< 1 Chronicles 18 >

1 Forsothe it was doon aftir these thingis, that Dauid smoot Filisteis, and made hem lowe, and took awey Geth and vilagis therof fro the hond of Filisteis;
Kalpasan daytoy, napasamak a rinaut ni David dagiti Filisteo ket pinarmekna ida. Sinakupna ti Gat ken dagiti bariona manipud iti panangituray dagiti Filisteo.
2 and that he smoot Moab; and Moabitis weren maad seruauntis of Dauid, and brouyten yiftis to hym.
Kalpasanna, pinarmekna ti Moab, ket nagbalin a tagabu ni David dagiti Moabita ket nagbayadda kenkuana iti buis.
3 In that tyme Dauid smoot also Adadezer, kyng of Soba, of the cuntrey of Emath, whanne he yede for to alarge his empire til to the flood Eufrates.
Kalpasanna, pinarmek ni David ni Adadezer nga ari ti Soba idiay Hamat, bayat nga agdaldaliasat ni Adadeser tapno rugianna nga iturayan ti asideg ti Karayan Eufrates.
4 Therfor Dauid took a thousynde foure horsid cartis of his, and seuene thousynde of horsmen, and twenti thousynde of foot men; and he hoxide alle the horsis of charis, outakun an hundrid foure horsid cartis, whiche he kepte to hym silf.
Innala ni David manipud kenkuana ti sangaribu a karuahe, pitoribu a kumakabalio ken duapulo a ribu a magmagna a soldado. Pinilay ni David dagiti amin a kabalio a mangguyguyod kadagiti karuahe, ngem nangilasin iti umdas kadakuada para iti sangagasut a karuahe.
5 Forsothe also Sirus of Damask cam aboue, to yyue help to Adadezer, kyng of Soba, but Dauid smoot also of hise two and twenti thousynde of men;
Idi dimteng dagiti Arameo iti Damasco tapno tulonganda ni Adadeser nga ari ti Soba, pinatay ni David ti duapulo ket dua a ribu a lallaki nga Arameo.
6 and he settide kniytis in Damask, that Sirie also schulde serue hym, and brynge yiftis. And the Lord helpide hym in alle thingis to whiche he yede.
Kalpasanna, nangipatakder ni David iti kampo dagiti soldado idiay Aram iti Damasco, ket nagbalin a adipenna dagiti Arameo ket nagbayadda kenkuana iti buis. Pinagballigi ni Yahweh ni David iti sadinoman a papananna.
7 And Dauid took goldun arowe caasis, whiche the seruauntis of Adadezer hadden, and he brouyte tho in to Jerusalem;
Innala ni David dagiti balitok a kalasag a nakasuot kadagiti adipen ni Adadeser ket impanna dagitoy idiay Jerusalem.
8 also and of Thebath and of Chum, the citees of Adadezer, he took ful myche of bras, wherof Salomon made the brasun see, `that is, waischynge vessel, and pileris, and brasun vessels.
Adu unay a bronse ti naala ni David manipud idiay Tibhat ken Cun, dagiti siudad ni Adadeser. Daytoy a bronse ti inaramid ni Solomon a dakkel a palanggana, dagiti adigi, ken dagiti bronse nga alikamen.
9 And whanne Thou, kyng of Emath, hadde herd this thing, `that is, that Dauid hadde smyte al the oost of Adadezer, kyng of Soba,
Idi nanggeg ni Toi nga ari ti Hamat a naparmek ni David dagiti amin nga armada ni Adadeser nga ari ti Soba,
10 he sente Aduram, his sone, to Dauid the kyng, for to axe of hym pees, and for to thanke hym, for he hadde ouercome and hadde smyte Adadezer; for whi king Adadezer was aduersarie of Thou.
imbaon ni Toi ni Hadoram a putotna a lalaki kenni David tapno kablaawan ken bendisionanna isuna, gapu ta kinaranget ken pinarmek ni David ni Adadeser, ken gapu ta ginubat ni Adadeser ni Toi. Nangitugot ni Hadoram kadagiti banbanag a naaramid iti pirak, balitok ken bronse.
11 But also kyng Dauid halewide to the Lord alle the vessels of gold, and of siluer, and of bras; and the siluer, and the gold, which the kyng hadde take of alle folkis, as wel of Idumee and Moab, and of the sones of Amon, as of Filisteis and Amalech.
Indaton ni Ari David dagitoy a banbanag kenni Yahweh, agraman dagiti pirak ken ti balitok nga innalana kadagiti amin a nasion: iti Edom, Moab, kadagiti amin a tattao ti Ammon, dagiti Filisteo, ken Amalek.
12 Forsothe Abisai, the sone of Saruye, smoot Edom in the valei of salt pittis, `ten and eiyte thousynde.
Pinatay ni Abisai nga anak ni Sarvia ti sangapulo ket walo a ribu nga Edomita idiay tanap ti Asin.
13 And he settide strong hold in Edom, that Ydumei schulde serue Dauid. And the Lord sauide Dauid in alle thingis, to whiche he yede.
Nangipatakder isuna iti kampo dagiti soldado idiay Edom, ket nagbalin nga adipen ni David dagiti amin nga Edomita. Pinagballigi ni Yahweh ni David iti sadinoman a papananna.
14 Therfor Dauid regnede on al Israel, and dide doom and riytwisnesse to al his puple.
Inturayan ni David ti entero nga Israel, ket impatungpalna ti hustisia ken kinalinteg kadagiti amin a tattaona.
15 Forsothe Joab, the sone of Saruye, was `on the oost; and Josaphat, the sone of Ayluth, was chaunceler;
Ni Joab nga anak ni Sarvia ti pangulo ti armada ken ni Jehosafat a putot ni Ahilud ti agilislista.
16 forsothe Sadoch, the sone of Achitob, and Achymalech, the sone of Abyathar, weren preestis; and Susa was scribe;
Da Zadok a putot a lalaki ni Ahitub ken ni Abimelec a putot a lalaki ni Abiatar ket papadi, ken ni Sausa ket eskriba.
17 and Banaye, the sone of Joiada, was on the legiouns Cerethi and Phelethi; sotheli the sones of Dauid weren the firste at the hond of the kyng.
Ni Benaias a putot ni Jahoiada ti pangulo dagiti Ceretos ken Feleteos, ken dagiti putot a lallaki ni David ti kangrunaan a mammagbaga iti ari.

< 1 Chronicles 18 >