< Daniel 10 >

1 In the thridde yeer of the rewme of Sirus, kyng of Perseis, a word was schewid to Danyel, Balthasar bi name; and a trewe word, and greet strengthe, and he vndurstood the word; for whi vndurstondyng is nedeful in visioun.
Bara Qiiros mooticha Faares keessa waggaa sadaffaatti Daaniʼel isa Beelxishaazaar jedhame sanatti mulʼanni tokko mulʼate. Ergaan isaas dhugaa fi kan waaʼee waraanaa ibsu ture. Hubannaan ergaa sanaas mulʼataan isaaf kenname.
2 In tho daies Y, Danyel, mourenyde bi the daies of thre woukis;
Yeroo sanatti ani Daaniʼel torban sadii nan booʼe.
3 Y eet not desirable breed, and fleisch, and wyn entride not into my mouth, but nethir Y was anoynted with oynement, til the daies of thre woukis weren fillid.
Hamma torban sadan sun raawwatamanitti ani nyaata filatamaa tokko illee hin nyaanne; fooni yookaan daadhiin wayinii afaan koo hin seenne; dibata tokko illees hin dibanne.
4 Forsothe in the foure and twentithe dai of the firste monethe, Y was bisidis the greet flood, which is Tigris.
Bultii digdamii afuraffaa jiʼa jalqabaatti ani utuun qarqara laga guddichaa Laga Xegroos irra dhaabadhee jiruu,
5 And Y reiside myn iyen, and Y siy, and lo! o man was clothid with lynun clothis, and hise reynes weren gird with schynynge gold;
ol ilaalee namicha wayyaa quncee talbaa irraa hojjetame uffatee sabbata warqee Uufaazii qulqulluu mudhii isaatti hidhate tokko fuula koo duratti arge.
6 and his bodi was as crisolitus, and his face was as the licnesse of leit, and hise iyen weren as a brennynge laumpe, and hise armes and tho thingis that weren bynethe til to the feet weren as the licnesse of bras beynge whijt, and the vois of hise wordis was as the vois of multitude.
Nafni isaa akka biiralee, fuulli isaa akka balaqqee, iji isaa akka guca bobaʼuu, irree fi miilli isaa akka naasii dibamee cululuqee, sagaleen isaa immoo akka sagalee namoota baayʼee ture.
7 Forsothe Y, Danyel, aloone siy the visioun; certis the men that weren with me, sien not, but ful greet ferdfulnesse felle yn on hem, and thei fledden in to an hid place.
Namni mulʼata sana arge anuma Daaniʼel qofa ture; namoonni na wajjin turan hin argine; garuu sodaan guddaan isaan qabatee baqatanii dhokatan.
8 But Y was left aloone, and Y siy this greet visioun, and strengthe dwellide not in me; but also my licnesse was chaungid in me, and Y was stark, and Y hadde not in me ony thing of strengthis.
Kanaafuu ani mulʼata guddaa kana ilaalaan kophaatti hafe; humna nan dhabe; fuulli koos ni geeddarame; nan laafes.
9 And Y herde the vois of hise wordis, and Y herde, and lay astonyed on my face, and my face cleuyde to the erthe.
Kana irratti ani utuu inni dubbatuu nan dhagaʼe; ani akkuman isa dhagaʼeen adda kootiin lafatti gombifamee hirribni cimaan na qabe.
10 And lo! an hond touchide me, and reiside me on my knees, and on the toes of my feet.
Ergasii garuu harki tokko na qabee utuu ani holladhuu harkaa fi jilba kootiin na dhaabe.
11 And he seide to me, Thou, Danyel, a man of desiris, vndurstonde the wordis whiche Y speke to thee, and stonde in thi degree; for now Y am sent to thee. And whanne he hadde seid this word to me, Y stood quakynge.
Innis, “Yaa Daaniʼel, ati kan akka malee jaallatamte dubbii ani sitti himuuf jiru sirriitti qabadhu; ani gara keetti ergameeraatii ol kaʼi” jedhe. Anis yommuu inni waan kana naan jedhetti hollachaan kaʼee dhaabadhe.
12 And he seide to me, Danyel, nyle thou drede, for fro the firste dai in which thou settidist thin herte to vndurstonde, that thou schuldist turmente thee in the siyt of thi God, thi wordis weren herd, and Y cam for thi wordis.
Ammas akkana naan jedhe; “Yaa Daaniʼel hin sodaatin. Guyyaa tokkoffaa gaafa ati hubannaa argachuu fi fuula Waaqa keetii duratti of xinneessuuf murteessitee jalqabee dubbiin kee dhagaʼameera; anis deebii isaa fidee dhufeera.
13 Forsothe the prince of the rewme of Perseis ayenstood me oon and twenti daies, and lo! Myyhel, oon of the firste princes, cam in to myn help, and Y dwellide stille there bisidis the kyng of Perseis.
Ergamaan guddichi mootummaa Faares garuu bultii digdamii tokko naan morme. Sababii ani ilma mooticha mootummaa Faares wajjin achitti hafee tureef hangafoota ergamootaa keessaa Miikaaʼel na gargaaruuf dhufe.
14 Forsothe Y am comun to teche thee, what thingis schulen come to thi puple in the laste daies; for yit the visioun is delaied in to daies.
Ani amma waan gara fuula duraatti saba kee irra gaʼuuf jiru sitti himuuf dhufeera; mulʼanni sun waan yeroon isaa amma illee hin gaʼin argisiisaatii.”
15 And whanne he spak to me bi siche wordis, Y castide doun my cheer to erthe, and was stille.
Utuma inni waan kana natti dubbachaa jiruu ani mataa gad qabadhee waanan dubbadhus dhabe.
16 And lo! as the licnesse of sone of man touchide my lippis; and Y openyde my mouth, and spak, and seide to hym that stood bifore me, My Lord, in thi siyt my ioynctis ben vnknit, and no thing of strengthis dwellide in me.
Ergasii inni nama fakkaatu tokko hidhii koo tuqe; anis afaan banadheen dubbachuu jalqabe. Isa fuula koo dura dhaabachaa ture sanaanis akkanan jedhe; “Yaa gooftaa ko, ani sababii mulʼata sanaatiif dhiphadheera; humnas dhabeera.
17 And hou schal the seruaunt of my Lord mow speke with my Lord? no thing of strengthis dwellide in me, but also my breeth is closyde bitwixe.
Yaa gooftaa ko, ani garbichi kee akkamittan si wajjin haasaʼuu dandaʼa? Humni koo dhumeera; ani hafuura baafachuu illee dadhabeera.”
18 Therfor eft as the siyt of a man touchide me, and coumfortide me,
Ammas inni nama fakkaatu sun na tuqee humna naa kenne.
19 and seide, Man of desiris, nyle thou drede; pees be to thee, be thou coumfortid, and be thou strong. And whanne he spak with me, Y wexide strong and seide, My Lord, speke thou, for thou hast coumfortid me.
Innis, “Yaa namicha akka malee jaallatamte, hin sodaatin; nagaan siif haa taʼu! Amma jabaadhu; jajjabaadhus” naan jedhe. Yeroo inni natti dubbatetti ani nan jajjabaadhee, “Yaa Gooftaa ko, ati waan na jajjabeessiteef dubbadhu” isaan jedhe.
20 And he seide, Whether thou woost not, whi Y cam to thee? And now Y schal turne ayen, to fiyte ayens the prince of Perseis. For whanne Y yede out, the prince of Grekis apperide comynge.
Kana irratti inni akkana naan jedhe; “Ati waan ani gara kee dhufeef beektaa? Ani ergamaa guddicha mootummaa Faares loluuf nan deebiʼa; yeroo ani deemutti immoo ergamaan guddichi mootummaa Giriik ni dhufa;
21 Netheles Y schal telle to thee that, that is expressid in the scripture of treuthe; and noon is myn helpere in alle these thingis, no but Myyhel, youre prynce.
garuu ani duraan dursee waan Kitaaba Dhugaa keessatti barreeffame sittin hima. Isaan loluufis Miikaaʼel hangafticha keessan malee kan na gargaaru kan biraa hin jiru.

< Daniel 10 >