< Esther 1 >

1 In the daies of kyng Assuerus, that regnede fro Ynde `til to Ethiopie, on an hundrid and seuene and twenti prouynces, whanne he sat in the seete of his rewme,
Na rĩrĩ, ũũ nĩguo gwekĩkire matukũ-inĩ ma Ahasuerusu, o we Ahasuerusu ũrĩa waathaga mabũrũri 127 marĩa moimĩte kuuma bũrũri wa Ahĩndĩ o nginya bũrũri wa Akushi.
2 the citee Susa was the bigynnyng of his rewme.
Matukũ-inĩ macio-rĩ, Mũthamaki Ahasuerusu aathamakaga arĩ gĩtĩ-inĩ gĩake kĩa ũnene thĩinĩ wa nyũmba ya ũthamaki kũu gĩikaro kĩgitĩre kĩa mũthamaki gĩa Shushani,
3 Therfor in the thridde yeer of his empire he made a greet feeste to alle hise princes and children, the strongeste men of Persis, and to the noble men of Medeis, and to the prefectis of prouynces, bifor him silf,
na mwaka wa gatatũ wa wathani wake, nĩarugithĩirie andũ ake othe arĩa maarĩ igweta na anene iruga. Nao atongoria a mbũtũ cia ita cia Perisia na cia Media, na abarũthi na andũ arĩa maarĩ igweta a mabũrũri maarĩ kuo.
4 to schewe the richessis of the glorie of his rewme, and the gretnesse, and boost of his power in myche tyme, that is, an hundrid and `foure scoor daies.
Nake akĩonania ũtonga mũnene wa ũthamaki wake na ũkengi na riiri wa ũnene wake, ihinda rĩa matukũ 180.
5 And whanne the daies of the feeste weren fillid, he clepide to feeste al the puple that was foundun in Susa, fro the moost `til to the leeste; and he comaundide the feeste to be maad redi bi seuene daies in the porche of the orcherd and wode, that was set with the kyngis ournement and hond.
Matukũ macio maathira, mũthamaki nĩarugithirie iruga, rĩrĩa rĩaikarire mĩthenya mũgwanja, narĩo rĩarĩ thĩinĩ wa mũgũnda ũrĩa warĩ mũirigĩre wa nyũmba ya mũthamaki, rĩkĩrugĩrwo andũ othe kuuma ũrĩa mũnini nginya ũrĩa mũnene, arĩa maarĩ kũu thĩinĩ wa gĩikaro kĩrĩa kĩarĩ kĩirigĩre gĩa Shushani.
6 And tentis of `the colour of the eir, and of gold, and of iacynct, susteyned with coordis of bijs, and of purpur, hangiden on ech side, whiche weren set in cerclis of yuer, and weren vndur set with pilers of marble; also seetis at the maner of beddis of gold and of siluer `weren disposid on the pawment arayede with smaragde and dyuerse stoon; which pawment peynture made fair bi wondurful dyuersite.
Mũgũnda ũcio warĩ na mĩcuurio ya gatani ya rangi mwerũ na ya rangi wa bururu, nayo yohanĩtio na mĩkanda ya gatani ya rangi mwerũ na ya rangi wa ndathi, ikoohererwo icũhĩ-inĩ cia betha iria cianyiitithanĩtio na itugĩ cia mahiga marĩa mega merũ. Nĩ kwarĩ na itĩ cia gũikarĩra cia thahabu na cia betha iria ciaigĩtwo kũndũ kwarĩtwo mahiga ma nyaigĩ, na mahiga mega merũ, na mahiga ma rangi wa ngoikoni, na mahiga mangĩ ma goro mũno.
7 Sotheli thei, that weren clepid to meet, drunkun in goldun cuppis, and metes weren borun in with othere `and othere vessels; also plenteuouse wiyn, and `the best was set, as it was worthi to the greet doyng of the kyng.
Ndibei yaheanagwo na ikombe cia thahabu, na gũtirĩ kĩahaanaine na kĩrĩa kĩngĩ, na ndibei ya nyũmba ya ũthamaki yarĩ nyingĩ mũno o ta ũrĩa ũtaana wa mũthamaki watariĩ.
8 And `noon was that constreynede `men not willynge to drynke; but so the kyng hadde ordeyned, `makynge souereyns of hise princes `to alle boordis, that ech man schulde take that, that he wolde.
Kũringana na watho wa mũthamaki, o mũgeni nĩeetĩkĩrĩtio kũnyua kĩrĩa angĩendire, nĩ ũndũ mũthamaki nĩathĩte aheani othe a ndibei mahe o mũndũ kĩrĩa eendaga.
9 Also Vasthi, the queen, made a feeste of wymmen in the paleis, where kyng Assuerus was wont to dwelle.
O nake Vashiti, mũtumia wa mũthamaki, nĩarugithĩirie andũ-a-nja iruga o kũu nyũmba-inĩ ya ũthamaki ya Mũthamaki Ahasuerusu.
10 Therfor in the seuenthe dai, whanne the kyng was gladdere, and was hoot of wiyn aftir ful myche drinkyng, he comaundide Nauman, and Baracha, and Arbana, and Gabatha, and Zarath, and Abgatha, and Charchas, seuene oneste and chast seruauntis, `that mynistriden in his siyt,
Mũthenya wa mũgwanja, hĩndĩ ĩrĩa Mũthamaki Ahasuerusu aakenete nĩ ũndũ wa kũnyua ndibei, agĩatha ndungata iria mũgwanja ciarĩ hakũre iria ciamũtungatagĩra, nĩcio Mehumani, na Bizatha, na Haribona, na Bigatha, na Abagutha, na Zetharu, na Karikasi,
11 that thei schulden brynge in bifor the kyng the queen Vasti, with a diademe set on hir heed, to schewe hir fairnesse to alle the puplis and prynces; for sche was ful fair.
irehe Vashiti, ũcio mũtumia wa mũthamaki mbere yake ekĩrĩte tanji yake ya ũthamaki, nĩgeetha onanie ũthaka wake kũrĩ andũ, o na ningĩ kũrĩ andũ arĩa maarĩ igweta, nĩgũkorwo aarĩ kĩĩrorerwa.
12 And sche forsook, and dispiside to come at the comaundement of the kyng, which he hadde sent bi the oneste and chast seruauntes. Wherfor the kyng was wrooth, and kyndlid bi fulgreet woodnesse; and he axide the wise men,
No rĩrĩa ndungata icio ciakinyirie watho wa mũthamaki, Vashiti mũtumia wa mũthamaki akĩrega gũthiĩ. Hĩndĩ ĩyo mũthamaki akĩngʼũrĩka mũno na agĩcinwo nĩ marakara.
13 whiche bi the `kyngis custom weren euere with hym, and he dide alle thingis bi the counsel of hem, kunnynge the lawis and ritis of grettere men;
Na tondũ warĩ mũtugo wa mũthamaki gũtuĩria maũndũ ma watho na ma kĩhooto, akĩaria na andũ arĩa oogĩ na mooĩ ũhoro wa matukũ ma tene.
14 forsothe the firste and the nexte weren Carsena, and Sechaaba, Admatha, and Tharsis, and Mares, and Marsana, and Manucha, seuene duykis of Persis and of Medeis, that sien the face of the kyng, and weren wont to sitte the firste aftir hym;
Nao arĩa maakuhĩrĩirie mũthamaki mũno maarĩ Karishena, na Shetharu, na Adamatha, na Tarashishi, na Meresu, na Marisena na Memukani, andũ mũgwanja arĩa maarĩ igweta a Perisia na Media, arĩa meetĩkĩrĩtio kuonanaga na mũthamaki, na nĩo maarĩ anene mũno ũthamaki-inĩ ũcio.
15 `the kyng axide hem, to what sentence the queen Vasthi schulde be suget, that nolde do the comaundement of kyng Assuerus, which he hadde sent bi the onest and chast seruauntis.
Mũthamaki akĩũria atĩrĩ, “Kũringana na watho-rĩ, Vashiti mũtumia wa mũthamaki agĩrĩirwo nĩ gwĩkwo atĩa? Nĩaregete gwathĩkĩra watho wa Mũthamaki Ahasuerusu ũrĩa akinyĩirio nĩ andũ acio ahakũre.”
16 And Manucha answeride, in audience of the kyng and of the pryncis, The queen Vasthi hath not oneli dispisid the kyng, but alle the pryncis and puplis, that ben in alle prouynces of kyng Assuerus.
Memukani agĩcookia arĩ mbere ya mũthamaki na andũ arĩa maarĩ igweta atĩrĩ, “Vashiti mũtumia wa mũthamaki nĩekĩte mahĩtia, na to mũthamaki wiki ahĩtĩirie, no ahĩtĩirie o na andũ othe arĩa marĩ igweta na andũ othe a mabũrũri ma Mũthamaki Ahasuerusu.
17 For the word of the queen schal go out to alle wymmen, that thei dispise her hosebondis, and seie, Kyng Assuerus comaundide, that the queen Vasthi schulde entre to hym, and sche nolde.
Nĩgũkorwo ũndũ ũyũ wĩkĩtwo nĩ mũtumia wa mũthamaki nĩũkũmenyeka nĩ andũ-a-nja othe, na nĩ ũndũ ũcio nĩmarĩmenagĩrĩria athuuri ao makoiga atĩrĩ, ‘Mũthamaki Ahasuerusu araathanire Vashiti mũtumia wa mũthamaki arehwo mbere yake, no ndaigana gũthiĩ.’
18 And bi this saumple alle the wyues of prynces of Persis and of Medeis schulen dispise the comaundementis of hosebondis; wherfor the indignacioun of the kyng is iust.
Ũmũthĩ-rĩ, andũ-a-nja arĩa marĩ igweta a Perisia na Media arĩa maiguĩte ũndũ ũyũ wĩkĩtwo nĩ mũtumia wa mũthamaki noguo nao marĩĩkaga andũ arĩa marĩ igweta a mũthamaki. Kĩnyararo na ngarari itigathira.
19 If it plesith to thee, `a comaundement go out fro thi face, and `be writun bi the lawe of Persis and of Medeis, which it is vnleueful to be passid, that Vasthi entre no more to the kyng, but anothir womman, which is betere than sche, take `the rewme of hir.
“Nĩ ũndũ ũcio, mũthamaki angĩona arĩ wega, nĩarute watho wa ũthamaki na etĩkĩre wandĩkwo mawatho-inĩ ma Perisia na Media, marĩa matagarũragwo, atĩ Vashiti ndarĩ hĩndĩ ĩngĩ agooka mbere ya Mũthamaki Ahasuerusu. Naho handũ ha Vashiti-rĩ, mũthamaki acarie mũndũ-wa-nja ũngĩ mwega kũmũkĩra.
20 And be this puplischid in to al the empire of thi prouynces, which is ful large, that alle wyues, both of grettere men and of lesse, yyue onour to her hosebondis.
Rĩrĩa watho ũcio wa mũthamaki ũrĩanĩrĩrwo kũndũ guothe kũrĩa mũthamaki aathanaga-rĩ, andũ-a-nja othe nĩmarĩtĩĩaga athuuri ao, kuuma ũrĩa mũnini nginya ũrĩa mũnene.”
21 His counsel pleside the kyng and the prynces, and the kyng dide bi the counsel of Manucha;
Mũthamaki na andũ ake arĩa maarĩ igweta magĩkenio nĩ mataaro macio, nĩ ũndũ ũcio mũthamaki agĩĩka o ta ũrĩa Memukani oigĩte.
22 and he sente pistlis bi alle the prouyncis of his rewme, as ech folk myyte here and rede, in dyuerse langagis and lettris, that hosebondis ben prynces and the grettere in her housis; and `he sente, that this be pupplischid bi alle puplis.
Agĩtũma marũa kũndũ guothe ũthamaki-inĩ ũcio, o bũrũri na mwandĩkĩre waguo na o rũrĩrĩ na mwarĩrie waruo, akĩanĩrĩrithia na thiomi cia andũ othe atĩ mũthuuri o wothe nĩwe mwathi wa mũciĩ wake.

< Esther 1 >