloh mael tih tiktamnah neh duengnah a saii.
15 and if thilke wickid man restorith a wed, and yeldith raueyn, and goith in comaundementis of lijf, and doith not ony vniust thing, he schal lyue bi lijf, and schal not die.
A halang akhaw hnohol te a mael tih a huenkoe te koep a thuung, hingnah khosing dongah pongpa tih dumlai a saii pawt atah hing roe hing vetih duek mahpawh.
16 Alle hise synnes which he synnede, schulen not be arettid to hym; he dide doom and riytfulnesse, he schal lyue bi lijf.
A tholhnah cungkuem neh a tholh te a taengah tholhnah poek uh pawt vetih tiktamnah neh duengnah a saii dongah hing rhoe hing ni.
17 And the sones of thi puple seiden, The weie of the Lord is not euene weiyte; and the weie of hem is vniust.
Te vaengah na pilnam paca loh, “Boeipa kah longpuei tiktam pawh,” ti uh cakhaw amih kah a longpuei ni a tiktam pawh.
18 For whanne a iust man goith awei fro his riytfulnesse, and doith wickidnessis, he schal die in tho;
Aka dueng khaw a duengnah lamloh mael tih dumlai a saii atah te dongah te duek van ni.
19 and whanne a wickid man goith awei fro his wickidnesse, and doith dom and riytfulnes, he schal lyue in tho.
Halang khaw a halangnah lamloh mael tih tiktamnah neh duengnah a saii atah te nen te anih hing ni.
20 And ye seien, The weie of the Lord is not riytful. Y schal deme ech man bi hise weies of you, the hous of Israel.
‘Ka Boeipa kah longpuei tiktam pawh,’ na ti uh dae hlang he a longpuei tarhing ah ni nang Israel imkhui te lai kan tloek eh,” a ti.
21 And it was doon in the tweluethe yeer, in the tenthe monethe, in the fyuethe dai of the monethe of our passyng ouer, he that fledde fro Jerusalem cam to me, and seide, The citee is distried.
Kaimih hlangsol kah kum hlai nit hla rha hnin nga a lo vaengah Jerusalem lamkah hlangyong te kai taengla ha pawk tih, “Khopuei a tloek coeng,” a ti.
22 Forsothe the hond of the Lord was maad to me in the euentid, bifore that he cam that fledde, and he openyde my mouth, til he cam to me eerli; and whanne my mouth was openyd, Y was no more stille.
Hlangyong ha pawk hmai kah kholaeh ah BOEIPA kut te kai soah om coeng. Te dongah kai taengla aka pawk taengah mincang due ka ka a ong. Ka ka a ong tangloeng vaengah tah ka khuep voel pawh.
23 And the word of the Lord was maad to me, and he seide,
Te vaengah BOEIPA ol te kai taengah ha pawk tih,
24 Thou, sone of man, thei that dwellen in `thingis in poynt to falle doun on the erthe of Israel, seien, spekynge, Abraham was oon, and bi eritage he hadde the lond in possessioun; forsothe we ben manye, the lond is youun to vs in to possessioun.
“Hlang capa aw, Israel khohmuen imrhong kah khosa rhoek loh, ‘Abraham pakhat bueng ni om tih khohmuen a pang mai. Tedae kaimih he yet ham he kamamih taengah khohmuen ni khoh la m'paek,” a ti uh.
25 Therfor thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis, Whether ye that eten in blood, and reisen youre iyen to youre vnclennessis, and scheden blood, schulen haue in possessioun the lond bi eritage?
Te dongah amih taengah ka Boeipa Yahovah kah a thui he thui pah. Thii te na caak uh tih na mik te na mueirhol taengla na huel. Thii na kingling cingah nim khohmuen na pang eh?
26 Ye stoden in youre swerdis, ye diden youre abhomynaciouns, and ech man defoulide the wijf of his neiybore; and schulen ye welde the lond bi eritage?
Na cunghang dongah na pangnal uh tih tueilaehkoi na saii uh. Hlang long he a hui kah yuu te na poeih uh cingah nim khohmuen na pang eh?
27 Thou schalt seie these thingis to hem, Thus seith the Lord God, Y lyue, for thei that dwellen in `thingis redi to falle doun, schulen falle doun bi swerd, and he that is in the feld, schal be youun to beestis to be deuourid; but thei that ben in stronge holdis and in dennes, schulen die bi pestilence.
Ka Boeipa Yahovah loh a thui he amih taengah thui pah. Hingnah khaw kamah coeng dongah imrhong khuikah rhoek te cunghang dongah cungku uh het mahpawt nim? Te phoeiah khohmuen hoeng kah te mulhing taengla ka paek vetih anih te a ngaeh ni. Rhalmahim khui neh lungko khuikah te khaw duektahaw nen ni a duek uh eh.
28 And Y schal yyue the lond in to wildirnesse, and in to desert, and the pryde and strengthe therof schal faile; and the hillis of Israel schulen be maad desolat, for noon is that schal passe bi tho.
Khohmuen te khopong neh a rhaerhap la ka khueh vetih a hoemdamnah a sarhi a kangkuen sak ni. Te vaengah Israel tlang te pong vetih aka paan om mahpawh.
29 And thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne Y schal yyue her lond desolat and desert, for alle her abhomynaciouns whiche thei wrouyten.
Tedae BOEIPA kamah loh khohmuen te khopong neh rhaerhap la ka khueh khaw amamih kah tueilaehkoi cungkuem a saii uh dongah ni tila a ming uh bitni.
30 And thou, sone of man, the sones of thi puple that speken of thee bisidis wallis, and in the doris of housis, and seien, oon to an other, a man to his neiybore, and speken, Come ye, and here we, what is the word goynge out fro the Lord;
“Nang hlang capa aw na pilnam paca loh nang te pangbueng kaep neh im thohka taengah n'thui uh. Hlang pakhat loh a manuca te kang a voek tih, ‘Lo laeh lamtah BOEIPA taeng lamkah hang khuen ol he hnatun uh,’ a ti.
31 and thei comen to thee, as if my puple entrith, and my puple sitten bifore thee, and thei heren thi wordis, and doon not tho; for thei turnen tho in to the song of her mouth, and her herte sueth her auerice;
Nang taengah khotlak pilnam bangla ha pawk uh van tih ka pilnam bangla na mikhmuh ah kho a sak uh. Na ol te a yaak uh van akhaw te te a vai uh moenih. A ka dongah hlampan uh ngawn cakhaw a lungbuei ah amamih kah mueluemnah dongah a pongpa te a phoe uh.
32 and it is to hem as a song of musik, which is songun bi soft and swete sown; and thei heren thi wordis, and thei doon not tho;
Nang te amih taengah sakthen ol neh hlampan laa banghui ni ne. Na ol yaak sak ham balh na tum akhaw te te aka vai a om uh hae moenih.
33 and whanne that that is bifore seide cometh, for lo! it cometh, thanne thei schulen wite, that `profetis weren among hem.
Tedae te te ha pawk vaengah tah rhep ha pawk vetih amih lakli ah tonghma a om te a ming uh bitni,” a ti.

< Ezekiel 33 >