< 2 Chronicles 26 >

1 Then all the people of Judah took Uzziah, who [was] sixteen years old, and made him king in the room of his father Amaziah.
Awo Uzziya bwe yali ng’aweza emyaka kkumi na mukaaga egy’obukulu, abantu bonna aba Yuda, ne bamufuula kabaka n’asikira kitaawe Amaziya.
2 He built Eloth, and restored it to Judah, after the king slept with his fathers.
N’addaabiriza Erosi, n’akiddiza Yuda nga Amaziya amaze okuziikibwa.
3 Sixteen years old [was] Uzziah when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty and two years in Jerusalem. His mother's name also [was] Jecoliah of Jerusalem.
Uzziya yali awezezza emyaka kkumi na mukaaga we yaliira obwakabaka, n’afugira emyaka amakumi ataano mu ebiri mu Yerusaalemi. Nnyina ye yali Yekkiriya ow’e Yerusaalemi.
4 And he did [that which was] right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his father Amaziah did.
N’akola ebirungi mu maaso ga Mukama, nga kitaawe Amaziya bwe yasooka okukola.
5 And he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God: and, as long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper.
N’amalirira okunoonya Katonda mu biro bya Zekkaliya eyamubuuliriranga okutya Katonda. Era ebbanga lyonna lye yanoonya Mukama, Katonda n’amuwa omukisa.
6 And he went forth and warred against the Philistines, and broke down the wall of Gath, and the wall of Jabneh, and the wall of Ashdod, and built cities about Ashdod, and among the Philistines.
N’agenda n’alwana n’Abafirisuuti, n’amenyaamenya bbugwe wa Gaasi, ne bbugwe wa Yabune ne bbugwe wa Asudodi, n’oluvannyuma n’azimba ebibuga okumpi ne Asudodi ne mu bitundu ebirala wakati mu Bafirisuuti.
7 And God helped him against the Philistines, and against the Arabians that dwelt in Gur-baal, and the Mehunims.
Katonda n’amuyambanga ng’alwana n’Abafirisuuti, n’Abawalabu abaabeeranga mu Gulubaali, era n’Abamewunimu.
8 And the Ammonites gave gifts to Uzziah: and his name spread abroad [even] to the entrance of Egypt: for he strengthened [himself] exceedingly.
Abamoni ne bawanga Uzziya busuulu, era n’erinnya lye ne lyatiikirira n’okutuusa ku nsalo ya Misiri, kubanga yali afuuse wa maanyi nnyo.
9 Moreover, Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the corner gate, and at the valley gate, and at the turning [of the wall], and fortified them.
Uzziya n’azimba eminaala mu Yerusaalemi ku wankaaki ow’oku Nsonda, ne ku wankaaki ow’omu Kiwonvu, ne mu kifo bbugwe w’akyukira, era n’agissaako bbugwe.
10 Also he built towers in the desert, and digged many wells: for he had many cattle, both in the low country, and in the plains: husbandmen [also], and vine-dressers in the mountains, and in Carmel: for he loved husbandry.
Era n’azimba n’eminaala mu ddungu, ate era n’asima n’ebidiba bingi mu biwonvu ne mu lusenyi, olw’amaggana amanene ge yalina. Yalina n’abantu abaakolanga mu nnimiro ze ez’emizabbibu mu nsozi n’abaalimanga ettaka eggimu, kubanga yayagalanga nnyo okulima.
11 Moreover, Uzziah had an army of fighting men, that went out to war, by bands, according to the number of their account by the hand of Jeiel the scribe and Maaseiah the ruler, under the hand of Hananiah, [one] of the king's captains.
Uzziya yalina eggye ery’abasajja abalwanyi abaatendekebwa obulungi, abaatabaalanga mu bibinja ng’emiwendo gyabwe bwe gyali, Yeyeri omuwandiisi gye yabala ne Maaseya omukungu, eyali wansi wa Kananiya, omu ku baduumizi b’eggye lya kabaka.
12 The whole number of the chief of the fathers of the mighty men of valor [were] two thousand and six hundred.
Omuwendo gwonna awamu ogw’abakulu b’ennyumba ez’abasajja abalwanyi gwali enkumi bbiri mu lukaaga.
13 And under their hand [was] an army, three hundred thousand and seven thousand and five hundred, that made war with mighty power, to help the king against the enemy.
Abo be baaduumiranga eggye ery’abasajja abatendeke mu kulwana, abaawera emitwalo amakumi asatu mu kasanvu mu ebikumi bitaano, abaakuumanga kabaka.
14 And Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the army, shields, and spears, and helmets, and habergeons, and bows, and slings [to cast] stones.
Uzziya n’awa eggye lyonna, engabo, n’amafumu, n’enkuufiira ez’ebyuma, n’ebizibaawo eby’ebyuma, n’emitego emigumu, n’envuumuulo.
15 And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by skillful men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones. And his name spread far abroad; for he was helped in a wonderful manner, till he was strong.
N’akozesa ebyuma mu Yerusaalemi ebyayiyizibwa abasajja abamanyirivu, ebyakozesebwanga ku minaala ne ku nkomera okulasa obusaale n’okuvuumuula amayinja amanene. Yayambibwa nnyo, n’atutumuka era erinnya lye ne lyatiikirira nnyo.
16 But when he was strong, his heart was lifted up to [his] destruction: for he transgressed against the LORD his God, and went into the temple of the LORD to burn incense upon the altar of incense.
Kyokka Uzziya bwe yatutumuka, ne yeegulumiza, n’okugwa n’agwa kubanga teyali mwesigwa eri Mukama Katonda we, n’okuyingira n’ayingira mu yeekaalu ya Mukama okwotereza obubaane ku kyoto eky’obubaane.
17 And Azariah the priest went in after him, and with him eighty priests of the LORD, [that were] valiant men:
Azaliya kabona ne bakabona ba Mukama abalala abazira kinaana ne bagenda gy’ali,
18 And they withstood Uzziah the king, and said to him, [It appertaineth] not to thee, Uzziah, to burn incense to the LORD, but to the priests the sons of Aaron, that are consecrated to burn incense: go out of the sanctuary; for thou hast trespassed; neither [will it be] for thy honor from the LORD God.
ne bamuziyiza, nga bamugamba nti, “Si mulimu gwo, Uzziya, okwotereza Mukama obubaane, naye mulimu gwa bakabona bazzukulu ba Alooni abaayawulibwa okwotezanga obubaane. Ffuluma ove mu watukuvu, kubanga osobezza, era tojja kusiimibwa Mukama Katonda.”
19 Then Uzziah was wroth, and [had] a censer in his hand to burn incense: and while he was wroth with the priests, the leprosy even rose up in his forehead before the priests in the house of the LORD, from beside the incense altar.
Awo Uzziya n’asunguwala ng’akyakutte ekyoterezo mu mukono gwe. Mu kiseera ekyo ng’asunguwalidde bakabona ng’ayimiridde ku mabbali g’ekyoto eky’obubaane mu yeekaalu ya Mukama, ebigenge ne bimukwata ekyenyi kyonna.
20 And Azariah the chief priest, and all the priests looked upon him, and behold, he [was] leprous in his forehead, and they thrust him out from thence; yea, himself hasted also to go out, because the LORD had smitten him.
Awo Azaliya kabona asinga obukulu ne bakabona abalala bwe bamutunuulira, ne balaba ng’akwatiddwa ebigenge mu kyenyi kye ne banguwa okumufulumya ebweru. Ate era naye yennyini n’ayagala okufuluma kubanga Mukama yali amukubye omuggo.
21 And Uzziah the king was a leper to the day of his death, and dwelt in a separate house, [being] a leper; for he was cut off from the house of the LORD: and Jotham his son [was] over the king's house, judging the people of the land.
Kabaka Uzziya n’aba mugenge okutuusa lwe yafa, ng’abeera mu nnyumba eyayawulibwa ku ndala zonna olw’obugenge bwe, nga n’obuvunaanyizibwa bwonna bumuggyibbwako, ate era nga takkirizibwa kuyingira mu yeekaalu ya Mukama. Yosamu mutabani we n’atwala obuvunaanyizibwa obw’olubiri n’afuga abantu ab’eggwanga.
22 Now the rest of the acts of Uzziah, first and last, were written by Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amos.
Ebyafaayo ebirala eby’omu mirembe gya Uzziya, okuva ku ntandikwa okutuusa ku nkomerero, byawandiikibwa Isaaya nnabbi, mutabani wa Amozi.
23 So Uzziah slept with his fathers, and they buried him with his fathers in the field of the burial which [belonged] to the kings; for they said, He [is] a leper: and Jotham his son reigned in his stead.
Uzziya n’afa, n’aziikibwa okumpi ne bajjajjaabe mu kiggya kya bakabaka, kubanga, yali mugenge. Yosamu mutabani we n’amusikira, bw’atyo n’afuga mu kifo kye.

< 2 Chronicles 26 >