< 2 Chronicles 12 >

1 And whanne the rewme of Roboam was maad strong and coumfortid, he forsook the lawe of the Lord, and al Israel with hym.
Ket napasamak nga idi natalgeden ti panagturay ni Rehoboam ken nabiligen isuna, tinallikudanna agraman dagiti amin nga Israelita a kaduana ti linteg ni Yahweh.
2 Sotheli in the fyuethe yeer of the rewme of Roboam Sesach, the kyng of Egipt, stiede in to Jerusalem, for thei synneden ayens the Lord;
Ket napasamak nga iti maikalima a tawen ni Ari Rehoboam, rinaut ni Sisak nga ari ti Egipto ti Jerusalem, gapu ta saan a napudno dagiti tattao kenni Yahweh.
3 and he stiede with a thousynde and two hundrid charys, and with sixti thousynde of horse men, and no noumbre was of the comyn puple, that cam with hym fro Egipt, that is, Libiens, and Trogoditis, and Ethiopiens.
Inkuyogna ti sangaribu ket dua a gasut a karuahe ken innem a pulo a ribu a kumakabalio. Saan a mabilang dagiti kakuyogna a soldado manipud iti Egipto: Dagiti taga-Libia, taga-Suk ken taga-Etiopia.
4 And he took ful stronge citees in Juda, and he cam `til to Jerusalem.
Sinakupna dagiti nasarikedkedan a siudad a sakup ti Juda ket napan isuna idiay Jerusalem.
5 Forsothe Semei, the prophete, entride to Roboam, and to the princes of Juda, whiche fleynge fro Sesach weren gaderid togidere `in to Jerusalem. And he seide to hem, The Lord seith these thingis, Ye han forsake me, and Y haue forsake you in the hond of Sesach.
Ita, napan ni profeta Semaias kenni Rehoboam ken kadagiti panguloen ti Juda a naguummong idiay Jerusalem gapu kenni Sisak. Kinuna ni Semaias kadakuada, “Kastoy ti kuna ni Yahweh: 'Tinallikudandak, isu nga inyawatkayo met kenni Sisak.”'
6 And the princes of Israel and the kyng weren astonyed, and seiden, The Lord is iust.
Ket nagpakumbaba dagiti prinsipe ti Israel ken ti ari ket kinunada, “Nalinteg ni Yahweh.”
7 And whanne the Lord hadde seyn that thei weren mekid, the word of the Lord was maad to Semey, and seide, For thei ben mekid, Y schal not distrie hem, and Y schal yyue to hem a litil help, and my stronge veniaunce schal not droppe on Jerusalem bi the hond of Sesach.
Idi nakita ni Yahweh a nagpakumbabada, immay ti sao ni Yahweh kenni Semaias; kinunana, “Nagpakumbabada. Saanko ida a dadaelen; ispalekto ida manipud iti naan-anay a pannakadadael, ken saanto a maibukbok ti pungtotko iti Jerusalem babaen iti ima ni Sisak.
8 Netheles thei schulen serue hym, that thei knowe the dyuersitee of my seruyce and of the seruyce of the rewme of londis.
Nupay kasta, agbalindanto nga adipenna, tapno maawatanda ti nagdumaan ti panagserbi kaniak ken ti panagserbi kadagiti mangiturturay kadagiti dadduma a pagilian.”
9 Therfor Sesach, the kyng of Egipt, yede a wey fro Jerusalem, aftir that he hadde take awei the tresouris of the hows of the Lord, and of the kyngis hows; and he took alle thingis with hym, and the goldun scheeldis whiche Salomon hadde maad,
Rinaut ngarud ni Sisak nga ari ti Egipto ti Jerusalem ket innalana dagiti gameng iti balay ni Yahweh ken dagiti gameng iti balay ti ari. Innalana amin; innalana pay dagiti kalasag a balitok nga inaramid ni Solomon.
10 for whiche the kyng made brasun scheeldis, and took tho to the princes of scheeld makeris, that kepten the porche of the paleis.
Nangaramid ni Ari Rehoboam kadagiti kalasag a bronse a kasukat dagitoy ket intalekna dagitoy kadagiti ima dagiti panguloen dagiti guardia, a mangbanbantay kadagiti ruangan ti balay ti ari.
11 And whanne the kyng entride in to the hows of the Lord, the scheeldmakeris camen, and token tho, and eft brouyten tho to his armure place.
Ket napasamak a tunggal sumrek ti ari iti balay ni Yahweh, awiten dagiti guardia dagitoy a kalasag; ket isublidanto met laeng dagitoy iti siled dagiti guardia.
12 Netheles for thei weren mekid, the ire of the Lord was turned a wei fro hem, and thei weren not don a wei outirli; for good werkis weren foundyn also in Juda.
Idi nagpakumbaba ni Rehoboam, bimmaaw ti pungtot ni Yahweh kenkuana, isu a saanna isuna a namimpinsan a dinadael; maysa pay, adda pay laeng masarakan a kinaimbag idiay Juda.
13 Therfor kyng Roboam was coumfortid in Jerusalem, and regnede. Forsothe he was of oon and fourti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnyde seuentene yeer in Jerusalem, the citee which the Lord chees of alle the lynagis of Israel, that he schulde conferme his name there. Forsothe the name of his modir was Naama Amanytis.
Pinabileg ngarud ni Ari Rehoboam ti kinaarina idiay Jerusalem, ket nagturay isuna. Agtawen iti uppat a pulo ket maysa ni Rehoboam idi nangrugi isuna nga agturay, ket nagturay isuna iti sangapulo ket pito a tawen idiay Jerusalem, a siudad a pinili ni Yahweh manipud kadagiti amin a tribu ti Israel tapno kanayon a maidayaw isuna sadiay. Naama ti nagan ti inana, a taga-Ammon.
14 And he dide yuel, and he made not redi his herte to seke God.
Dakes ti inaramidna, gapu ta saanna nga impapuso a sapulen ni Yahweh.
15 Sotheli the firste and the laste werkis of Roboam ben writun, and diligentli declarid in the bookis of Semei the profete, and of Abdo the profete.
No maipanggep kadagiti dadduma a banbanag maipapan kenni Rehoboam, manipud iti rugi agingga iti maudi, saan kadi a naisurat dagitoy kadagiti surat ni profeta Semaias ken ni Iddo a Mammadto, nga addaan met iti listaan iti kaputotan ni Rehoboam ken iti kankanayon a panagginnubat da ken ni Jeroboam?
16 And Roboam and Jeroboam fouyten in alle daies ayens hem silf. And Roboam slepte with hise fadris, and was biried in the citee of Dauid; and Abia, his sone, regnede for hym.
Pimmusay ni Rehoboam ket naitabon iti siudad ni David; ni Abias a putotna a lalaki ti simmukat kenkuana nga ari.

< 2 Chronicles 12 >