< Psalms 11 >

1 I trust that Yahweh will protect [MTY] me. So do not [RHQ] say to me, “You need to escape/flee to the mountains like birds do,
In finem, Psalmus David. In Domino confido: quomodo dicitis animæ meæ: Transmigra in montem sicut passer?
2 because wicked people have hidden in the darkness, they have pulled back their bowstrings and aimed their arrows to shoot them at godly/righteous [IDM] people [like you].
Quoniam ecce peccatores intenderunt arcum, paraverunt sagittas suas in pharetra, ut sagittent in obscuro rectos corde.
3 When people are not punished for disobeying the laws, (what can righteous people do?/there is not much that righteous people can do.)” [RHQ]
Quoniam quæ perfecisti, destruxerunt: iustus autem quid fecit?
4 But Yahweh is sitting on his throne in his sacred temple in heaven, and he [SYN] watches everything that people do.
Dominus in templo sancto suo, Dominus in cælo sedes eius: Oculi eius in pauperem respiciunt: palpebræ eius interrogant filios hominum.
5 Yahweh examines what righteous people do and what wicked people do, and he hates those who like to perform violent actions [to injure others].
Dominus interrogat iustum et impium: qui autem diligit iniquitatem, odit animam suam.
6 He will send down [from the sky] flaming coals and burning sulfur, and send scorching hot winds to punish wicked people.
Pluet super peccatores laqueos: ignis, et sulphur, et spiritus procellarum pars calicis eorum.
7 Yahweh is righteous and he loves those who act righteously; righteous people are able to come into his presence.
Quoniam iustus Dominus et iustitias dilexit: æquitatem vidit vultus eius.

< Psalms 11 >