< 1 Samuel 15 >

1 And Samuel seide to Saul, The Lord sente me, that Y schulde anoynte thee in to `kyng on his puple Israel; now therfor here thou the vois `of the Lord.
Kinuna ni Samuel kenni Saul, “Imbaonnak ni Yahweh tapno pulotanka nga ari kadagiti Israelita a tattaona. Ita, dumngegka kadagiti sasao ni Yahweh.
2 The Lord of oostis seith thes thingis, Y haue rikenyd what euer thingis Amalech dide to Israel; hou Amalech ayenstood Israel in the weie, whanne he stiede from Egipt.
Kastoy ti kuna ni Yahweh a Mannakabalin-amin, 'Saanko a malipatan ti inaramid ti Amalek iti Israel iti panangsupiatna kadakuada iti dalan, idi simmang-atda manipud Egipto.
3 Now therfor go thou, and sle Amalech, and distruye thou alle `thingis of hym; spare thou not hym, and coueyte thou not ony thing of hise thingis; but sle thou fro man `til to womman, and a litil child, and soukynge, an oxe, and scheep, and camel, and asse.
Ita mapanmo rauten ti Amalek ket dadaelem a naan-anay dagiti amin nga adda kadakuada. Awan ti ibatim kadakuada, ngem patayem ida, lalaki man wenno babai, ubing ken maladaga, baka man wenno karnero, kamelio man wenno asno.”'
4 Therfor Saul comaundide to the puple, and he noumbride hem as lambren twei hundrid thousynde of foot men, and ten thousynde of men of Juda.
Pinaayaban ni Saul dagiti tattao ket binilangna ida idiay siudad ti Telem: 200, 000 a lallaki, ken 10, 000 a lallaki iti Juda.
5 And whanne Saul cam to the citee of Amalech, he made redi buyschementis in the stronde.
Dimteng ngarud ni Saul iti siudad ti Amalek ket naguray idiay tanap.
6 And Saul seide to Cyney, Go ye, departe ye, and go ye awei fro Amalech, lest perauenture Y wlappe thee in with hem; for thou didist mercy with alle the sones of Israel, whanne thei stieden fro Egipt. And Cyney departide fro the myddis of Amalech.
Ket kinuna ni Saul kadagiti Kineo, “Mapankayo, pumanawkayo, rummuarkayoiti ayan dagiti Amalekita, tapno saankayo a mairaman kadakuada a madadael. Ta kinaasianyo dagiti amin a tattao ti Israel, idi naggapuda idiay Egipto.” Pimmanaw ngarud dagiti Kineo manipud kadagiti Amalekita.
7 And Saul smoot Amalech fro Euila, til thou come to Sur, which is ayens Egipt.
Ket rinaut ni Saul dagiti Amalekita, manipud Havila agingga idiay Sur, a dayaen ti Egipto.
8 And he took Agag quyke, the kyng of Amalech; sotheli he killide bi the scharpnesse of swerd alle the comyn puple.
Ket innalana a sibibiag ni Agag nga ari dagiti Amalekita; naan-anay a dinadaelna dagiti amin a tattao babaen iti tadem ti kampilan.
9 And Saul and the puple sparide Agag, and the beste flockis of scheep, and of grete beestis, and clothis, and rammes, and alle thingis that weren faire; and thei nolden destrie tho; sotheli what euer thing was vijl, and repreuable, thei distrieden this.
Ngem ni Saul ken dagiti tattao, imbatida ni Agag, kasta met dagiti kasasayaatan a karnero, baka, napalukmeg nga urbon a baka, ken dagiti urbon a karnero. Saanda a dinadael amin a banag a nasayaat. Ngem naan-anay a dinadaelda ti aniaman a banag nga awan serserbina ken awan pategna.
10 Forsothe the word of the Lord was maad to Samuel,
Ket immay ti sao ni Yahweh kenni Samuel, kinunana,
11 and seide, It repentith me, that Y made Saul kyng; for he forsook me, and fillide not my wordis in werk. And Samuel was sory, and he criede to the Lord in al the nyyt.
“Maladingitanak a pinagbalinko nga ari ni Saul, ta timmallikud isuna manipud iti panangsurotna kaniak ken saanna nga inaramid dagiti bilbilinko.” Nakaunget ni Samuel; nagpatpatnag isuna nga immasug kenni Yahweh.
12 And whanne Samuel hadde rise bi nyyt to go eerly to Saul, it was teld to Samuel, that Saul hadde come in to Carmel, and hadde reisid to hym a signe of victorye; and that he hadde turned ayen, and hadde passid, and hadde go doun in to Galgala. Therfor Samuel cam to Saul, and Saul offride brent sacrifice to the Lord of the cheef thingis of preies, whiche he hadde brouyt fro Amalech.
Nasapa a bimmangon ni Samuel tapno makisinnarak kenni Saul iti agsapa. Naibaga kenni Samuel, “Dimteng ni Saul idiay Carmel ket nangipatakder isuna iti monumento a para kenkuana, ket nagsubli isuna ket nagturong idiay Gilgal.”
13 And the while Samuel cam to Saul, Saul seide to hym, Blessid be thou of the Lord, Y haue fillid the `word of the Lord.
Ket napan ni Samuel kenni Saul, ket kinuna ni Saul kenkuana, “Bendisionannaka koma ni Yahweh! Natungpalkon ti bilin ni Yahweh.”
14 And Samuel seide, And what is the vois of flockis, that sowneth in myn eeris, and of grete beestis, whiche Y here?
Kinuna ni Samuel, “Ania ngarud daytoy a mangmangngegko nga emmak dagiti karnero, ken ti mangmangngegko nga uga dagiti baka?”
15 And Saul seide, Thei brouyten tho fro Amalech, for the puple sparide the betere scheep and grete beestis, that tho schulden be offrid to thi Lord God; sotheli we killiden the tothere beestis.
Simmungbat ni Saul, “Innalada dagitoy manipud kadagiti Amalekita. Ta imbati dagiti tattao ti kasasayaatan dagiti karnero ken baka, tapno maidaton kenni Yahweh a Diosmo. Dagiti dadduma ket naan-anay a dinadaelmi.”
16 Forsothe Samuel seide to Saul, Suffre thou me, and Y schal schewe to thee what thingis the Lord spak to me in the nyyt. And he seide to Samuel, Speke thou.
Ket kinuna ni Samuel kenni Saul, “Sumardengka, ket ibagak kenka no ania ti kinuna ni Yahweh kaniak iti daytoy a rabii.” Kinuna ni Saul kenkuana, “Agsaoka!”
17 And Samuel seide, Whether not, whanne thou were litil in thin iyen, thou were maade heed in the lynages of Israel, and the Lord anoyntide thee in to kyng on Israel;
Kinuna ni Samuel, Uray bassitka iti panagkitam, saan kadi a nagbalinka nga ulo dagiti tribu ti Israel? Ket pinulotannaka ni Yahweh nga ari iti entero nga Israel;
18 and the Lord sente thee in to the weie, and seide, Go thou, and sle the synneris of Amalech, and thou schalt fiyte ayens hem `til to sleyng of hem.
Imbaonnaka ni Yahweh a mapan ket kinunana, 'Mapanka ket naan-anay a dadaelem dagiti managbasol, dagiti Amalekita, ken makirangetka kadakuada agingga a madadaelda.'
19 Whi therfor herdist thou not the vois of the Lord, but thou were turned to prey, and didist yuel in the `iyen of the Lord?
Apay ngarud a saanka a nagtulnog iti timek ni Yahweh, ngem ketdi innalam ti nasamsam ket inaramidmo ti dakes iti imatang ni Yahweh?”
20 And Saul seide to Samuel, Yhis, Y herde the `vois of the Lord, and Y yede in the weie, bi which the Lord sente me, and Y haue brouyt Agag, the kyng of Amalech, and Y killide Amalech.
Ket kinuna ni Saul kenni Samuel, “Pudno a nagtulnogak iti timek ni Yahweh, ket napanak iti nangibaonan ni Yahweh kaniak. Natiliwko ni Agag, nga ari ti Amalek, ken naan-anay a dinadaelko dagiti Amalekita.
21 Forsothe the puple took of the prey, scheep and oxun, the firste fruytis of tho thingis, that ben slayn, that thei make sacrifice to her Lord God in Galgalis.
Ngem innala dagiti tattao ti dadduma iti nasamsam—karnero ken baka, ti kasasayaatan kadagiti banbanag a maiparbeng a madadael, tapno maidaton kenni Yahweh a Diosmo idiay Gilgal.”
22 And Samuel seide, Whether the Lord wole brent sacrifices, ethir slayn sacrifices, and not more that me obeie to the vois of the Lord? For obedience is betere than sacrifices, and to `herkene Goddis word is more than to offre the ynnere fatnesse of rammes;
Simmungbat ni Samuel, “Maragsakan kadi unay ni Yahweh iti daton a mapuoran ken kadagiti sagut, a kas iti panagtulnog iti timek ni Yahweh? Nasaysayaat ti panagtulnog ngem iti daton, ken nasaysayaat ti dumngeg ngem kadagiti taba dagiti karnero.
23 for it is as the synne of mawmetrie to `fiyte ayens Goddis heest, and it is as the wickidnesse of ydolatrie to nyle `ascente to Goddis heest. Therfor for that, that thou castidist awey the word of the Lord, the Lord castide thee awei, that thou be not kyng.
Ta ti saan a panagtulnog ket arigna ti basol a panagpadles, ken ti kinatangken ti ulo ket maiyarig iti kinadangkes ken kinamanagbasol. Gapu ta linaksidmo ti sao ni Yahweh, linaksidnaka met manipud iti panagbalinmo nga ari.”
24 And Saul seide to Samuel, Y synnede, for Y brak the word of the Lord, and thi wordis; `and Y dredde the puple, `and obeiede to `the vois of hem; but now,
Ket kinuna ni Saul kenni Samuel, “Nagbasolak; ta sinalungasingko dagiti bilbilin ni Yahweh ken dagiti sasaom, gapu ta mabutengak kadagiti tattao ken nagtulnogak iti timekda.
25 Y biseche, bere thou my synne, and turne thou ayen with me, that Y worschipe the Lord.
Ita, pangngaasim ta pakawanem ti basolko, ken kumuyogka kaniak nga agsubli tapno maidayawko ni Yahweh.”
26 And Samuel seide to Saul, Y schal not turne ayen with thee, for thou castidist awey the word of the Lord, and the Lord castide awei thee, that thou be not king on Israel.
Kinuna ni Samuel kenni Saul, “Saanak a kumuyog kenka nga agsubli; ta saanmo a tinungpal ti sao ni Yahweh, ket linaksidnaka met ni Yahweh iti panagbalinmo nga ari iti Israel.”
27 And Samuel turnede to go a wey; sotheli Saul took the ende of the mentil of Samuel, which also was to-rent.
Iti itatallikud ni Samuel a pumanaw, ginammatan ni Saul ti gayadan ti kagayna, ket napigis daytoy.
28 And Samuel seide to hym, The Lord hath kit the rewme of Israel fro thee to dai, and yaf it to thi neiybore betere than thou;
Kinuna ni Samuel kenkuana, “Arigna a pinisang ni Yahweh ti pagarian ti Israel manipud kenka ita nga aldaw ket intedna daytoy iti karrubam, a nasaysayaat ngem sika.
29 certis the ouercomere in Israel schal not spare, and he schal not be bowid bi repentaunce; for he is not man, `that is, chaungeable, that he do repentaunce.
Kasta met, ti Pigsa ti Israel ket saanto nga agulbod wenno agbaliw ti panunotna; ta isuna ket saan a tao, nga agbaliw ti panunotna.”
30 And Saul seide, Y synnede; but now onoure thou me bifor the eldere men of my puple, and bifor Israel, and turne thou ayen with me, that Y worschipe thi Lord God.
Ket kinuna ni Saul, “Nagbasolak. Ngem pangngaasim ta raemennak ita iti sangoanan dagiti panglakayen dagiti tattaok ken iti sangoanan ti Israel. Kumuyogka kaniak nga agsubli, tapno agdayawak kenni Yahweh a Diosmo.”
31 Therfor Samuel turnede ayen, and suede Saul, and Saul worschipide the Lord.
Isu a kimmuyog manen ni Samuel kenni Saul, ket dinayaw ni Saul ni Yahweh.
32 And Samuel seide, Brynge ye to me Agag, the kyng of Amalech. And Agag `moost fat tremblynge was brouyt to hym. And Agag seide, Whether thus departith bitter deeth?
Ket kinuna ni Samuel, “Iyegyo kaniak ni Agag nga ari dagiti Amalekita.” Sikakawar nga immay kenkuana ni Agag ket kinunana, “Awan duadua a ti kinapait ni patay ket limmabasen.”
33 And Samuel seide, As thi swerd made wymmen with out fre children, so thi modir schal be with out fre children among wymmen. And Samuel kittide hym in to gobetis bifor the Lord in Galgalis.
Simmungbat ni Samuel, “Adu nga inna ti naawanan iti annak gapu iti kampilanmo, kasta met ti maaramid iti inam, maawanan met iti anak.” Ket rinangrangkay ni Samuel ni Agag iti sangoanan ni Yahweh idiay Gilgal.
34 Forsothe Samuel yede in to Ramatha; sotheli Saul stiede in to his hows in Gabaa.
Napan ni Samuel idiay Rama, ket simmang-at ni Saul iti balayna idiay Gabaa.
35 And Samuel siy no more Saul `til to the dai of his deeth; netheles Samuel biweilide Saul, for it repentide the Lord, that he hadde ordeyned Saul kyng on Israel.
Saan a nagpakita ni Samuel kenni Saul agingga iti aldaw ti ipapatayna, ta maladingitan isuna para kenni Saul. Ket maladingitan ni Yahweh ta inaramidna nga ari ni Saul iti entero nga Israel.

< 1 Samuel 15 >