< Genesis 49 >

1 And Jacob called to his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.
Andin Yaqup oghullirini chaqirip ulargha mundaq dédi: — [Hemminglar] jem bolunglar, men silerge kéyinki künlerde siler yoluqidighan ishlarni éytip bérey: —
2 Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of Jacob; and hearken to Israel your father.
Yighilip kélip anglanglar, i Yaqupning oghulliri; Atanglar Israilgha qulaq sélinglar.
3 Reuben, thou art my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my strength, the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power:
Ey Ruben, sen méning tunji oghlumsen, Küch-qudritimsen, Küchüm bar waqtimning tunji méwisidursen, Salapet we qudrette aldi iding,
4 Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy father’s bed; then thou didst defile it: he went up to my couch.
Lékin qaynap téship chüshken sudek, Emdi aldi bolalmassen; Chünki sen atangning körpisige chiqting, Shuning bilen sen uni bulghiding! U méning körpemning üstige chiqti!
5 Simeon and Levi are brethren; instruments of cruelty are in their habitations.
Shiméon bilen Lawiy qérindashlardur; Ularning qilichliri zorawanliqning qoralliridur!
6 O my soul, come not thou into their secret; to their assembly, my honour, be not thou united: for in their anger they slew a man, and in their selfwill they digged down a wall.
Ah jénim, ularning meslihitige kirmigin! I izzitim, ularning jamaiti bilen chétilip qalmighay! Chünki ular achchiqida ademlerni öltürüp, Öz béshimchiliq qilip buqilarning péyini kesti.
7 Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel: I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel.
Ularning achchiqi esheddiy bolghachqa lenetke qalsun! Ghezipimu rehimsiz bolghachqa lenetke qalsun! Men ularni Yaqupning ichide tarqitiwétimen, Israilning ichide ularni chéchiwétimen.
8 Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be on the neck of thy enemies; thy father’s children shall bow down before thee.
Ey Yehuda! Séni bolsa qérindashliring teripler, Qolung düshmenliringning gejgisini basar. Atangning oghulliri sanga bash urar,
9 Judah is a lion’s whelp: from the prey, my son, thou hast gone up: he stooped down, he crouched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?
Yehuda yash bir shirdur; Ey oghlum, sen owni tutupla chiqting; U shirdek [owning yénida] chöküp sozulup yatsa, Yaki chishi shirdek yétiwalsa, Kimmu uni qozghashqa pétinar?
10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh shall come; and to him shall be the obedience of the people.
Shahane hasa Yehudadin kétip qalmaydu, Yehudaning pushtidin qanun chiqarghuchi öksümeydu, Taki shu hoquq Igisi kelgüche kütidu; Kelgende, jahan xelqliri uninggha itaet qilidu.
11 Binding his foal to the vine, and his donkey’s colt to the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes:
U texiyini üzüm téligha, Éshek balisini sortluq üzüm téligha baghlap qoyar. U libasini sharabta yuyup, Tonini üzüm sherbitide yuyar.
12 His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk.
Uning közliri sharabtin qizirip kéter, Chishliri süt ichkinidin ap’aq turar.
13 Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of the sea; and he shall be for an haven of ships; and his border shall be to Zidon.
Zebulun déngiz boyini makan qilar, Makani kémilerning panahgahi bolar, Yer-zémini Zidon’ghiche yétip barar.
14 Issachar is a strong donkey crouching down between two burdens:
Issakar bestlik berdem bir éshektur, U ikki qotan arisida yatqandur;
15 And he saw that rest was good, and the land that it was pleasant; and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a slave at forced labour.
U aramgahning yaxshi ikenlikige qarap, Zéminning ésilliqini körüp, Yük kötürüshke mürisini égip, Alwan’gha ishleydighan qul bolup qalar.
16 Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.
Dan Israil qebililiridin biri bolar, Öz xelqige höküm chiqirar.
17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.
Dan yol üstidiki yilan, Chighir yol üstide turghan zeherlik bir yilandur. U atning tuyiqini chéqip, At min’güchini arqigha mollaq atquzar.
18 I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD.
I Perwerdigar, nijatinggha telmürüp kütüp keldim!
19 Gad, a troop shall overcome him: but he shall overcome at the last.
Gadqa bolsa, qaraqchilar qoshuni hujum qilar; Lékin u tapinini bésip zerbe bérer.
20 Out of Asher his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties.
Ashirning tamiqida zeytun méyi mol bolar, U shahlar üchün nazu-németlerni teminler.
21 Naphtali is a hind let loose: he giveth goodly words.
Naftalidin chirayliq gepler chiqar, U erkin qoyuwétilgen maraldur.
22 Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run over the wall:
Yüsüp méwilik derexning shéxidur, Bulaqning yénidiki köp méwilik shaxtektur; Uning shaxchiliri tamdin halqip ketkendur.
23 The archers have bitterly attacked him, and shot at him, and hated him:
Ya atquchilar uninggha azar qilip, Uninggha oq atti, uninggha nepretlendi.
24 But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from there is the shepherd, the stone of Israel: )
Halbuki, uning oqyayi mezmut turar, Qol-bilekliri eplik turghuzular, Shu [küch] Yaquptiki qudret Igisining qolliridindur — (Israilning Qoram Téshi, yeni uning Padichisi Uningdin chiqar!)
25 Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth beneath, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb:
[Ashu küch] atangning Tengrisidindur — (U sanga medet bérer!) [Yeni] Hemmige Qadirdindur — U séni beriketler! Yuqirida asmanning beriketliri bilen, Töwende yatqan chongqur sularning beriketliri bilen, Emchek bilen baliyatquning berikiti bilen séni beriketler!
26 The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my ancestors to the utmost bound of the everlasting hills: they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren.
Séning atangning tiligen beriketliri ata-bowilirimning tiligen beriketliridin ziyade boldi, Ular menggülük tagh-édirlarning chetlirigiche yéter, Ular Yüsüpning béshigha chüsher, Yeni öz qérindashliridin ayrim turghuchining choqqisigha téger.
27 Benjamin shall raven as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.
Binyamin yirtquch böridektur; Etigende u owni yer. Kechqurun u oljisini teqsim qilar» — dédi.
28 All these are the twelve tribes of Israel: and this is it which their father spoke to them, and blessed them; every one according to his blessing he blessed them.
Bularning hemmisi Israilning on ikki qebilisi bolup, mezkur sözler bolsa atisining ulargha tiligen bext-beriket sözliridur. U shuning bilen ularning herbirige mas kélidighan bir beriket bilen ulargha bext-beriket tilidi.
29 And he charged them, and said to them, I am to be gathered to my people: bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite,
Andin Yaqup ulargha mundaq tapilidi: — «Men emdi öz qowmimning qéshigha qoshulimen. Siler méni ata-bowilirimning yénida, hittiylardin bolghan Efronning étizliqidiki ghargha depne qilinglar;
30 In the cave that is in the field of Machpelah, which is before Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with the field of Ephron the Hittite for a possession of a buryingplace.
u ghar bolsa Qanaan zéminida Mamrening udulida, Makpélahning étizliqida. Gharni Ibrahim göristan bolsun dep shu étizliq bilen qoshup hittiy Efrondin sétiwalghanidi.
31 There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife; there they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife; and there I buried Leah.
Shu yerde Ibrahim ayali Sarah bilen depne qilin’ghan; shu yerde Ishaq ayali Riwkah bilenmu depne qilin’ghan; shu yerde menmu Léyahni depne qildim.
32 The purchase of the field and of the cave that is in it was from the children of Heth.
Bu étizliq hem ichidiki ghar Hetning ewladliridin sétiwélin’ghanidi».
33 And when Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons, he drew his feet into the bed, and yielded up the ghost, and was gathered to his people.
Yaqup oghullirigha bu wesiyetni tapilap bolup, putlirini kariwatta tüzlep, nepes toxtap öz qowmigha qoshuldi.

< Genesis 49 >