< Psalms 70 >

1 God, please save me! Yahweh, come quickly to help me!
Bože, pohitaj da me izbaviš, Gospode, da mi pomožeš!
2 Humble those who are happy about my troubles/difficulties, and cause them to be disgraced/ashamed. Chase away those who are trying to kill me.
Nek se postide i posrame koji traže dušu moju! Nek ustupe natrag, i osramote se koji mi zlo žele!
3 I hope/desire that you will cause them to become dismayed and ashamed [because you have defeated them].
Sa stidom nek se vrate natrag koji mi govore: ha! ha!
4 [But] I hope/desire that all those who go to [worship] you will be very joyful [DOU]. I want those who love you because you saved them to shout repeatedly [HYP], “God is great!”
Nek se tješe i vesele tobom koji traže tebe, i koji ljube spasenje tvoje, neka jednako govore: velik je Bog!
5 As for me, I am poor and needy [DOU]; [so] God, come quickly to help me! Yahweh, you are the one who saves and helps me, [so please] come quickly!
A ja sam ništ i ubog, Bože, pohitaj k meni! ti si pomoæ moja i izbavitelj moj, Gospode, ne èasi!

< Psalms 70 >