< Psalms 143 >

1 Yahweh, hear me while I pray to you! Because you are righteous and because you faithfully do what you have promised, listen to what I am pleading that you [do for me].
Zabbuli Ya Dawudi. Wulira okusaba kwange, Ayi Mukama, wulira okwegayirira kwange! Ggwe omwesigwa era omutuukirivu jjangu ombeere.
2 I am one who serves you; do not judge me, because you know that everyone has done things that are wrong).
Tonsalira musango, kubanga mu maaso go tewali n’omu atuukiridde.
3 [My] enemies have pursued me; they have completely defeated me. [It is as though] they have put me in a dark [prison], where I [have nothing good to] ([hope for/expect]), like those who died long ago [SIM].
Omulabe wange angoba n’ankwata n’ansuula wansi; anteeka mu kizikiza ne nfaanana ng’abaafa edda.
4 So I am very discouraged; I am very dismayed/worried.
Noolwekyo omwoyo gwange guweddemu endasi, n’omutima gwange gwennyise.
5 I remember what has happened previously: I (meditate on/think about) all the things that you have done; I consider [all] the [great] deeds that you [SYN] have performed.
Nzijukira ennaku ez’edda, ne nfumiitiriza ku ebyo bye wakola byonna, ne ndowooza ku mirimu gy’emikono gyo.
6 I lift up my hands/arms to you while I pray; I [SYN] need you, like very dry ground [needs rain] [SIM].
Ngolola emikono gyange gy’oli, ne nkuyaayaanira ng’ettaka ekkalu bwe liyaayaanira enkuba.
7 Yahweh, I am very discouraged, [so] please answer me right now! Do not hide from me, because if you do that, I will [soon] be [SIM] among those who descend to where the dead people are.
Yanguwa okunziramu, Ayi Mukama, kubanga omwoyo gwange guggwaamu amaanyi. Tonkisa maaso go, nneme okufaanana ng’abafu.
8 [Every] morning cause me to remember that you faithfully love [me], because I trust in you. I (pray/send my prayers up [IDM]) to you; show me what I should do.
Obudde nga bukedde, nsaba ondage okwagala kwo okutaggwaawo; kubanga ggwe gwe neesiga. Njigiriza ekkubo lye nsaana okutambuliramu, kubanga omwoyo gwange gwonna guli gy’oli.
9 Yahweh, I have gone/run to you to be protected, [so] rescue me from my enemies.
Mponya, Ayi Mukama, abalabe bange, kubanga ggwe kiddukiro kyange.
10 You are my God; teach me to do what you want me to do. I want your good Spirit to lead me on a path that is not difficult to walk on.
Njigiriza okukola by’oyagala, kubanga ggwe Katonda wange! Omwoyo wo omulungi ankulembere, antambulize mu kkubo eddungi ery’omuseetwe.
11 Yahweh, restore me when I am close to dying, as you promised to do. Because you are righteous/good, rescue me from my troubles/difficulties!
Olw’erinnya lyo, Ayi Mukama, onkuume, mu butuukirivu bwo onzigye mu kabi.
12 I am one who serves you; so because you faithfully love [me], kill my enemies and get rid of all those who (oppress/cause trouble for) me.
Omalewo abalabe bange olw’okwagala kwo, ozikirize n’abanjigganya bonna, kubanga nze ndi muddu wo.

< Psalms 143 >