< 1 Kings 21 >

1 Forsothe after these wordis, in that tyme, the vyner of Naboth of Jezrael, `that was in Jezrael, was bisidis the paleis of Achab, kyng of Samarye.
Ket napasamak nga iti saan a nagbayag, ni Nabot a taga-Jezreel ket adda kaubasanna idiay Jezreel, nga asideg ti palasio ni Ahab, nga ari ti Samaria.
2 Therfor Achab spak to Naboth, and seide, Yyue thou to me the vyner, that Y make to me a gardyn of wortis, for it is nyy, and nyy myn hows; and Y schal yyue to thee a betere vyner for it; ethir if thou gessist it more profitable to thee, Y schall yyue the prijs of siluer, as myche as it is worth.
Kinasao ni Ahab ni Nabot a kunana, “Itedmo kaniak ti kaubasam, tapno aramidek a pagmulaan kadagiti natnateng, gapu ta asideg daytoy iti balayko. Kas kasukatna, ikkanka iti nasaysayaat a kaubasan, wenno, no kayatmo, itedko lattan ti bayadna.”
3 To whom Naboth answeride, The Lord be merciful to me, that Y yyue not to thee the eritage of my fadris.
Simmungbat ni Nabot kenni Ahab, “Saan koma nga ipalubos ni Yahweh nga itedko kenka ti tawid dagiti kapuonak.”
4 Therfor Acab cam in to his hows, hauynge indignacioun, and gnastyng on the word which Naboth of Jezrael hadde spoke to him, and seide, Y schal not yyue to thee the eritage of my fadirs. And Achab castide doun him silf in to his bed, and turnede awei his face to the wal, and ete not breed.
Nagawid ngarud ni Ahab iti palasiona a nasakit ti nakemna ken makapungtot gapu iti insungbat kenkuana ni Nabot a taga-Jezreel idi kinunana, “Saanko nga ited kenka ti tawid dagiti kapuonak.” Nagidda isuna iti katrena, simmango iti diding, ket saanna a kayat ti mangan iti aniaman a taraon.
5 Forsothe Jezabel, his wijf, entride to hym, and seide to hym, What is this thing, wherof thi soule is maad sory? and whi etist thou not breed?
Napan kenkuana ni Jezebel nga asawana ket kinunana kenkuana, “Apay nga agliday unay ti pusom, ket saanka a mangmangan?”
6 Which answeride to hir, Y spak to Naboth of Jezrael, and Y seide to hym, Yyue thi vyner to me for money takun, ethir if it plesith thee, Y schal yyue to thee a betere vyner for it. And he seide, Y schal not yyue to thee my vyner.
Simmungbat isuna kenkuana, “Kinasaok ni Nabot a taga-Jezreel ket kinunak kenkuana, 'Ilakom kaniak ti kaubasam, wenno no kayatmo, 'Ikkanka iti sabali a kaubasan!' Ket simmungbat kaniak, 'Saanko nga ited kenka ti kaubasak.”'
7 Therfor Jezabel, his wijf, seide to hym, Thou art of greet auctorite, and thou gouernest wel Israel; rise thou, and ete breed, and be thou `pacient, ethir coumfortid; Y schal yyue to thee the vyner of Naboth of Jezrael.
Simmungbat ngarud kenkuana ni Jezebel nga asawana, “Saan kadi a sika pay laeng ti mangiturturturay iti pagarian ti Israel? Bumangonka ket manganka; agragsak koma ti pusom. Alaek ti kaubasan ni Nabot a taga-Jezreel para kenka.”
8 Therfor sche wroot lettris in the name of Achab, and seelide tho with the ryng of hym; and sche sente to the grettere men in birthe, and to the beste men, that weren in the citee of hym, and dwelliden with Naboth.
Nagsurat ngarud ni Jezebel babaen iti nagan ni Ahab, sinelioanna dagitoy babaen iti pagselio ti ari, ket impatulodna dagitoy kadagiti panglakayen ken kadagiti nababaknang a makipagtugtugaw kenkuana kadagiti panaguummong, a kaarruba ni Nabot.
9 Sotheli this was the sentence of the lettre; Preche ye fastyng, and make ye Naboth to sitte among the firste men of the puple;
Inlanadna kadagiti surat a kunana, “Mangipakdaarkayo iti panagayunar ket pagtugawenyo ni Nabot iti sangoanan dagiti tattao.
10 and sende ye priueli twei men, the sones of Belial, ayens hym, and sey thei fals witnessyng, Naboth blesside God and the kyng; and lede ye out hym, and stoon ye him, and die he so.
Mangikabilkayo met ti dua nga ulbod a tao a kaduana ket pagsaksienyo ida maibusor kenkuana, a kunada, 'Inlunodmo ti Dios ken ti ari.”' Kalpasanna iruaryo isuna ket batoenyo isuna agingga a matay.
11 Therfor hise citeseyns, the grettere men in birthe, and the beste men that dwelliden with hym in the citee, diden as Jezabel hadde comaundid, and as it was writun in the lettris, whiche sche hadde sent to hem.
Isu a dagiti tattao iti siudadna, dagiti panglakayen ken nababaknang nga agnanaed iti siudadna, inaramidda ti imbilin ni Jezebel kadakuada, a kas nailanad iti surat nga impatulodna kadakuada.
12 Thei prechiden fastyng, and maden Naboth to sitte among the firste men of the puple;
Nangipakdaarda iti panagayunar ket pinagtugawda ni Nabot iti sangoanan dagiti tattao.
13 and whanne twey men, sones of the deuel, weren brouyt, thei maden hem to sitte ayens hym, and thei, that is, as men of the deuel, seiden witnessyng ayens him bifor al the multitude, Naboth blesside God and the kyng; for which thing thei ledden hym with out the citee, and killiden him with stoonys.
Immay dagiti dua nga ulbod a tattao ket nagtugawda iti sangoanan ni Nabot; nagsaksida maibusor kenni Nabot iti sangoanan dagiti tattao, a kunada, “Inlunod ni Nabot ti Dios ken ti ari.” Kalpasanna, inruarda isuna iti siudad ket binato-batoda isuna agingga a natay.
14 And thei senten to Jezabel, and seiden, Naboth is stoonyd, and is deed.
Kalpasanna, nangipatulod dagiti panglakayen iti sao kenni Jezebel, a kunada, “Binatodan ni Nabot ket natayen.”
15 Forsothe it was doon, whanne Jezabel hadde herd Naboth stonyd and deed, sche spak to Achab, Rise thou, take thou in possessioun the vyner of Naboth of Jezrael, which nolde assente to thee, and yyue it for money takun; for Naboth lyueth not, but is deed.
Ket idi nadamag ni Jezebel a nabato ken natayen ni Nabot, kinunana kenni Ahab, “Tumakderka ket mapanmo alaem ti sanikua ni Nabot a taga-Jezreel, a saanna a kayat nga ilako kenka, gapu ta saanen a sibibibiag ni Nabot ngem ketdi natayen.”
16 And whanne Achab hadde herd this, that is, Naboth deed, he roos, and yede doun in to the vyner of Naboth of Jezrael, to haue it in possessioun.
Idi nangngeg ni Ahab a natayen ni Nabot, nagrubbuat isuna tapno mapan iti kaubasan ni Nabot a taga-Jezreel ket tagikuaenna daytoy.
17 Therfor the word of the Lord was maad to Elie of Thesbi,
Ket immay ti sao ni Yahweh kenni Elias a taga-Tisbi, a kunana,
18 and seide, Rise thou, go doun in to the comyng of Achab, kyng of Israel, which is in Samarie; lo! he goith doun to the vyner of Naboth, that he haue it in possessioun.
“Tumakderka ket mapanmo saraken ni Ahab nga ari ti Israel, nga agnanaed idiay Samaria. Adda isuna iti kaubasan ni Nabot, tapno tagikuaenna daytoy.
19 And thou schalt speke to hym, and `thou schalt seie, The Lord God seith these thingis, Thou hast slayn, ferthermore and thou hast take in possessioun; and aftir these thingis thou schalt adde, In this place, wherynne doggis lickiden the blood of Naboth, thei schulen licke also thi blood.
Nasken a kasaom isuna ket ibagam a kuna ni Yahweh, ‘Pimmatayka kadi ken nangtagikuaka?' Ket ibagam kenkuana a kuna ni Yahweh, 'Iti lugar a nangdilpatan dagiti aso iti dara ni Nabot, dilpatanto met dagiti aso ti daram, wen, ti daram,’ “
20 And Achab seyde to Elie, Whether thou hast founde me thin enemy? Which Elie seide, Y haue founde, for thou art seeld that thou schuldist do yuel in the siyt of the Lord.
Kinuna ni Ahab kenni Elias, “Nasarakannak kadi, kabusorko?” Simmungbat ni Elias, “Nasarakanka, gapu ta inlakom ti bagim iti panagaramid iti dakes iti imatang ni Yahweh.
21 Therfor the Lord seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal brynge yn on thee yuel, and Y schal kitte awey thin hyndrere thingis, and Y schal sle of Achab a pissere to the wal, and prisoned, and the laste in Israel;
Ibagbaga ni Yaweh daytoy kenka: 'Kitaem, mangiyegakto iti didigra kenka ket ikisapkonto amin ken pukawek kenka ti tunggal ubing a lalaki, adipen ken siwawaya a tao iti Israel.
22 and Y schal yyue thin hows as the hows of Jeroboam, sone of Naboth, and as the hows of Baasa, sone of Ahia; for thou didist to excite me to wrathfulnesse, and madist Israel to do synne.
Pagbalinekto ti pamiliam a kas iti pamilia ni Jeroboam nga anak ni Nabat, ken kas iti pamilia ni Baasa nga anak ni Ahijah, gapu ta pinagpungtotnak ken insungsongmo ti Israel nga agbasol.'
23 But also the Lord spak of Jezabel, and seide, Doggis schulen ete Jezabel in the feeld of Jesrael;
Nagsao met ni Yahweh maipapan kenni Jezebel, a kunana, 'Kanento dagiti aso ni Jezebel iti asideg ti pader ti Jezreel.'
24 if Achab schal die in the citee, doggis schulen ete hym; sotheli if he schal die in the feeld, briddis of the eyr schulen ete hym.
Siasinoman a maibilang kenni Ahab a matay iti siudad-kanento dagiti aso dayta a tao. Ket siasinoman a matay iti away-kanento dagiti billit iti tangatang dayta a tao.”
25 Therfor noon other was sich as Achab, that was seeld to do yuel in the siyt of the Lord; for Jezabel his wijf excitide hym;
Awan ti kas kenni Ahab, a nangilako iti bagina iti panagaramid iti dakes iti imatang ni Yahweh, a sinugsugan ni Jezebel nga asawana nga agbasol.
26 and he was maad abhomynable, in so myche that he suede the ydols that Ammorreis maden, which Ammorreis the Lord wastide fro the face of the sones of Israel.
Nagaramid ni Ahab kadagiti makarimon nga aramid para kadagiti didiosen a dinayawna, a kas iti amin nga inaramid dagiti Amorreo, nga innikkat ni Yahweh iti sangoanan dagiti tattao ti Israel.
27 Therfor whanne Achab hadde herd these wordis, he to-rente his cloth, and hilide his fleisch with an hayre, and he fastide, and slepte in a sak, and yede with the heed cast doun.
Idi nangngeg ni Ahab dagitoy a sasao, rinay-abna dagiti kawesna ket nagkawes iti nakersang a lupot ken nagayunar ket nagidda a sikakawes iti nakersang a lupot ket kasta unay ti panaglidayna.
28 The word of the Lord was maad to Elie of Thesbi, and seide,
Ket immay ti sao ni Yawheh kenni Elias a taga-Tisbi, a kunana,
29 Whethir thou hast not seyn Achab maad low bifor me? Therfor for he is maad low for the cause of me, Y schal not brynge yn yuel in hise daies, but in the daies of his sone Y schal bryng yn yuel to his hows.
“Nakitam kadi no kasano a nagpakumbaba ni Ahab iti sangoanak? Gapu ta impakumbabana ti bagina iti sangoanak, saankon nga iyeg ti umay a didigra bayat iti panagbiagna; kadagiti al-aldaw a panagbiag dagiti annakna nga iyegkonto daytoy a didigra iti pamiliana.”

< 1 Kings 21 >