< Revelation 16 >
1 [In the vision] I heard [someone] in the temple speak in a loud voice to the angels [who had the seven bowls]. He said, “Go [from here] and pour out on the earth [the wine/liquid in] [MTY] the seven bowls. [This will show that] God is angry with [rebellious people and will punish them].”
tataḥ paraṁ mandirāt tān saptadūtān sambhāṣamāṇa ēṣa mahāravō mayāśrāvi, yūyaṁ gatvā tēbhyaḥ saptakaṁsēbhya īśvarasya krōdhaṁ pr̥thivyāṁ srāvayata|
2 So the first angel went and poured out on the earth [the wine/liquid that was in] [MTY] his bowl. [As a result], horrible and painful sores broke out on God’s enemies who had allowed the beast’s [agents] to mark them and who worshipped the image of the beast.
tataḥ prathamō dūtō gatvā svakaṁsē yadyad avidyata tat pr̥thivyām asrāvayat tasmāt paśōḥ kalaṅkadhāriṇāṁ tatpratimāpūjakānāṁ mānavānāṁ śarīrēṣu vyathājanakā duṣṭavraṇā abhavan|
3 The second angel poured out on the ocean [the wine/liquid that was in] [MTY] his bowl. [As a result], the [water in the ocean stank like the blood] of a person who has died. [And] [MTY] every living creature that was in the ocean died.
tataḥ paraṁ dvitīyō dūtaḥ svakaṁsē yadyad avidyata tat samudrē 'srāvayat tēna sa kuṇapasthaśōṇitarūpyabhavat samudrē sthitāśca sarvvē prāṇinō mr̥tyuṁ gatāḥ|
4 The third angel poured out on the rivers and water springs [the wine/liquid] [MTY] [that was in] his bowl. [As a result, the water in the rivers and springs] turned into blood.
aparaṁ tr̥tīyō dūtaḥ svakaṁsē yadyad avidyata tat sarvvaṁ nadīṣu jalaprasravaṇēṣu cāsrāvayat tatastāni raktamayānyabhavan| aparaṁ tōyānām adhipasya dūtasya vāgiyaṁ mayā śrutā|
5 I heard the angel [who has authority over] the waters say [to God], “[O God], you exist and have always existed. You are the holy one. You judge people justly.
varttamānaśca bhūtaśca bhaviṣyaṁśca paramēśvaraḥ| tvamēva nyāyyakārī yad ētādr̥k tvaṁ vyacārayaḥ|
6 [The rebellious people] murdered your holy people and prophets. So you are just in punishing them by giving them blood to drink. This is what they deserve!”
bhaviṣyadvādisādhūnāṁ raktaṁ tairēva pātitaṁ| śōṇitaṁ tvantu tēbhyō 'dāstatpānaṁ tēṣu yujyatē||
7 Then I heard [an angel] respond [from] the altar [PRS], “Yes, Lord God, you who are almighty, you punish [people] rightly and justly!”
anantaraṁ vēdītō bhāṣamāṇasya kasyacid ayaṁ ravō mayā śrutaḥ, hē paraśvara satyaṁ tat hē sarvvaśaktiman prabhō| satyā nyāyyāśca sarvvā hi vicārājñāstvadīyakāḥ||
8 Then the fourth angel poured out on the sun [the wine/liquid that was in] [MTY] his bowl. [He] enabled the sun to scorch [people] with fiery [heat].
anantaraṁ caturthō dūtaḥ svakaṁsē yadyad avidyata tat sarvvaṁ sūryyē 'srāvayat tasmai ca vahninā mānavān dagdhuṁ sāmarthyam adāyi|
9 Because people were severely burned by the intense heat {the intense heat severely burned people}, they said evil things about God [MTY], [because] he had the power [to strike people with] plagues like those. But they refused to stop their evil behavior and refused to honor him.
tēna manuṣyā mahātāpēna tāpitāstēṣāṁ daṇḍānām ādhipatyaviśiṣṭasyēśvarasya nāmānindan tatpraśaṁsārthañca manaḥparivarttanaṁ nākurvvan|
10 When the fifth angel poured out on the throne of the beast [the wine/liquid that was in] [MTY] his bowl, it became dark in the kingdom that the beast [ruled. As a result, the beast and the people whom it ruled] were biting their tongues because [they were suffering intense] pain.
tataḥ paraṁ pañcamō dūtaḥ svakaṁsē yadyad avidyata tat sarvvaṁ paśōḥ siṁhāsanē 'srāvayat tēna tasya rāṣṭraṁ timirācchannam abhavat lōkāśca vēdanākāraṇāt svarasanā adaṁdaśyata|
11 They insulted God [who rules in] heaven, because their sores were so painful. But they refused to stop doing the [evil] things that they were doing.
svakīyavyathāvraṇakāraṇācca svargastham anindan svakriyābhyaśca manāṁsi na parāvarttayan|
12 The sixth angel poured out on the huge river Euphrates [the wine/liquid that was in] [MTY] his bowl. [As a result, the] water [in the river] was dried up so that the rulers from the eastern [MTY] [countries could cross it with their armies] [SYN].
tataḥ paraṁ ṣaṣṭhō dūtaḥ svakaṁsē yadyad avidyata tat sarvvaṁ pharātākhyō mahānadē 'srāvayat tēna sūryyōdayadiśa āgamiṣyatāṁ rājñāṁ mārgasugamārthaṁ tasya tōyāni paryyaśuṣyan|
13 I saw evil spirits that looked like frogs. One came out of the mouth of the dragon, one from the mouth of the beast, and one from the mouth of the false prophet.
anantaraṁ nāgasya vadanāt paśō rvadanāt mithyābhaviṣyadvādinaśca vadanāt nirgacchantastrayō 'śucaya ātmānō mayā dr̥ṣṭāstē maṇḍūkākārāḥ|
14 Those spirits were demons who were [able to] perform miracles. They went out to the rulers of the whole world, in order to gather their [armies] [SYN] together to the battle that [they will fight] on the wonderful day when Almighty God [punishes his enemies] [MTY].
ta āścaryyakarmmakāriṇō bhūtānām ātmānaḥ santi sarvvaśaktimata īśvarasya mahādinē yēna yuddhēna bhavitavyaṁ tatkr̥tē kr̥tsrajagatō rājñāḥ saṁgrahītuṁ tēṣāṁ sannidhiṁ nirgacchanti|
15 The evil spirits will gather the rulers at a place that is called in the Hebrew [language] Armageddon. [I heard the Lord Jesus say], “[You must] listen carefully to [me]: I am coming unexpectedly [SIM], like a thief. [So], I will be happy with those who stay alert and [keep on living righteously so that they will not be ashamed], just like [MET] a person keeps his clothes [on] so that he will not be ashamed [like a person who is] naked.”
aparam ibribhāṣayā harmmagiddōnāmakasthanē tē saṅgr̥hītāḥ|
paśyāhaṁ cairavad āgacchāmi yō janaḥ prabuddhastiṣṭhati yathā ca nagnaḥ san na paryyaṭati tasya lajjā ca yathā dr̥śyā na bhavati tathā svavāsāṁsi rakṣati sa dhanyaḥ|
17 The seventh angel poured out into the air [the wine/liquid that was in] [MTY] his bowl. [As a result, someone] said with a loud voice from the throne in the temple, “[The time for God to finish punishing rebellious people] is [about to be] start.”
tataḥ paraṁ saptamō dūtaḥ svakaṁsē yadyad avidyata tat sarvvam ākāśē 'srāvayat tēna svargīyamandiramadhyasthasiṁhāsanāt mahāravō 'yaṁ nirgataḥ samāptirabhavaditi|
18 [When the angel emptied his bowl], lightning flashed, there were rumblings and thunder, and the earth shook. It shook more violently than it has ever shaken since people first [lived] on earth.
tadanantaraṁ taḍitō ravāḥ stanitāni cābhavan, yasmin kālē ca pr̥thivyāṁ manuṣyāḥ sr̥ṣṭāstam ārabhya yādr̥ṅmahābhūmikampaḥ kadāpi nābhavat tādr̥g bhūkampō 'bhavat|
19 And [as a result], the very evil city [that is symbolized by Babylon] split into three parts. [God also] destroyed cities in [other] nations. God did not forget that [the people of] [MTY] the very evil [city symbolized by] Babylon [had sinned very much]. So he [caused the people with whom] he was furiously angry [MET] [to drink] a cup of very [poisonous wine/liquid that represented his punishment].
tadānīṁ mahānagarī trikhaṇḍā jātā bhinnajātīyānāṁ nagarāṇi ca nyapatan mahābābil cēśvarēṇa svakīyapracaṇḍakōpamadirāpātradānārthaṁ saṁsmr̥tā|
20 Also [as a result of the earthquake], every island disappeared, and the mountains became flat land.
dvīpāśca palāyitā girayaścāntahitāḥ|
21 Also [as a result of the angel’s emptying his bowl], huge hailstones, each weighing about 100 pounds, fell from the sky onto the people. Then people insulted God because [he had caused] the destructive hail to fall on them in that terrible plague.
gaganamaṇḍalācca manuṣyāṇām uparyyēkaikadrōṇaparimitaśilānāṁ mahāvr̥ṣṭirabhavat tacchilāvr̥ṣṭēḥ klēśāt manuṣyā īśvaram anindam yatastajjātaḥ klēśō 'tīva mahān|