< Esther 7 >

1 So the king and Haman came to banquet with Esther the queen.
Ale Haman kple Fia Ahasuerus va kplɔ̃ si Ester ɖo la ŋu.
2 And the king said again to Esther on the second day at the banquet of wine, What [is] thy petition, queen Esther? and it shall be granted thee: and what [is] thy request? and it shall be performed, [even] to the half of the kingdom.
Fia la gabia Ester esi wonɔ wain nom la be, “Nu kae nèdi be yeabia, Fianyɔnu Ester? Nu ka nèdi? Nu sia nu si wòanye la, matsɔe na wò, ne anye nye fiaɖuƒe la ƒe afãe gɔ̃ hã la, mana wò!”
3 Then Esther the queen answered and said, If I have found favor in thy sight, O king, and if it shall please the king, let my life be given me at my petition, and my people at my request:
Fianyɔnu Ester ɖo eŋu azɔ be, “Nenye be nye nu nyo ŋuwò, O! Fia bubutɔ, ne edze ŋuwò la, ɖe nye agbe. Esiae nye nye kukuɖeɖe, eye nàve nye amewo, Yudatɔwo hã nu. Esiae nye nye biabia,
4 For we are sold, I and my people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish. But if we had been sold for bond-men and bond-women, I had held my tongue, although the enemy could not countervail the king's damage.
elabena wotsɔ nye kple nye amewo dzra be woagbã mi, woawu mí, eye woatsrɔ̃ mi, gake ne woadzra mí míazu kluviwo kple kosiviwo ɖeɖe ko la, anye ne mazi ɖoɖoe, gake nunana si ŋugbe futɔ la do la, made nu gbogbo siwo fia la abu la nu o.”
5 Then the king Ahasuerus answered and said to Esther the queen, Who is he, and where is he, that durst presume in his heart to do so?
Fia Ahasuerus bia Fiasrɔ̃ Ester be, “Ame kae? Afi ka ŋutsu si dɔ eɖokui be yeawɔ nu sia la le?”
6 And Esther said, The adversary and enemy [is] this wicked Haman. Then Haman was afraid before the king and the queen.
Ester ɖo eŋu be, “Míaƒe futɔ kple ketɔ lae nye Haman vɔ̃ɖi sia.” Tete vɔvɔ̃ na Haman ɖi vo, eye eƒe mo da tu le fia la kple fiasrɔ̃ la ƒe ŋkume.
7 And the king arising from the banquet of wine in his wrath [went] into the palace-garden: and Haman stood up to make request for his life to Esther the queen; for he saw that there was evil determined against him by the king.
Fia la tsi tsitre enumake kple dziku le eƒe wain gbɔ, eye wòyi fiasã la ƒe abɔ me. Esi Haman kpɔ be fia la ɖo nugbe ɖe ye ŋu xoxo la, etsi kplɔ̃a ŋu be yeaɖe kuku na Fiasrɔ̃ Ester ɖe yeƒe agbe ta.
8 Then the king returned out of the palace-garden into the place of the banquet of wine; and Haman had fallen upon the bed on which Esther [was]. Then said the king, Will he force the queen also before me in the house? As the word went out of the king's mouth, they covered Haman's face.
Esi fia la trɔ gbɔ tso fiasã la ƒe abɔ me hege ɖe kplɔ̃ɖoƒe la ko la, ekpɔ Haman wòmu dze Fiasrɔ̃ Ester dzi le zikpui legbe si dzi wòdze ŋe ɖo la dzi. Fia la blu be, “Aa! Ɖe wòle asi de ge fiasrɔ̃ la ŋu esi wòli kplim le nye aƒe mea?” Fia la mekpɔ wu nuƒo la nu hafi wova tsɔ nu tsyɔ mo na Haman o.
9 And Harbonah, one of the chamberlains, said before the king, Behold also, the gallows fifty cubits high, which Haman had made for Mordecai, who had spoken good for the king, standeth in the house of Haman. Then the king said, Hang him upon it.
Harbona, fia la ƒe subɔlawo dometɔ ɖeka gblɔ be, “Fia bubutɔ, Haman na wotu kadeveti aɖe si kɔ mita blaeve-vɔ-etɔ̃ la ɖe Mordekai, ame si ɖe fia la ƒe agbe la ŋu, ele Haman ƒe aƒe ƒe xɔxɔnu.” Fia la ɖe gbe be, “Mide ka ve na Haman ɖe kadeveti la ŋu!”
10 So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then was the king's wrath pacified.
Ale wode ka ve nɛ ɖe kadeveti si wòtu na Mordekai la ŋu, eye fia la ƒe dziku nu fa.

< Esther 7 >