< Job 22 >

1 Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered and said,
Eliifaaz Teemaanichi akkana jedhee deebise:
2 Can a man be profitable to God, as he that is wise may be profitable to himself?
“Namni Waaqa fayyaduu dandaʼaa? Namni ogeessi iyyuu maal isa fayyada?
3 [Is it] any pleasure to the Almighty, that thou art righteous? or [is it] gain [to him], that thou makest thy ways perfect?
Yoo ati nama qajeelaa taate wanni kun Waaqa Waan Hunda Dandaʼuuf gammachuu maalii kenna? Yoo karaan kee hirʼina qabaachuu baates inni buʼaa maalii argata?
4 Will he reprove thee for fear of thee? will he enter with thee into judgment?
“Wanni Waaqni sitti dheekkamee murtiitti si dhiʼeessuuf waan ati isa sodaattuufii?
5 [Is] not thy wickedness great? and thy iniquities infinite?
Hamminni kee guddaa dha mitii? Cubbuun kees dhuma hin qabu mitii?
6 For thou hast taken a pledge from thy brother for naught, and stripped the naked of their clothing.
Ati sababii malee obboloota kee irraa qabdii fudhatteerta; namoota irraa uffata baaftee qullaa isaan hambifteerta.
7 Thou hast not given water to the weary to drink, and thou hast withheld bread from the hungry.
Warra dadhaban bishaan hin obaafne; kanneen beelaʼanis nyaata dhowwatteerta;
8 But [as for] the mighty man, he had the earth; and the honorable man dwelt in it.
namni humna qabu biyya qabaata; kan ulfina qabus keessa jiraata.
9 Thou hast sent widows away empty, and the arms of the fatherless have been broken.
Ati dubartoota dhirsoonni irraa duʼan harka duwwaa gad dhiifte; irree ijoollee abbaa hin qabnees ni cabsite.
10 Therefore snares [are] around thee, and sudden fear troubleth thee;
Kanaafuu kiyyoon si marseera; sodaan tasaas si qabateera.
11 Or darkness, [that] thou canst not see; and abundance of waters cover thee.
Akka ati hin argineef ifni kee dukkanaaʼeera; lolaan bishaaniis sirra garagala.
12 [Is] not God in the hight of heaven? and behold the hight of the stars, how high they are!
“Waaqni samii keessa ol fagoo jiraata mitii? Inni urjiiwwan ol fagoo jiran illee hammam akka ol fagaatan of jalatti gad ilaala!
13 And thou sayest, How doth God know? can he judge through the dark cloud?
Ati garuu akkana jetta; ‘Waaqni maal beeka? Inni dukkana akkasii keessatti murtii kennaa?
14 Thick clouds [are] a covering to him, that he seeth not; and he walketh in the circuit of heaven.
Yommuu inni bantii samii irra deemu, akka inni nu hin argineef duumessi gobbuun isa haguuga.’
15 Hast thou marked the old way which wicked men have trodden?
Ati daandii durii kan namoonni hamoon irra deeman duukaa buutaa?
16 Who were cut down out of time, whose foundation was overflowed with a flood!
Isaan utuu yeroon isaanii hin gaʼin fudhataman; hundeen isaanis lolaadhaan haxaaʼame.
17 Who said to God, depart from us: and what can the Almighty do for them!
Isaanis Waaqaan, ‘Nu dhiisi! Waaqni Waan Hunda Dandaʼu maal nu gochuu dandaʼa?’ jedhan.
18 Yet he filled their houses with good [things]: but the counsel of the wicked is far from me.
Garuu kan mana isaanii waan gaariin guute isuma; kanaafuu ani gorsa hamootaa irraa nan fagaadha.
19 The righteous see [it], and are glad: and the innocent deride them.
Qajeelonnis badiisa isaanii arganii ni gammadu; warri balleessaa hin qabnes akkana jedhanii isaanitti qoosu;
20 Whereas our substance is not cut down, but the remnant of them the fire consumeth.
‘Dhugumaan amajaajonni keenya balleeffamaniiru; qabeenya isaaniis ibiddi barbadeesseera.’
21 Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: by this good shall come to thee.
“Waaqaan walii gali; isa wajjinis nagaan jiraadhu; haala kanaanis wanni gaariin siif dhufa.
22 Receive, I pray thee, the law from his mouth, and lay up his words in thy heart.
Afaan isaatii qajeelfama fudhadhu; dubbii isaa illee garaatti qabadhu.
23 If thou shalt return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles.
Yoo gara Waaqa Waan Hunda Dandaʼuutti deebite, ati ni haaromfamta; yoo dunkaana kee keessaa hammina balleessitee
24 Then shalt thou lay up gold as dust, and the [gold] of Ophir as the stones of the brooks.
warqee kee biyyoo keessa buufte, yoo warqee Oofiirii immoo dhagaa keessatti gatte,
25 Yea, the Almighty shall be thy defense and thou shalt have plenty of silver.
yoos Waaqni Waan Hunda Dandaʼu warqee, meetii filatamaas siif taʼa.
26 For then shalt thou have thy delight in the Almighty, and shalt lift up thy face to God.
Ati yeroo sanatti Waaqa Waan Hunda Dandaʼutti ni gammadda; fuula kees gara Waaqaatti ol qabatta.
27 Thou shalt make thy prayer to him, and he shall hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows.
Ati isa kadhatta; inni si dhagaʼa; ati immoo wareega kee ni baafatta.
28 Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established to thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.
Wanni ati murteessite ni taʼa; ifnis karaa kee irratti ni ifa.
29 When [men] are cast down, then thou shalt say, [There is] exaltation; and he shall save the humble person.
Yeroo namoonni gad qabamanitti ati immoo, ‘Ol isaan qabi!’ jetta; innis warra gad qabaman ni baraara.
30 He shall deliver the island of the innocent: and it is delivered by the pureness of thy hands.
Inni nama balleessaa qabu illee ni oolcha; ati qulqullummaa harka keetiitiin furamta.”

< Job 22 >