< Psalms 101 >

1 Yahweh, I will sing to you! I will sing about [your] faithfully loving [us] (OR, my being loyal to you and acting justly/fairly [toward people]).
(Af David. En Salme.) Om Nåde og Ret vil jeg synge, dig vil jeg lovsynge, Herre.
2 [I promise that] while I rule people [MTY], I will behave in such a way that no one will be able to criticize me. Yahweh, (when will you come to [help] me?/I need you to come to [help] me.) [RHQ] I will do things that are right.
Jeg vil agte på uskyldiges Vej, når den viser sig for mig, vandre i Hjertets Uskyld bag Hjemmets Vægge,
3 I will not allow stay away from those who do what is evil [SYN]. I hate the deeds of those who ([turn away from/sin against]) you; I will (completely avoid those people/not allow those people to come near me).
på Niddingsdåd lader jeg aldrig mit Øje hvile. Jeg hader den, der gør ondt, han er ej i mit Følge;
4 I will not be dishonest, and I will not have anything to do with evil (OR, evil people).
det falske Hjerte må holde sig fra mig, den onde kender jeg ikke;
5 I will get rid of anyone who secretly slanders someone else, and I will not (tolerate/allow to be near me) anyone who is proud and arrogant [DOU].
den, der sværter sin Næste, udrydder jeg; den opblæste og den hovmodige tåler jeg ikke.
6 I will approve of [IDM] people in this land who (are loyal to/faithfully [obey]) [God], and I will allow them to (live with/work for) me. I will allow those who behave in such a way that no one can criticize them to (serve me/be my officials).
Til Landets trofaste søger mit Øje, hos mig skal de bo; den, der vandrer uskyldiges Vej, skal være min Tjener;
7 I will not allow anyone who deceives others to work in my palace; no one who tells lies will be allowed to continually come to [work for] me.
ingen, der øver Svig, skal bo i mit Hus, ingen, som farer med Løgn, bestå for mit Øje.
8 Every day I will [try to] get rid of all the wicked people in this land; I will [do that by] expelling them from [this] city, which is Yahweh’s city.
Alle Landets gudløse gør jeg til intet hver Morgen for at udrydde alle Udådsmænd af HERRENs By.

< Psalms 101 >