< Psalms 111 >

1 Praise Yahweh! I will thank Yahweh with my entire inner being, every time I am with a large group of godly/righteous people.
Хвалим Те, Господе, од свега срца на већу праведничком и на сабору.
2 The things that Yahweh has done are wonderful! All those who are delighted/pleased with those things desire to (study/think about) them.
Велика су дела Господња, драга свима који их љубе.
3 [Because of everything] that he does, people greatly honor him and respect him because he is a great king; the righteous/just things that he does will endure forever.
Дело је Његово слава и красота, и правда Његова траје довека.
4 He has [appointed/established festivals in which] we remember the wonderful things that he has done; Yahweh [always] is kind and merciful.
Чудеса је своја учинио да се не забораве; добар је и милостив Господ.
5 He provides food for those who revere him; he never forgets the agreement that he made [with our ancestors].
Храну даје онима који Га се боје, памти увек завет свој.
6 By enabling his people to capture the lands that belonged to other people-groups, he has shown to [us], his people, that he is very powerful.
Силу дела својих јавио је народу свом давши им наследство народа.
7 He [MTY] faithfully [does what he has promised] and always does what is just/fair, and we can depend on him [to help us] when he commands us to do things.
Дела су руку Његових истина и правда; верне су све заповести Његове;
8 What he commands must be obeyed forever; and he acted in a true and righteous manner when he gave us those commands.
Тврде су за ва век века, основане на истини и правди.
9 He rescued [us], his people, [from being slaves in Egypt], and he made an agreement [with us] that will last forever. He [MTY] is holy and awesome!
Избављење посла народу свом; постави зававек завет свој. Име је Његово свето, и ваља Му се клањати.
10 Revering Yahweh is the way to become wise. All those who obey [his commands] will know what is good [for them to decide to do]. We should praise him forever!
Почетак је мудрости страх Господњи; добра су разума сви који их творе. Хвала Његова траје довека.

< Psalms 111 >